Chapter 18:The Pregnant Twins and The Tradition

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POV Alessandra Siciliano

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POV Alessandra Siciliano

"He's dead." I spoke, it pained me to utter those words but I knew ignoring this question may just return his doubts on me. I was not afraid to be called a mistake, but my child...hell no.

"How?" He inquired more, I suddenly felt as if he was interrogating me. I shifted uncomfortably, he seemed to take notice at my sudden discomfort and he raised his hands.
"Too personal, I apologies." I nodded my head at his apology, turning my attention away pretending to have my attention anywhere but at him so he would leave me alone.

But it seemed he did not understand that I wanted to be alone, or if he did he was just ignoring it.

"The phrase you said to me, 'don't say goodbye say see you soon' who told you that?" Instantly I tried to come up with an answer, I did not understand if he was being sly or if it was just an general question but at the moment he was a threat to me, he was inches away from the truth and I feared when he finds out what he would do.

"Alessia, we talk often. One day we were talking and I said goodbye and she said not to say goodbye but instead say see you soon." I casually answered back hoping my answer was believable, from his behaviour after hearing my answer seemed like he believed it.

"Unfortunately, the celebration has cut short. I have to urgently head back to Russia, with Alessia but as tradition I have taken permission from your father to come with me." I was startled by what he said, I could not possibly go back to the house which had brought me so many memories.

I would be suffocated by the memories I shared, I feared I may end up baiting myself.
"I am afraid I can not." I stated, this made his look at me with narrowed eyes. I bit my lower lips thinking of an excuse.
"Russia, umm... Russia is the place where my unborn baby's father died I could not possibly go to that country." I tried to portray a look of grieve on my face, looking down I began to hope he would believe it.

"My aunt would always say, cowering behind fear shows your weakness fighting your grief and turning them into your strength would make you strong and fearless. What I am trying to say is, you can not let an incident hold you back, if not for the celebration come to Russia for your sister. The tradition goes on in my family for centuries, I do not want to break it." His words instantly dried my throat, I knew he was not going to let it slide he was hell bent on taking me to Russia along side with him and Alessia.

"Tradition?" I questioned, he nodded his head and I awaited for him to elaborate.
"A wife to a Nikolaev leader must bring along a sister to show acceptance between two families, it's a way of showing truce. I thought Alessia did not have a sister so I did not act upon it, but now I know." I knew I would feel bad declining his offer to come, it was a tradition and his words made me want to feel guilty and at some point it had and that made me say the word I dreaded.

"Okay." I said, he looked surprised at the beginning as if he did not believe I had agreed.
"Okay?" He repeated as a question back to me, I rolled my eyes at him but a smile seemed to force its way on my face.
"Yes, okay I'll go to Russia." I spoke he nodded his head and extended his hands which I gladly accepted, I shivered as I felt the sparks and the look he gave me made me know so did he.

"What is the name of your baby daddy?" He asked, instantly my throat became dry, I wanted water. I cleared my throat and looked at him my smile lowering before it was in a thin line.
"Albert Ivanov." I came up with in on the spot, he nodded his head.
"How did he die if you don't mind me asking, because I am for sure he is not in a Mafia?" He asked, once again I felt myself become under pressure it felt as if I was in an exam under time condition and I had to answer the question in the last few minutes.

"Army. He died in war." I blurted out, I could not believe the words that I was blurting our, I knew No one that was in the army and I hoped my lie would just remain a lie.
"Well Alessandra, I hope his soul rest in peace. I will let you be and go pack, I also suggest you do the same the flight is tomorrow morning and it is an seven hour drive from here so we will leave tonight." I was shocked by his words, tonight. That was impossible, I could not believe he was letting me know last minute I did not know how long I was staying what type of clothes I needed to bring.

"How long am I staying?" I asked, he nodded his head at me.
"Two weeks, the the celebration will be held and your father will arrive, you may leave with him." I nodded my head but from the inside I was screaming, two weeks. How will I be able to cope with Alessia sleeping with him.

I just hoped the two weeks would fly quickly, and I would be able to come back to Italy to hide my secret and keep it to myself.

"Excuse me, I will take my leave...I better get packing." I spoke side stepping from him, before walking around him and towards the office of my father, I was angry that my father did not inform me earlier he knew about the child and Petrov. Why would he agree?

I stormed into my fathers office furious and enraged he looked up from his work staring at me with a knowing look.

"How could you!"

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