Chapter 11:Clenched Knot

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POV Alessandra Siciliano

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POV Alessandra Siciliano

Folding the shirts neatly and placing it inside the suitcase before repeating the process, I then did the same to the trouser.
It was a few hours before Petrov would leave for the trip, as treading the thought was I could do nothing.

I sighed as I zipped the small luggage which held clothes which would last him the week, the shower was running. As I began to think about how I would not have Petrov near me for an entire week, the cold bed which would not had his heat against me or the small flirtatious words would be gone.

"Madame, I have prepared breakfast for you and Sir Nikolaev. Can I have permission to leave." Paige requested, she was the same maid I had met a few days ago. The same day I had come to acknowledge my sisters pregnancy.

"Call me Alessia, I have told you to address me by my first name before." I spoke she nodded her head and lowered her eyes.
"I apologies Mad-Alessia." I smiled as she called me by the name even if it was my sisters name, she had still addressed me with the name I had wanted.

"Paige, you can take your leave. I'll see you after two days." I smiled, Paige bowed in respect once again before leaving. Most maids had decided to take the week off till New Years, Paige wanted only two days vacation leave which was I had told to take longer as other maids would be gone. As Petrov would not be here, there was no need for maids to be around, I was capable of looking after myself.

"Is everything packed." It was Petrov, he walked out of the bathroom in nothing but a thick white towel which was wrapped securely around his waist.
"Yes, and so is breakfast so get changed and come down." I spoke, Petrov nodded his head approaching the cupboard and pulled out a white shirt. Deciding to help him, I walked to the white drawer and pulled it open there were several ties neatly folded and placed. Most were dark, dull colours but there were some white were light colours.

"What colour is your Tux?" I asked, without turning to look at him as I looked at the ties.
"Black." Was his answer, nodding my head I grabbed a grey tie which was branded, it had threaded grey designs.

"Here let me help." I whispered, wrapping the tie around his neck before helping him do his tie. I was well aware that he was capable of doing his own tie, but I still wanted to do this.
"I'll be back before New Years and we will plan to go somewhere, just you and me." He whispered, I smiled before neatly pulling his blazer together.

"I will wait for you." I whispered, he hummed and leaned pressing our lips together before we pulled away.
"I will miss you dearly, my love." He whispered back. I could feel myself blushing as I leaned my head on to his chest as he chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.

"Okay enough, let's go down before breakfast gets cold." I pulled away, he chuckled once again realising I wanted to change the subject, we walked down the flights of stairs before arriving at the kitchen. We settled down and began to eat our food which consisted of scrabbled eggs, toasted bread, and three sausages it was a typical English breakfast.

"Is this business related or Mafia?" I asked, Petrov sliced his sausage and place it in his mouth before finishing chewing it and swallowing it.
"Mafia. We have a lead to the Cierra Treasure,  we may finally have it." I have heard about this treasure, it held something no one knew but it was enough to make everyone run after it. It was said to have been a treasure of the Nikolaev before stolen and hidden somewhere far away.

"I thought that was just a rumour." I whispered, finishing the remainder of the breakfast.
"Never was, its time for the treasure to come back to its owner." He whispered as if he was in deep thoughts, I wondered what was inside the treasure.

"Do you know what is inside?" I asked, curious to what was inside.
"No, but I know it is important." Was all he said before his phone rang and informed that it was his time to leave. I stood up wrapping my arms around him, hugging him good bye.

"Good bye." I whispered, pecking his lips.
"Never say goodbye my love, say see you soon:"he whispered, I chuckled and pulled away.
"See you soon." I whispered. A smile appeared on his lips as he gave me a final kiss before grabbing his luggage and walking away.

I watched as he walked out the door, I turned and sighed. My stomach clenched into a knot as if something was going to happen and I was unsure, it scared me to think what was to come.

I decided to wash the dishes and take a walk in the garden, as I grabbed the two plates I made it to the kitchen washing them and placing them neatly where they belong.

I turned making my way to the garden, I looked at the beautiful flowers which were scattered around.

DoorBell ring

I wanted to ignore it but remembered there was no maids around, I stood up assuming it was Petrov forgetting something and made my way to the front door.

Pulling it open the smile that was on my face disappeared, I felt like my life had been stolen from my soul. That my heart was squeezed and thrown away like trash.

"Alessia." I whispered as I stared at her, face held smudged makeup her mascara was running down her face, her eyes were red and swollen. Her blonde hair was into a messy bun as if she was rushed here, my eyes moved from her to the black car behind her and there stood father staring at the two of us.

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