✨Chapter 8.✨

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Jack's p.o.v
As i got up to my room noah was putting his stuff away and putting on his shoes, "I'm so sorry noah, about him" he sighs, "no it's fine I'm just going to go home I'll see you tommrow" i nod and give him a hug. I look out my window as i see noah get into his mom's car, cause he didn't want to walk. As his car drives off i sigh and lay down on my bed, i felt something by my hand in the corner. I grabbed it and saw it was a paper? I opened it and it read things i love a about jack i closed it shut should i read it? No he'll get upset. We'll he'll never know that i read it? But then your lying to him. I ignored about the bad stuff that can happen and opened it.
Things i love about jack.☺
But it wasn't numbered it was like a whole little story.
He was the first person to actually listen to me when nobody else would. He was the first person that i told i was gay too, and accepted me. He was the first person who treated me like i was important. He was the first person to stand up for me when i got bullied. He was the first person who comforted me when i needed it. He was the only one ........that cared. And i love him for that. I don't need reasons on why to love jack he's just a very lovable person that I'm very lucky to have met.  - noah schnapp☺
I kept looking back at it, it made me want to cry. Noah cared about me alot and he explained how i did too. I put it in my drawer and left it there. I tried to sleep but i couldn't, there was so much happening and it wouldn't leave my head. Alot is going to happen tommrow and I'm not looking foward to it. And soon enough I've managed to fall asleep.
I got up and got out a grey long sleeve and my dark jeans as usual. I grabbed my backpack and tied my shoes, and headed out the door. I needed to see noah, and to know how he's feeling i didn't forget to get the paper though. I sat on the bench and waited impatiently, i kept looking back but nothing. A few minutes later I finally heard a door close and saw noah, i smiled knowing he's going to be here today. I saw him smile at me and i tackled him in a huge hug, "please tell me your okay" i said. He laughed, "I'm okay" i let go and smiled at him. The bus soon came again and we stepped on, no one bullies us any more so we got on more peacefully. The whole ride to school i thought about what happend last night, how Finn made noah cry and how much he regretted it. I can see Finn's face in my head and i hated it, he looked so sad and i felt really bad. But when i thought about him, i got this funny feeling in my tummy like the first time i had met him. When he tried to make my inner gayness come out, and how i found it amusing. But that side of Finn changed when noah came, it's like he was jealous or something. I shook those thoughts out of my head as we arrived at school. I saw sophia walk up to us, and i guess she saw how uneasy i looked and asked what's wrong, "nothing i-im fine" i stuttered. Noah gave me a questionable look which didn't make me feel better, i don't need him worrying about me right now, I have other problems to deal with and it involves Finn. But i can't just go up to him and talk to him like nothing happend, because alot did. I am still mad at him, but also at myself for not letting him say what he wanted to talk to me about. What if it was really important and, i didn't care i kept shutting him out because everytime that i saw him i got that feeling and i didn't want to feel it it bothered me alot. And i made up excuses to get myself away from that feeling. But it's coming back and i can't stop it now, but now i definitely know the truth.... that i jack grazer am Gay.
Finn's p.o.v
When jack shut the door on my face, i regretted everything AGAIN because i fuck up all the time. All because I'm jealous of that noah kid, he probably doesn't even like jack but i feel it. And it's bothering me because i feel like jack is starting to like him back and i don't want him too. You wanna know the truth i was playing with him just for fun, i was going to make him like me and then i was going to say that it was only just a game. But ever since that noah kid came along, i got jealous i didn't want to but it just happend. And the thing i wanted to tell jack about was that, but i can't just tell him I'm going to break him. And he'll never talk to me again and it's all my fault, that's what i get. But if i want to apoligize i need to tell the truth first because if i hold it in it's going to come out on a bad day and at the wrong time.
Jack's p.o.v
Knowing that I'm gay does really feel scary, now i know how noah felt when he found out he was too. I didn't want to tell anyone just yet so i decided to just wash my face and wake up a bit. I walked to the boys bathroom, and looked at myself in the mirror i threw water on my face and looked back up to see Finn. He looked really uncomfortable, i can't tell him to leave me alone, this is it i need to know everything i can't run away anymore. "Hey u-um we need to talk about something r-really important".
All I'm saying is things will slowly get better until next time!
Bye loves. 💕
Abby. :))💛

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