Jess and the Massive Eff Up

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"These guys are too cute," Harp says as we look at the frogs. "I'm really going to miss them."

"I know," I say. We're finishing up our second to last day at the center. Have we only been here just over a week? Juan's out front giving a guided tour to some visitors. He's memorized everything there is to know about each of the exhibits.

"So what's happening with you and Travis?" Harp asks as we cut up bamboo. He sat with us at dinner last night, much to Kiki's fury. I'd felt her eyes on my back all through the meal and again this morning in the van. Travis's calf is feeling a lot better, so he came up with us to the center today.

"I'm not sure." I don't want to get too ahead of myself. "I mean, I really like him and the chemistry's great, but we lead pretty different lives." The truth is, I don't exactly know what's happening. We haven't had any time alone to talk. Everyone keeps asking us to retell our adventure. Plus, he had epic phone calls with his mom trying to convince her she didn't need to fly down, that he's fine and will be home in a few days. Then this morning he went for an early appointment at the clinic to get his leg checked out. I snip another piece of bamboo. "Who knows what will happen when we go back home."

"Opposites attract," Harp says. "Besides, I think you're a good match in the areas that count."

"Like what?" I ask.

"Well, you already said you have chemistry." She holds up her thumb, counting off her fingers. "You're both intelligent." She holds up an index finger.

"Him, more so," I say. Harp waves away my comment.

"You share similar interests." Up goes the middle finger for three.

"Like what?"

"Conservation?" She looks at me hopefully.

I can't help but smile. "Definitely a new interest, but sure, I'll give you that one."

Looking pleased with herself, she continues, holding up her ring finger. "You both want the same things."

"Travis wants to pass biology too?" I clasp my hands together earnestly, all wide eyes and more than a little sarcastic.

She ignores me. "You want to go to college, which Travis also wants to do. You have the same goals — that's important."

"Except he's a lot closer to accomplishing his," I say.

"Face it, Jess, you're made for each other," she says. "And what do you mean? You're going to rock out your report, pass bio with flying colors, and get into Berkeley, no problem. Which is only a few hours from UCLA, I might add."

"Just like that? Oh, well then, easy peasy lemon squeezy."

Up goes her pinky. "I forgot to add you're both a little cheesy." She smugly holds five fingers up to my face.

I throw a piece of bamboo at her and she ducks, giggling.

Juan walks in, flushed with triumph from his tour.

"How was it?" Harp asks.

"He did great." Lola comes in behind him. "Juan, why don't you help Harp with the bamboo and let Jess give out the vitamins today?"

"Sure," he says, generous.

I'm jittery as I walk over to the cages with Lola. Taking a deep breath, I pull on a pair of gloves and set to work under her watchful eye. I very carefully distribute the tiny calcium coated insects into the cages, keeping a close eye on the frogs. The last thing I want is to be responsible for the loss of an entire species.

Kissing Frogs - A Tropical FairytaleWhere stories live. Discover now