Confessions over dish-washing

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We get back to the villas just in time for dinner. I try Ky on the phone one more time. No answer. Big surprise. I walk out to the bohío where Harp's running around frantically, checking on pizzas that Enrique's barbecuing to crispy spheres. She looks frazzled. Wisps of hair escape her normally impeccable French braids. Maybe cooking is also not her thing. Travis sees me enter and sends an affable smile my way. I return it.

"Okay, I think we're ready." Harp's out of breath. She grabs the inhaler from her pocket and takes a quick puff.

We sit down to eat in our usual spots, with Lola joining Mr. A and Hector and Carlita for the second evening in a row.

I take a bite of my pizza. "Mmm, yum," I assure Harp who looks anxiously at me. Then laughs.

"What?" I say.

"You have something," Enrique murmurs, reaching across the wooden table. He's joined us since he helped with dinner. His fingers lightly brush against my cheek and come away with a gooey piece of cheese string, which he surreptitiously wipes off on his plate. I want to die.

"Yeah, relax. It's pizza, not rocket science," Juan says to Harp.

"Rocket science is easier," she informs him.

"It's okay, bella," Enrique says. "I told you my secret sauce would be amazing."

"It's really good," I say, hands going to my face with a napkin, discreetly seeking out any more rogue cheese. "What's in it?"

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you." Enrique grins. "Or marry you. It's a family recipe only Gonzalezes are allowed to know."

"I think I'd prefer the second." I lick my fingers.

"Get in line," Chrissy calls. "This sauce is incredible."

"How were your square trees?" I ask Juan.

He shrugs. "Cool. The bases were more square than the tops but we got some great shots. How were your mud baths?"

"Good. That reminds me," I say to Harp. "I brought you back some mud."

"What? None for me?" Juan affects a wounded look.

"You don't need it," I assure him.

"You ladies don't either," Enrique says. "Your skin es muy hermosa."

I look at Harp.

"Gorgeous," she mouths silently.

We finish up dinner. It's tricky to look gorgeous while eating pizza with your hands, but I do my best. People bring their plates over to the outdoor kitchen area of the bohío.

A smooth voice comes up behind me. "Can I sneak you away for another surfing lesson?"

I turn. "Uh, I'd love to but—"

"She's got dish duty." Travis walks between Enrique and me, thrusting an apron into my arms.

"Sorry to hear that," Enrique says smiling, keeping his eyes on me. "Another time then?"

"Um, sure."

Travis makes a rude noise and the tendons in Enrique's neck tighten, but he's all smiles as he waves good-bye to everyone and leaves the bohío.

I'm left standing with Travis, holding my apron. "I'll wash, you dry this time," he says as we walk over to the mini kitchen. He's already wearing his apron, the sink filling up with water and soapy bubbles.

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