Chapter 23:Love Him Silently

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POV Alessandra Siciliano

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POV Alessandra Siciliano

There was one thing which I lacked, it was with everyone but it did not always bring good it depended on destiny if it would lead thing to a good future of a bad and that was luck. Luck had a huge hand in my life, but not for the best. It was just me poor luck that it was my sister who wedded the man I love, it was my poor luck that I still gave him my heart and refused to take it back even after Alessia returned and I went back and it was my poor luck that I carried the child of a married man.

And my unborn child will be misfortunate to carry the same luck, as he would be looked down on, disappointed and disgusted not having the name or presence of a father in his life. He would be unknown to who created him, even if the man who be always there.

As much as I only wanted to blame my sister for how my life took a one eighty turn, and flipped over. I knew I had an equal hand it ruining myself, if I hadn't been stupid enough to fall into the manipulative words of my sister and the way she made me carry taking advantage of what I needed at that moment I would not be in this position.

I was stupid for remaining in love with him, even though I saw his eyes only look at her. I sometimes thought he looked at her trying to find me, the women who was in disguise as Alessia and bedded the man. But I had never had the intentions of becoming A mother.

But do I regret becoming a mother?

The truthful answer was no, I did not regret and I was unsure if I should. Alessia may carry the name of Petrov but she had never seen what I had, she may lay on the bed beside Petrov but she had never felt the loving kisses of his. She had never made the bed and laid on it, I had and I loved each and every moment of it.

But no matter what I felt or what I wanted, I knew I could not fall a victim to my desire. I had promised myself I would not attempt to make him mine when he was already my sisters, I would leave them for peace and I will just after I make sure there would be nothing between Alessia and Paul.

I sat amongst the two silently eating my dinner, avoiding any gazes or talking. I did not lie when I said I did not want to have any knowledge of Alessia's existence unless it was necessary till the time I remained here. But the other reason I was avoid any eye contact was because of the scene what had taken place in the bathroom.

I could feel his intense stare ever since I had taken my seat but I did not dare to look at him.

I heard him clear his throat, making me bite harder into the piece of chicken which was in between my fork I bit it too hard that I felt the mental part of the four sharp almost like a stick like but stopped when I heard him speak.

"So, Alessandra. I would like to ask the name of your unborn child's father?" I almost choked on my chicken as he mentioned about the lie I had given him in Italy, I had prayed he would move on and not ask him now I had to think of another lie which would help me.

"A...Alexei." I spoke out through my rolled up tongue which made it hard to roll out the name but I had some how managed to, he nodded his head before digging into another piece of his chicken.
"I must say you are very strong from keeping the child even when your alone and you know how the Mafia society would look upon you." He spoke, he really did look impressed which made a smile appear on my lips.

"I do not need to care about others, it was my decision to fall in love and this is the result and proof of my love which I can not discard and forget." I spoke, looking at him wishing I could tell him It was him.

"Alessandra...your pregnant?" It was the moment I realised I had not mentioned it to Alessia, the look in her eyes were enough to tell me that she knew who the father was and instantly guilt clouded her eyes.
"Ohh, I just apologies for exposing your secret Alessandra, it had not been my intentions at all." Was the reply of Petrov but my eyes remained on Alessia who stared back at me.

"I am no longer hungry, if you excuse me." I stood up hearing my chair make the squeaking sound as it scrapped against the ground. I wiped my face and hands with the napkin before walking away.

I had some how found my way to the library as I had always gone to whilst I stayed here, it looked the same the frame of the wall and the books all around me.

"It's his...isn't it?" The voice behind me made me freeze, I turned looking at Alessia who approached me.
"And if it is what is it too you?" I asked, snatching my hands away from where she had placed hers.

"I have hurt you deeply, I can offer you my place. Love him, like he deserves I do not deserve it, this child needs a father and he is his biological father." I shook my head at her, couldn't believe what she was saying. Although I was very tempting having him to myself once again but I did Not want to repeat what had happened, I could not lie about my identity and live my life as Alessia.

Even if my features replicated Alessia's I was still Alessandra, my thoughts and opinions were different to her and I was not going to hide it I just was not going to express my feelings I was going to love him silently!

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