✨Chapter 11.✨

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Jack's p.o.v
I shook her hand and quickly let go, that smirk was making me really uncomfortable. As we made our way to the table, as usual my mom made a conversation with talia's mom and we were having an awkward silence. She was next to me so it made me even more nervous, something about her doesn't feel right. "So jack do you have a girl friend?" she asked flirtatiously, "u-um no" i stuttered she doesn't even know that I'm gay. She then smiled, "you know i can change that right?" she said moving foward a bit, i moved back and said "I'm good don't want one". She then stopped and i was taking a sip of my drink, when she put her hand on top of mine under the table i spit out my drink which got my shirt wet. My mom turned to me and asked if i was okay, of course I'm not "yea fine I'm just going to go change shirts real quick" i said and got up. "I'm going to the bathroom" talia said, and got up after i reached the stairs. I walked into my room and went to my closet to pick out a shirt, "you know your really cute right" i heard talia say behind me. I turned around and said, "u-um thanks" what the hell is she doing in my room, she's like a stalker or something. "Can you please get out" i said trying to be as nice as i can, "I'm fine here" she said with a wink. "But i need to change real quick" i said getting annoyed, "i can't watch?" she asked while tilting her head a bit with a smile. I rolled my eyes and walked past her and hit her arm just to get her mad, i can't even change in my own house. "You know i wouldn't do that if i were you" she said, i scoffed "why not?" i pushed. She smiled "well first I'm a girl show some respect, and second you wouldn't want to me to flush this down the toilet" as she held up the promise ring Finn gave me. I gasped "give me that back" she laughed, "no thanks i think I'll just keep it, i mean it's really pretty on me right?" she said as she slid it on her finger. I walked foward to her, "give it to me now" i said glaring at her, "i will if you tell me who gave it to you?" she said. "U-um a person" i said "now give it" i said reaching for it. "What's the name" she asked looking amused now, "that's none of your business" i snapped. "Well looks like i have to-" she said going closer to the bathroom, "stop! I'll do anything" i said and immediately regretted what i said, she turned around "anything" she smirked.
Noah's p.o.v
I was so bored at my house i mean, tommrow is friday so maybe i can go to Jack's house. Why not right now? I mean I'm not doing anything, and Jack's mom loves me. I got up and grabbed some stuff to take to Jack's house, i don't think he'll mind if i go for a lil bit. I walked down the side walk, and when i got closer i saw another car. I thought his mom, was talking to someone so i climbed through his window instead of interrupting her. As i got in his room i whispered his name, i didn't get an answer so i tip toed to the hallway. I then saw jack with a girl and she was leaning in to kiss him?,he looked uncomfortable so i did what a friend would do. "Hey what are you doing with my boyfriend?" i said sounding angry, she jumped back and jack turned to me. "Hm?" i raised my eyebrow i then saw the ring Finn gave jack on her finger. I walked up to her and yanked her arm and took off the ring, "this is not yours i gave that to him" i snapped. I gave it to jack and he smiled and put it back on his finger. "You can go now" i said to the girl "whatever see ya at school" she winked at jack." who was that?" i said he sighed, "her name is talia and she's my mom's friend's daughter, and they moved across the street. "Jack!!" Jack's mom yelled. "Coming!" Jack yelled back. he put on a black shirt and said, "sorry noah you can stop by tommrow i have to deal with talia right now but thanks for saving me bye!" and he ran downstairs. I shrugged and went out his window.
Jack's p.o.v
As i walked downstairs my mom and talia's mom were standing up, "their already leaving go say bye to talia" my mom smiled. I walked towards the door where talia was waiting, "bye" and i walked away i heard her scoff. Did she think i wanted to hug her? No thanks. They left and i walked towards my mom who was in the kitchen. "Mom can i talk to you?" i asked, "sure hun what is it" she said as she washed the plates. "U-um remember how i said i wasn't gay?" i said she nodded her head while smiling a bit, "well I'm gay now" i said and she screamed and ran over to me and hugged me tight. "I knew it!" she said i laughed nervously, "you like that Finn kid right" she asked as i nodded. "He actually made this whole thing for me today at school, and apologized for all the stuff he did" she smiled "he even apologized to my friends". "He's a keeper" she said while laughing a bit, "yea he is" i smiled. "He even gave me a promise ring" as i held up my hand, she gasped "oh my god it's beautiful" she said while grabbing my hand. "Well you can head on to bed while I'll clean up here" i nodded and headed upstairs. As i walked in my room i heard my phone buzz, i looked around and found my phone. I looked at my messages and there was a number i didn't know i had it said, hey babe I'll see you tommrow -love finn❤ i smiled.
Heyooo i updated!! this one was sort of boring it will be better next chapter, hope you guys like it.
Bye loves.💕
Abby. :))💛

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