That was close...

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I swoop down over treetops at breathtaking speed. I open my eyes and don't take them off the landing area or stop screaming the entire time. When I get close to the end, I pull down on the cable to slow myself and put my feet up, bracing for impact. Hefty helps me brake, and before I know it I'm touching solid ground again.

My stomach is in my chest. My heart is in my throat.

"You did it!" Travis grabs me and gives me a hug. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

It wasn't.

In fact, it's the biggest rush I've ever had.

"Let's do the next one." I look up at him, eager to continue the tour.

He laughs, his eyes sparkling. "Knew you'd love it. This time try to look around and take in the scenery."

We do two more lines, each one steeper and longer than the last. It's exhilarating to soar through the canopy, over streams and trees, the wind rushing in your face. It really is like flying.

"This is the last one," Travis says as we reach the fourth line. "It goes by the waterfall."

"Can I go first this time?" I ask, feeling brave.

"But of course, Princess" he says, one hand showing the way.

"Cut it out," I say, too euphoric to mind much.

Our other guide, who Travis introduces as José, goes first again. He flies down lightning fast until he's just a speck below.

I step up to the final wooden platform. It's scarier knowing Travis won't be waiting on the other side. I hear the waterfall to my right. This time I look down. And down. It's the steepest and longest cable yet.

"I can go first if you want." Travis senses my hesitation.

"No, I'm okay," I say, exhaling deeply.

Arturo hooks me up and steps back, holding the cables tight.

I walk off the edge of the world.

Remembering to look around, I drink in my surroundings. Then I feel myself stop even though I'm not braking. What's happening? Terror blooms. Maybe there's something wrong with the wires. I come to a complete halt, stuck halfway between both platforms. Oh God. I knew this was a bad idea. My eyes clench and my breath hitches. I'm having a panic attack. I'm going to die.

"Jess," I hear Travis shout. "Open your eyes."

I peer through slit lids. El Chorro Macho gushes down the rock face in all its regal glory. Water splashes through a dazzling rainbow arcing over the falls. I can almost reach out and touch it. Arturo just stopped me so I could get a good look at the falls. I'm not going to die after all.

"Okay?" Travis shouts.

"Okay," I shout back.

Arturo releases the cable and I'm flying again, over the wide river, whizzing through trees. I pull down on the wire to brake almost gracefully at the end.

"Algo natura." José smiles at me.

I'm beaming as he unhooks me from the cable. Travis goes next and Arturo stops him in the same spot. Travis snaps a few pictures with a small camera from his pocket.

He reaches us a minute later.

"Did you see the rainbow?" I dance from foot to foot, buzzing.

"Yeah." José unhooks Travis and he takes a step toward me, smiling. "Pretty sweet, huh?"

"Sweet? It was amazing!" A surge of adrenaline propels me into his arms, my legs wrapping tightly around his waist as I leap up. His arms go to catch me and he holds me there a few beats, our faces inches apart. I feel his heart pounding in matching rhythm to mine. Suddenly aware this is a very intimate position, I drop to the ground.

"Sorry." My face is hot. "I just got a bit carried away."

Travis smiles. "No problem." His voice is soft.

I see José hide his own smile. A few minutes later Arturo is at our side.

"You want photo?" he asks shyly.

"Thanks, buddy." Travis holds out his camera. He stands beside me and I look at the camera, a giant grin on my face. We both give a big thumbs-up.

We walk the rest of the way down the trail, reaching the forest floor. The guides go ahead and indicate we should have a look around the waterfall.

"That was so fun." I'm unable to keep a goofy smile off my face.

"So you're an adrenaline junkie now?" Travis asks, his voice teasing.

"First surfing, now zip-lining." I do another little dance. My arms go up in an arc, my feet skip along the ground as I spin. A tree root catches between my flip-flop and the bottom of my foot. I pitch sideways. Two warm arms encircle and right me.

"Careful," Travis says. "You don't want to survive zip-lining to be taken out by a root." He grins at me and my heart does a little twirl.

I feel like an idiot. "Thanks." My chest thuds. Must be the adrenaline.

"Is that what you were doing with Enrique yesterday? Surfing?" Travis asks, curious. "That's why you forgot our non-date?"

For some reason his question rankles.

I step back. "We should get going. Everyone's probably wondering where we are."

"Look, you don't have to tell me what you were doing. It's none of my business."

"You certainly ask a lot of questions about things that aren't your business." I think of Sara and Annika, and a guilty feeling that's becoming all too familiar arises, accompanied by annoyance. The guy's nice to me for a few days and I'm confiding in him like some sappy Dear Abby reader? Not to mention literally throwing myself into his arms.

"It's called conversation, Jess." He scratches his arm.

"Well, can we end it?" My good mood has fizzled.

"Whatever you say." A baffled expression crosses his face.

We reach the entrance. I go leave Arturo and José each a five dollar tip, say adiós, then hop on my bike riding in the direction we came. I reach a fork at the end of the dirt road and brake, unsure of which way to turn.

"It's left," Travis says, riding up behind me.

"I know," I lie, staring straight ahead, my chin high.

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