✨Chapter 12.✨

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Jack's p.o.v
As me and noah walked on the bus talia was behind us, she was like following us or something...wait she goes to our school. I sat in my seat and took out my head phones, "hey noah want the other ear bud again" i said as i turned around. I almost screamed talia was in noah's seat, and he was standing awkwardly in front of us. "Hey move noah sits there" i said, she smiled "there not assigned seats, i get to sit wherever i want" she said while smirking. I sighed "how b-" "no it's okay I'll just find another seat" noah interrupted and walked away. "No noah" i said as i looked at him walk away to the front, "leave me alone and don't talk to me" i snapped she ruins everything. I couldn't change in my own house cause of her and now, i can't even sit with noah on the bus what else if she going to ruin. "Oh and my mom put me in the first three periods with you by the way" talia said, i groaned great, i can't wait till she meets sophia so she can scare her away. As noah and i walked out of the bus, sophia came to view and looked at talia weired, "who is she?" she asked i rolled my eyes "my mom's friend's daughter, that sort of likes me". "Oh" sophia said, "does she know your gay?" she asked and noah laughed a bit, "no noah had to pretend to be my boyfriend because she stole the ring Finn gave me and wouldn't give it back till i kissed her, but i don't think she got the point that I'm gay" i said. Sophia glanced at her again and gave her a disgusted look talia saw and said, "is there something wrong?" she asked sophia smirked "yea your face" she spat. Talia glared at her while me and noah giggled, "whatever, jack show me where to get my schedule" i scoffed, "find it yourself, all you need to do is go to the office and they tell you" i said she looked at me, "I'm new, i don't know where the office is" she said back. I groaned "hurry up", while noah and sophia laughed quietly and i sent them a glare. As we walked down the hall i saw Finn leaning on my locker, he saw me and hugged me "hey babe" he said while i blushed, "i thought the other kid was your boyfriend" talia said and i looked at her telling her to shut up. "What does she mean" Finn asked, "the office is the door on the left go" i told her and she walked away. "Great i have to tell you the whole story" i sighed while he looked at me weired. "She's my mom's friend's daughter, she moved here across the street from me and she kinda likes me and won't leave me alone" i shortened it while Finn tried to hold in a laugh. I smirked "let me put it this way, she's basically trying to steal me away from you" i said while he stopped laughing and looked at me with a straight face, it was my turn to laugh now. "Never" Finn yelled and threw me over his shoulder, and ran down the hallway. "Hey guys" i heard sophia say, "hi" Finn said he then turned me around to face them "hello" i smiled. He then put me down and noah laughed a bit, i shook my head and laughed too "well let's get to class" i said as they all nodded. As we walked in talia was in the front of the class, i was happy she wasn't going to be in our group were already full. "Hello class, today we have a new student and i want you to make her feel welcome" my teacher said while smiling, "would you mind telling us a few things about you?" my teacher asked, she must really like her i mean she didn't ask noah to do that we he came. "Um my name is talia i just moved here from Georgia, and I'm Jack's girlfriend" i snapped my head to her "no your not and never will be" i said she grinned, "i will be soon" and everyone oo'd. "Um were in groups but since your such a sweetheart you can pick you group" my tecaher told talia. She smiled and made her way to our group, she pulled up a chair and put it right next to me. "Okay class our little project is due today, you can give it to the person i assigned you with or, you can read it in front of the class" of course nobody walked up and i gave noah's his as i already know what he wrote me. He smiled after he read it and gave me a hug, i saw Finn stiff a bit and talia rolled her eyes. Talia then raised her hand "can i do mine today since I'm new and didn't know we had one" she asked my teacher nodded and of course told her to pick anyone. She looked at me and said, "jack you can write me one if you want since I'm doing you" she said "i already did mine it was noah" i sighed as she shrugged. This day has been horrible with her, she's like a stray dog and just follows me for something and I'm tired of it already. As she was already writing her's, noah spoke up "did you guy's know that there's going to be a Valentine's dance" we looked at him "really?" we all said as he nodded. "I don't want to take anyone, as long as I'm with you guy's I'll have fun" noah said as we all nodded and smiled. "Jack your taking me right?" talia asked "no I'm going with my friends" i said, she smiled "we'll see about that" and i looked at her weired. "Whatever" i sighed, the bell soon rang and we got up Finn was awfully quiet and he's never like this, "hey you okay?" i asked as i walked on the side of him, he looked at me "yea I'm okay". "Are you sure?" he sighed "I'm good" i smiled. "He doesn't like me okay he told me" i said and walked away.
But oh 🐳
Anyways hope you guys liked this chapter i mean it's an okay chapter I've done better but I'm sort of sick and i just wrote this. Bye loves.💕
Abby. :))💛

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