Shut up and Dance with Me

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We follow him and Carlos in the direction of the thumping beats. Chrissy and Kiki walk beside them and Harp with Steven and Juan close behind. Travis and I trail.

"How's your pre-birthday bash going so far?" he asks me.

"Ssssh. I think everyone's forgotten." I hold a finger to my lips.

He looks at my hand. "Your ring looks pretty in the moonlight."

"Thanks to you."

"Glad to be of service." He bows, less mocking, somehow — almost charming.

"Speaking of which, I do think our last non-date deserves a do over," I say, the alcohol making me magnanimous.

"Sweet." He grins. "The fish market wasn't up to my usual standards."

"Oh?" I say. "You do this a lot then?"

Kiki turns around at that exact minute and spots us talking. She looks back at Carlos and laughs loudly at something he says.

"I think she's trying to make you jealous," I say.

"That only works if you have feelings for the person." His voice is soft.

"You don't?"

"She's a nice girl, but not really my type."

"And what's that?"

He smiles, mysterious, and avoids my question. "Speaking of, Enrique keeps staring at you," he says. "Is there something going on between you guys?"

"We're ... friendly," I say.

"I think he'd like to be more than friendly," Travis whispers.

"Don't be ridiculous. Enrique flirts with everyone." But something about what Travis says unsettles me.

We reach the club entrance. It resembles a cave from prehistoric times, a place the Flintstones would come to party. I turn the conversation back to him. "You never said what your type is."

"It seems I have the same taste as our gracious host." He looks at Enrique, who's holding the slab of a door open for us to walk in. I stop suddenly at his remark and he bumps into me, not expecting my abrupt halt. I twist my head to look up at him.

He swallows and looks down at me. "Can we go for a walk?"

At the exact same time Enrique calls, "Jess, are you coming?"

Everyone else has gone inside. The moon glints off of Travis's green eyes while sultry music beckons from behind Enrique. I look back and forth between the two.

"Are you coming?" Enrique repeats. His broad tanned shoulders go up, questioning.

Travis doesn't say anything, but stands there looking at me.

"I, um..."

Harp pokes her head out. "Jess, get in here, quick."

"Coming." Flustered and grateful for the out, I shoot Travis an apologetic look and follow Harp inside. It takes a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to the dark and my ears to the drum-bursting speakers. I look to see Enrique and Travis enter behind me. Travis doesn't look happy. Confused by the sudden turn of events, I let Harp guide me to the bar where the bartender lights drinks on fire. He slides a flaming drink down the length of the bar to Juan, who catches it and deftly shoots it back to the cheers of the crowd.

"That's his third," she says.

Juan places the empty shot glass upside down on the bar and turns to us.

"This place is awesome." His eyes are glassy under the strobe lights.

"Maybe you should slow down," I shout over the music.

"I've never felt like this before."

"You've never drank before either?"

"Not even a little bit." He hiccups, swaying.

Momentarily distracted from the soap opera that is becoming my life, I get three waters from the bartender and give one each to Harp and Juan. Good thing I have lots of practice taking care of intoxicated friends. I normally don't like the taste of most alcohol. Then again, I've never had a real piña colada before.

"Let's go dance," I say. Getting away from the bar is probably a good idea, and sweating out some booze won't hurt either. We head onto a dance floor with lit-up fluorescent squares. It's packed and everyone's moving. Time passes in a blur as we bop around like maniacs. Juan and Harp are having a great time. I try not to think of the look on Travis's face. Or Enrique's for that matter.

"There's Kiki and Chrissy," Harp shouts and points at the girls who are dancing with Carlos and Steven. I look around for Travis but can't see him. A slow song comes on as everyone catches their breath and Enrique walks up to me.

"Do you want to dance?" he asks.

I look at Harp and Juan who are swaying together. They deserve some time off from their third wheel.

"Sure." I wipe my damp forehead with the back of my hand.

Enrique's muscular arms encircle my waist and pull me close. My arms go up around his neck. He's a very good dancer. Are all Latin guys born knowing how to move their hips? I still feel the drinks in my system. The dim lights, loud music and large crowd make me feel invisible.

I look up at Enrique to thank him for bringing us here. At the same time he moves his head and his mouth comes down on mine. I freeze like a frog in headlights. His lips are soft and warm but somehow not quite right. I pull away.

"Sorry." He smiles, eyes appearing almost black as they stare into mine. "I couldn't resist."

I struggle to think of something offhand to say and turn my head to look for help in Harp and Juan, who are a few feet away. Instead, I catch Travis's eye. He's standing at the bar, staring at us with an unreadable expression on his face. No — scratch that — it's definitely readable. He looks pissed.

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