Chapter 3:The Kiss...Again

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I  only did two chapters and I already have 100 views.
I love all of you,your the best.
I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.

I'm sorry for keeping you waiting

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POV Alessandra Siciliano

Feeling the sudden change made me scoot down the couch uncomfortably,the skin attached red silk dress was to short and to exposing for me.I was more comfortable in thick  jumpers and jeans,this was far from comfortable I wondered how Alessia could even walk in this sinful dress.

I folded my legs,as I mirrored the picture frame which hung on the living room wall above the fireplace.Petrov sat in a comfortable couch legs crossed in a shape of the number four,while she had her palm on his shoulders standing behind him.

A few hours had passed,I did not leave the room which I was brought too;getting lost would catch many eyes. Sitting in the quiet library, staring at the enlarged painting which hung on the wall, the fear settled in the depth of my stomach of what would happen if I got caught... if Alissa got caught!

Knock knock

I jumped up startled, I watched as the door creeked open and a maid walked in, her smile was wide and fake,it didn't reach her blue eyes.
"It's time for dinner."She spoke making my eyes widened, dinner? Was that how long I had been here for?
Nodding my head politely I followed behind, making sure to silently look around and print the image of this place. So far I had seen, an empty hallway which held several doors and the other hallway to my left held a enormous cinema room, the door was seethrough.

"Sir Nikolaev has sent his apologies for not being able to attend dinner." The maid spoke as we walked down multiple stairs to reach the kitchen.
"Do you know when he would be back?" I asked. Not looking at her as I tried to mirror Alessia's expressions, the dreaded feeling remained and it had been less than twenty four hours and I already wanted to go back home.

"No Madame. Sir Nikolaev can come anytime, early, late or sometimes he would not come home till the next sunrise." My eyebrows arched as she spoke, this was the life Alessia was living where her husband would not even bother to come home to even show himself to her and let her know he is alive.

"You do not need to tell me stuff I already know." I snapped. That had taken the maid by surprise,  I fastened my pace walking away from the maid when I realised I did not know where the dining hall is.
"Will you hurry up." I yelled, I heard her footsteps hurry before she stood beside me and our walk continued. It was not long before we entered the dining table of  10 seats with one long table, approaching the furthest chair from my kitchen I pulled it out only to stop.

"Your not siting on your usual seat today?" The maid questioned making me freeze, there was a seating plan for the dining table as well. I gulped my spit as I looked around the large table and wondered where my allocated seat actually is.
"Right. Set the food on the table and call me." I ordered the maid who bowed her head and left to complete the task given, pushing the chair back into the dining table I left to look out from the glass windows.

"Madame, the food is set." The voice of the maid, brought me back to my sense as I turned around and approached the table, only to realise Alissa's chair was beside the head of the house chair. Which meant Petrov must sit on the head chair.
Relaxing myself on the chair, the intoxicating aroma of chicken and roasted potatoes made my stomach growl.

Just as I picked up my knife to get ready to eat, the sound of bag dropping made my look up.
I froze in my spot as maids scurried towards him, picking up his bag and taking his blazer of him. Another male maid approached with a golden plate, Petrov removed his metallic gun and placed it on the plate before sending him away.

"Great. Just in time for dinner." Petrov whispered as he approached me and pecked my lips... again.
"I'm going to freshen up and when I come back have my food set." He ordered the maid in an emotionless tone, making a shiver run though my body, goosebumps rising.

Finally gaining my senses back, I dug into my dinner.
"How was your day, Prekrasnaya zhena?" He questioned, totally oblivious to what he said in what I assumed was Russian, I decided to ignore him and answer the question.

"Boring." I tried to answer how I would imagine Alessia would answer if she was in my position.
"Take my credit card and go shopping tomorrow." He spoke placing a black card in front of me, I forced my eyebrows from arching my eyebrows at him. Did he believe that happiness can come from money, was this the reason for Alessia for finding love outside of marriage.

"No." I answered pushing the card back to him, I watched as he froze, his mouth closed and his knife in his hand which still had meat on it.
"You never say no to shopping?" He questioned, my toes curl up. Obviously Alessia would never say no to shopping.

"Well I don't feel it." I said with attitude, I stood up wiping my mouth and hands with a napkin.
"Please excuse me." I whispered before walking away.

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