Back to Beautiful Reality...

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My fingers shake slightly as I pull the envelope from my backpack. We're in the lab after school. Juan's just finished screening the first edit of his documentary. I fidgeted through the entire thing, not because it isn't good — it's amazing, actually — but because of the envelope I'd brought from home this morning. An envelope holding the key to my future.

"Ready?" I glance over at Travis, who's patiently waiting for me to open the letter. As are Mr. A, Harp, Juan and Steven. Chrissy and Kiki try to look like they couldn't care less, but I see them eying it. We've reached a mutual cease-fire. They still feel terrible about the whole frog episode and are trying their hardest to be nice. I'm letting them.

When we got back to Seattle it seemed like things changed without me having to do anything at all. Sure enough, Alyssa spilled the beans that Miles and Ky were now dating. I was relieved to have an excuse to not hang out with them anymore. They're still friendly when I see them in the halls, especially Alyssa, but it's incredible how easy it was for those relationships to evaporate and for new bonds to strengthen with these people who sit around me now.

I hear Gigi's voice: You've found your tribe, Jessica.

"Just open it already, you're killing us," Harp says. She sits beside Juan. They've been together since we returned from Panama, just like Travis and me.

"I have complete faith in you, Jess," Mr. A says. "Your report was among the best I've seen. Definitely one of the most interesting to read."

"Thanks to all of you," I say, looking around, my gaze lingering on Travis. Travis stayed up late every night helping me with my report. Having a steady study partner who awards me kisses at every right answer has even bumped up my already good grades. "Whatever happens, I want you all to know I'm really glad that I was almost failing biology."

"I wouldn't go that far," Mr. A says, grinning from ear to ear. He's been doing that a lot since Lola told him she's coming for the summer, having found a temporary replacement to watch over the ark. "But we're glad you came on the trip too."

I pick at a corner and gently pull the flap. It tears slightly.

"C'mon Jess," Juan urges. "Like a Band-Aid."

I slide my finger in the hole I made and slit it all the way up. I pull out the piece of paper and scan it quickly.

"Well?" Chrissy says impatiently.

"I got in," I whisper. Reading the words over and over again to assure myself it's not a hallucination. We are pleased to offer you acceptance to the University of California, Berkeley.

Cheers erupt and Travis swings me up in a full hug. "I knew you'd get in," he says into my ear. "I'm so proud of you, Princess."

I know Gigi is too. And my parents. And Messy Jessie.

"I couldn't have done it without the frogs," I say, "or you."

"Yes, you could have." He puts me down, his hands still around my waist.

I smile up at his handsome face. "You're right, I could have."

"I can't believe we're almost finished with high school," Harp says, sounding wistful.

"Trust me, guys, there are many more adventures waiting out there for you," Mr. A says.

"Speaking of which, my next documentary's going to be about the disappearing orangutans in Indonesia," Juan says. "What's everyone doing for summer vacation?" 


Thank you so much for reading this book! I cannot describe the love I have for all of you and for all your comments, votes and follows!  If you enjoyed the book and have a moment to spare, I'd love if you gave it a quick review on Amazon :)

And if you liked KISSING FROGS, my next book, SUMMER CONSTELLATIONS was just published by KCP Loft and editor Kate Egan (The Hunger Games). It's been getting great reviews and is available to order on Amazon, B&N and fine bookstores in Canada, the US, UK and Germany!

Please stay in touch via Social Media @alishasevigny 

Or check out my website at and I promise I will be back with more exclusive stories for Wattpad!

Happy Reading and Writing! May the words be ever in your favour.

xoxo Alisha

xoxo Alisha

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Julia Ducharme is ready for a fresh start. Her little brother has finally recovered from a serious illness, and now she just wants to enjoy peak season at the campground her family owns. Maybe this will be the year her annual summer fling with Dan Schaeffer becomes something more?

But her summer dreams are quickly shattered. First, Dan arrives for vacation with a new girlfriend in tow, and then Julia discovers this may be her last summer in the only home she's ever known.

Crushing medical bills have brought her single mom to the brink of bankruptcy, and a wealthy developer is sniffing around the campground. He sees what Julia sees: lush woods, a pristine lake, miles of trails for adventure. Unlike Julia, he thinks this is the perfect spot for a casino resort.

Heartbroken and afraid, Julia looks to the stars for some perspective. Taking her telescope down to the dock one night, she has a chance encounter with a guitar-playing boy who offers some helpful advice. Too bad this handsome stranger is the developer's son, Nick Constantine.

As plans for a resort move forward, Julia is desperate to find a solution that doesn't mean leaving the lake. Nick, in turn, is desperate to separate himself from his father's aggressive business tactics. He promises that, together, they can thwart the sale.

But can Julia trust him to conspire against his own father? And could she ever she trust him with her heart?

SUMMER CONSTELLATIONS is a story of lost summers, hidden treasure and love written in the stars. It is also a thoughtful reflection on what it means to love --- and leave --- one's childhood home.

A couple of reviews of SUMMER CONSTELLATIONS

"I devoured this story in one sitting. I couldn't put it down and found myself captivated by the romance sparking between Nick and Julia. There's so much bad in their past that it helps them to bond and it's also very real to others who have dealt with relatives dying or the impending loss of a home. The ending is one of the best I've read in a while and I loved how everything came together."

– YA Bookshelf

A coming of age tale with an environmental angle, Summer Constellations, sparkles with humour and sizzles with a dreamy romance, hitting all the right notes, leaving the reader satisfied. An excellent choice for those who enjoy a smart summer romance layered with varied and well developed characters who are as natural and refreshing as a summer breeze off the lake."
– BR Myers

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