✨Chapter 1.✨

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"I don't care whether you're gay or straight, fat or thin, tall or short, beautiful or average, rich or poor, smart or not, if you're my friend you're my friend- i accept you."
Jack's p.o.v
*beep* *beep* *beep* i groaned as i turned off my alarm clock, another horrible day in hell i thought. I get up and instantly trip over my phone charger, falling face first i bring my hand up to my head where there is likely a bump. I hear footsteps rushing to my room, my mom bursts through my door, "Honey are you okay, i heard a loud thud from downstairs". I nod while getting up "yea I'm just peachy", i say sarcastically i see my mom's face changed to 'don't give me that attitude' look. "Sorry mom it's just i fell and now i have a bump" i say, her face softens "Oh honey when you come downstairs make sure to get an ice pack it'll help a bit" she said while she kissed my cheek. I go to my closet and get out some dark jeans with my red sweater, i get out my black converse and do the rest of my morning routine. I head downstairs and ignore the ice my mom said to get and eat breakfast, and walked outside to wait for the bus. I have only 1 friend her name is Sophia, she's an amazing friend and I've known her since 6th grade, i accidentally bumped into her and well that's how it all happened. By the time I'm out of my daze the bus pulls up, i sigh and get ready for all the torture I'm going to get once i step on, i start to make my way towards the back when a kid yells "loser!" and spits a spitball right at my nose. And to make it worse another kid tripped me, and i fell with everyone laughing at me i got up and sat in the way back and plug in my headphones to block all the talking in the bus and just looked out the window till we got to school.
*Arrives at school*
As i step off the bus i see sophia i wave at her and she comes up to me and pats me on the back, "sup loser" i laugh "hey". As we walk a bit more i start to look around looking for some one, sophia glances my way and smirks, "who you looking for" i turn to her almost turning red "u-uh no one" i say and run into the school. As i reach my locker i see him, he's leaning on a couple of lockers down from mine talking with some of his friends. He see's me looking at him and smirks i break eye contact as i get pinned up on my locker by sophia, she looks to where i was looking and smiles, "you like wolfhard!" she whisper yells. She slowly puts me down and now my back is facing where he was, "shut up i don't want him to hear you, and no i don't like him and i never will" but what terrified me was that she wasn't looking at me but behind me, i cursed in my head and slowly turned around too see him looking down at me, "who don't you like and never will" he said with a smirk. "U-uh n-no one right sophia" i stutter while fake laughing. He's looking at me with an amused look but instantly turns to a questionable look, my breathing hitched when his hand moved my hair away from where i had my bump. "W-well it was nice talking to you but me and sophia have to go" i said while slowly backing away, he instantly grabs my hand and starts walking to the boy's restroom i look back to see sophia with a big smile while giving me a thumbs up. As we walk in he turns me around so I'm facing him, he gets a paper towel while I'm silently praying i don't die. He wets it and lightly presses it to my head, i wince a bit because it's totally bruised, times like this i wish i listened to my mom. He let's go and throws the paper towel away, looks at me one more time before he walks out. I'm totally confused on why he just walked out, but i mean why would he care he just did this as a friendly gesture i think. I walk out and speed walk to 1st period, ready to get scolded on why i was late as i walk in i totally forgot i have sophia so I'm not lonely after all. "Mr. Grazer why are you late?" she asked with an annoyed expression on her face, sophia then rose from her seat and said, "he was at the nurse he hurt his head miss" she said while crossing her arms. There is never a day when she does not fight with Mrs,Martinez and it's actually quite funny. She looks towards sophia and they glare at eachother till Mrs, Martinez sighs and says, "just sit down and open your book too 115" i smile a bit while sophia smiles proudly. As i sit down i whisper, "you still got it "she turns my way, "i never lost it" she whispers back with a wink.
As i get up from my seat and start to put my things away sophia pats my back and says, "I'll see in 3rd" i smile and she walks away while i make my way out of class. I start to get more anxious my main bullies are in next period with me, they call me a queer unlike the bullies on the bus. And they used to just call me names but now it got even more serious, to where i had to go to the nurse for a black eye or a nose bleed and I'll lie and say it was during gym and i fell or got hit in the face with a ball. But i never tell my mom everytime she asks me about it i tell her don't worry. I walk a bit faster so i can get to class earlier and can get a day off of beating, but that goes away as i see them approaching me. I try to walk away but one of them grabs my backpack and slams me on the floor, i get back up and they push me against the lockers i was ready to get punched in the face till we heard, "BAM" we turned and i see him with his fist in the lockers and then he speaks up, "leave him alone" the bullies laugh, "or what" he picks up his head a bit and has a smirk, "this will be fun"he says while popping his fingers.
Woahhh this was fun to write, i love this side of finn. I'll update soon bye loves.💕
Abby. :))💛

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