Everything Has Changed

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I guide Destiny through the trees as fast as I can, feeling a sense of urgency despite Travis's theory about the snake. I let her have her lead, hoping she takes us back to the stables. The elation sparked by his kisses is tempered by my worry. What if he's wrong? No, he'll be fine. He's going to be alright. I repeat the words in my head like a mantra as I clutch the reins.

I see a stream that looks familiar. Next is the bridge. I'm going the right way. Relief floods my body. We crest a small hill and I see the ranch in the distance. A shout goes up when I'm spotted. I ride Destiny to the fence where Rodrigo waits with Mr. A, Lola, Juan and Harp. Mariposa prances around restlessly behind them.

"Jess, what's wrong?" Mr. A takes in my sodden state. "Where's Travis?"

"Back in the woods, there was a snake—" I jump off Destiny. Rodrigo turns and heads for the stables. Lola gets out her phone and calls someone, her voice low and rapid.

"What did it look like?" Juan asks, forcefully pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Green. Thin. Long." I focus on getting air into my bruised lungs. "A little yellow on the underside. Travis said it's not dangerous."

"Sounds like an arboreal vine snake," Juan's shoulders relax a bit. "He should be okay."

"Should? Should?" The drama of the last few hours hits me full force and I burst into tears as Rodrigo comes back with three horses. Harp comes up and puts an arm around me.

"Jess," Mr. A says, "can you take us to him?'

"Yes, I remember the way." I try to calm down. "It's not too far."

"Harp and I will stay here and wait for the doctor," Lola says.

"Juan, you should stay here too," Mr. A says, getting on his horse.

"No can do, Mr. A," he says, eyes flashing behind misty glasses. "Besides you might need my help."

Mr. A shakes his head but doesn't argue.

The four of us jump on our horses as they wave us off. Mr. A and Rodrigo head in the direction I just came from. Juan and I follow their quick trot. He too looks like a professional equestrian.

"Let me guess," I ask, "science camp?"

"Nah, private lessons," he responds, his eyes scouring the land. The rain's almost stopped.

Rodrigo turns his head, questioning.

"Over the bridge," I point.

We make our way to the wooden structure.

"How did you know we were here?" I ask Juan.

"Travis told me what you guys were doing," he said. "When the storm came up Harp and I got Mr. A and Lola and told them where we thought you went."

We reach the field quickly. I lead them through trampled bushes and broken trees. Mariposa's crazed path is easy to follow.

"There!" I shout, spotting Travis, against the tree where I'd left him. His eyes are closed.

Then he opens them and his smile shines like the sun coming out from the clouds.

"My princess in soaking wet armor," he jokes.

Rodrigo and Mr. A jump off their horses and help him up. The two of them are able to get him on the back of Rodrigo's horse with only a few grunts of pain from Travis.

"Oxybelis fulgidus?" Juan says from his horse, referring to the snake's Latin name.

"You know it, brother," Travis says, his face looking a bit pale.

"Drama queen," Juan snorts, but I can tell he's relieved.

"Everyone all set?" Mr. A asks, looking at Travis, who nods from behind Rodrigo.

We ride.


I lay in the dark, wide awake. The ring of a phone downstairs has me sitting up and clutching at my thin sheet. I hear Lola murmuring.

"Sí, sí ... I will tell them..." I can't catch the rest of the conversation.

I get out of bed and creep downstairs, my ribs protesting. Lola hangs up the phone and sits there, her head in her hands, long dark hair spilling through her fingers.

"Lola?" I whisper, terrified despite everyone's assurance that the snake's venom is indeed mild.

Her sigh of relief has me realizing I'm not the only one who was worried. "He's going to be just fine, Jess."

"He is?" Tears fill my eyes, falling down my cheeks. I don't bother to wipe them away.

"The doctors have wrapped up his calf and are keeping him overnight just in case."

"So he's going to be okay?" My nails bite into my palms.

She smiles at me. "He's a strong boy. His leg may be sore for a few days, but it's nothing some rest can't fix." She walks over and gives me a hug. "You were very brave, Jessica," she says, her voice soothing. I realize I'm holding my breath and I exhale and inhale again. Lola smells of sunshine and the mild antiseptic we use when handling the frogs.

He's going to be alright.


I wake to sunlight streaming through sheer curtains. There's movement beside me on the bed.

"Good morning, Princess," Travis says, lying on his side, his head propped up on one hand, elbow on my pillow.

I'm so shocked to see him I don't even worry how I must look.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, my arms going around him in a delighted rush.

"Catching up on my beauty sleep." He rolls his eyes. "Waiting for you to wake up. It's one in the afternoon. Everyone else is at the center."

I'd finally passed out sometime around 4:00 a.m., emotionally and physically exhausted. Everyone must have let me sleep.

"They let you out of the hospital? You're okay? Let me see your leg," I demand.

He obliges, holding up a bandaged calf. "Didn't even need antivenin."

I become very aware our bodies are pressed close together in the twin bed. Suddenly shy, I lower my eyes.

One hand comes up to lift my chin. "And despite the venom being mild, they also said that whoever put on the tourniquet was really thinking." His beautiful eyes look into mine.

"I can't stand to think of anything happening to you," I blurt.

"Why?" he teases. "You stuck on your report?"

"No." I look into his eyes without flinching. "Because you are my type."

"Really?" He lifts an eyebrow. "I'm very glad to hear that," he murmurs.

He lowers his mouth to mine and kisses me. Tingles course along my entire body, like an electric current just under my skin. My mouth is made for his and there's nothing in the world more right than this.

"Ahem." A throat clears.

We pull apart, flushed, and look up to see Carlita standing in the doorway, arms crossed, a wry expression on her face.

"Are you two hungry?" she asks.

Travis looks at me and smiles. "Starving."

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For all the writers out there: Where do you get your inspiration from?

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