Non-date # 1

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"Hey, Princess," he says, swimming over to me.

"Hey," I say, avoiding his gaze.

A wave swells up and under us as we bob in the water.

He doesn't say anything and I finally break. "Look, sorry about forgetting our ... thing today." I borrow a term from Harp and Juan. "It's just been a real shitty few weeks, you know?"

The swells are getting bigger. He just keeps looking at me so I continue.

"I'm supposed to be in Miami with all my friends for my birthday and instead I'm stuck here." I tread water. "My boyfriend just dumped me, half these people hate me and I might still fail biology."

He's quiet for a few seconds. Water swooshes. "'Hate' might not be the right word," he says, his tone thoughtful. "Probably more along the lines of 'loathe' or 'despise.'"

I stare at him. Then burst out laughing.

"Look, I just feel sorry for you and thought the non-dates would be a good way to make you not feel like such an outcast, you know?" he says, arms moving back and forth in the water.

"Why would you care whether I feel like an outcast?" I search his face for any signs of insincerity.

"Like I said, people change." His green eyes hold mine for a heartbeat then go to my hair. "Plus, you've definitely lost a few brain cells from all that bleach, and are obviously going to need help with your report."

I look down my nose at him, slightly difficult when treading water. "I assure you all my brain cells are intact."

"Really?" His tone is light. "Wouldn't have guessed that from the company you keep."

"And you're so much better?" I can feel the tug of the tide pulling me into the current. We've been carried a good distance from Harp and Juan, who are stooping to pick up shells along the beach.

"I guess you'll never know now, will you?" One of his hands brushes mine underwater as the waves push us closer together.

"Fine." I'm unable to resist the quiet challenge in his voice. "Why don't we have our first non-date tomorrow and you can show me the 'new' Travis?"

"Sure thing, Princess. You don't have to beg." He sends a lazy grin my way.

I splash water at his face but he sees it coming and dives down.

"We better get back before we're swept out to sea," he says after popping back out of the water. He's right. The current is much stronger now.

I swim away from him toward shore. Travis must see me struggling because he swims up beside me. "You okay?"

"Fine," I pant.

"Don't worry, I won't let you drown," he says.

"How sweet." I focus on my strokes.

We touch down on the bottom of the ocean at the same time and I walk up the beach breathing hard, emotions tumbling in my body like a starfish tossed around in the surf. We reach our clothes, where Juan and Harp sit on the sand examining each other's seashell treasures.

Travis picks up my dress, brushes the sand off and hands it to me.

"Thanks." I say.

"How were the waves?" Harp asks.

"Rough," I say.

"Amazing," Travis answers at the same time.

She looks confused.

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