Chapter 12:The Virgin

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POV Alessandra Siciliano

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POV Alessandra Siciliano

Silenced filled the living room, no one dared to speak. Alessia was staring down at her fingers, I was staring into space and father was glaring at Alessia.

"Speak up you disonore." (Disgrace) father yelled loudly, both me and Alessia gasped at our fathers anger. We had rarely seen him angry and never to us.
"Papa, I am sorry." She whispered, but I could see from fathers face he was far from accepting her apology.

"Infidelity, is that what we have taught you?" Asked father, he looked ashamed, hurt as he looked towards his daughter. I remember father telling us we were his pride, and now we had let him down.
"I do not love him, papa." She cried, as much as I knew she reserved everything father was doing but I was her twin. As fake and rubbish it sounded her pain was felt by me.

"Papa please,  she's not in the correct mindset." I whispered, defending my sister. Fathers glare shifted from Alessia to me.
"Alessandra, she has done you wrong. Played with not only yours but petrovs feelings, she was going to break the alliance and ruin the name of Siciliano." Father yelled his thick Italian accent was deep and clear.

"I am angry, she had taken advantage of my weakness and has broken our bond. She no longer is my sister, but this is not our house father. We must be calm and take things slowly." I announced, Alessia's sobs grew loud.
"Alessandra, I'm sorry." She cried but I looked away, she had pained me enough. I would forgive her but not now, not when I am in pain.

"You will stop crying, and return to being the wife of Petrov Nikolaev." Father yelled, Alessia nodded her head but not once did she look father in the eyes. I wondered if father knew she was pregnant, I decided not to say a word.
"Papa, let Paul go. Please." She cried, it was then my head snapped towards Alessia at the mention of Paul. Paul had been Alessia and my personal guard when we lived back with father before Alessia was married off and I went to London.

"That Bastardo will be sent back to his father, that illegitimate bastard has crossed his limit." (bastard) Father yelled, anger filled his eyes but I knew he was not dumb to kill Paul he was the bastard child of Peter Ambrose. Peter Ambrose was a good friend of my father, he had no involvement in Mafia he was a millionaire.

"Papa, do not do that, please. He wants to be a body guard, if he goes back he will be behind the shadows of his father." The concern in her voice was clearly heard, I had never heard Alessia sound concern for someone other than father and myself.

"Do not tell me what I need to do, Alessia. You have made enough trouble, you have burnt his dreams into ashes yourself." Father growled animalistically, it reminded me of an angry wolf ready to attack.
"Father please." I whispered trying to calm him down, he sighed closing his eyes combing his fingers into his hair. He inhaled and exhaled, before reopening his eyes.

"Alessandra, dear. Go get ready, we will be leaving in an hour." My heart clenched at the thought of leaving, not being able to see Petrov again made me want to drop to my knees and sob. But I knew he was not mine, he never was.

"Yes papa." I whispered, rushing upstairs. I ran to the bedroom and fell on the bed crying. Sobbing for the love I felt, sobbing for what I was leaving behind and sobbing that I was in love with my brother in law.

Wiping my fallen tears I stripped naked and walked into the hot water allowing it to relax my body, I would never come between Petrov and Alessia again.

I walked out in a robe and wore another dress of Alessia , I looked at myself in the mirror and realised I was playing a joke on myself. If Petrov knew who I was then he would never had done what he did with me, he thought I was his wife;Alessia.

"Andra." Alessia voice came snapping me out of my thought, my eyes snapped from the mirror to the girl who sat on the bed that she owned, but I was a guest who was used to warm it up for her husband.
"I am selfish, I love to get everything my way...because I saw how much everyone loved you. I am a bitch and that's who I am, I can not be like you...When my proposal for marriage came with Petrov I was forced to act like you. But I never found love in Petrov hell I never slept with him." I was shocked with everything she was telling me, I always knew Petrov and her were sexually active. She had told me herself.

"I do not believe you." I whispered, fresh tears welled up in my eyes.
"When you slept with him, did he never question why there was blood on the bed?" She asked and it was then I realised, she was right!

"Why?" I asked, she shrugged her shoulder and let out a low laugh.
"We weren't compatible, but the alliance was necessary both side. We decided to give our wedding a try, start off slow before gradually building our relationship." She paused as she looked at me as if awaiting for my reaction.

"But it was when you realised that you could never love anyone like you loved Paul Ambrose, you never loved Petrov." I whispered, it some how made me feel glad that Petrov had only been inside of me and not Alessia.

"Do you love Petrov?"Yes! I wanted to yell, but I knew that even if I did express my feelings Petrov did not love me he loved Alessia, even if it was me. Alessandra Siciliano was invisible, unknown to the world.
"No." I whispered, she looked me in the eye and I kept a blank emotion and stared back, I was beginning to feel dead.

"Thank you for everything you have done for me, here's your cheque." She whispered handing me a white cheque, I grabbed the paper and ripped it into tiny pieces.
"I meant when I said I do not want to be in any sort of relationship with you, at the moment." I whispered, hurt flashed through Alessia's gaze but she lowered her head and nodded it.

"I understand."

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