✨Chapter 2.✨

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"Being gay isn't a choice...
You know what is a choice?
When you wake up every morning and decide that two people being in love affects your negatively."
Jack's p.o.v
"This will be fun" he said I stayed completely still, when i saw him approaching us. I slowly felt the ground beneath me, when the bully put me down. I let out a breath i didn't know i held in, i was so petrified i just stood there, i was contemplating if i should run and save my life or not. I saw him approach one of them and just swung at him, i heard a terrifying crunch which made me shut my eyes instantly. I opened my eyes again as i saw one of them grab my arm, and pull a knife out of his pocket. My eyes widened and the bully spoke up, "i suggest you stop wolfhard or I'll cut him" as he rose the knife up to my neck and smiled. He looked are way as he threw the main bully on the floor unconscious, he smirked, "Do it i dare you". The bully was suprised, but obliged and brought the knife down on my neck with more force as i winced, his smirk instantly changed and his eyes turned darker. I was terrified I've never seen him like this, but he looks more hotter like that uhh shut up!....
He slowly walked up to us,i was surprised the bully didn't move and he said, "bad move" and punched the bully straight in the face and he fell to the floor. He looked up and the last one took off running, i grabbed my neck instantly and held it. He looked at me, and i did what came to mind and ran... I ran as fast as i can.. Where? I don't even know. I saw the janitors closet come to view and instantly ran to it, i was about to close it till it flew open and he stood there. I took a step back and he took one foward till my back was on the wall, i was breathing heavy now in my head i was like kick his ass or some shit, but in real life i was scared shitless. "What's your name" he said, "u-uum" i can't tell him my name what if he kinapps me or something.. He smirked,"see ya later babe" and walked out. Babe?... The bell rang signaling that 2nd period was over, shit i didn't go to class at all... I ran out of the janitors closet to find sophia i need to tell her everything. I run into third period and find sophia sitting there, she sees me and smiles, "hey ja-" "i need to tell you something really important" i said in one breath. "Woah jack are you ok, what happened to your neck it's sort of bleeding.. WHO THE FUCK HURT YOU" she yelled, causing the teacher to tell her to shut up and don't cuss. She rolled her eyes and grabbed my shoulders, "tell me everything" she said, but then the bell rang and the teacher told us to sit and she was going to start are lecture and one thing, he is in this class with me. I sit a few desks away from sophia because of our seating arrangements, so i wrote everything down on a piece of paper i first started with, "do you remember those bullies that used to beat me all the time in second period..?". I turned to side of me and asked the girl to pass it down, she nodded and passed it down. But once she passed it to sophia, sophia continued to pass it down till it reached his desk. "Holy fuck.." i said under my breath, he opened it and looked around till his eyes landed on me. I turned around instantly and pretened to do my work, i then felt a tap on my shoulder and the girl gave me back the paper, "the one's that are probably in the hospital by now? Yea i know them." i turned around and saw him smirk at me and turned his gaze back to the teacher. I should've waited till lunch... i thought in my head. I put the paper in my pocket and waited for third to be over, why is he interested in me i mean I'm not gay. I think...
*Skip to lunch* (sorry)
As me and sophia walked fo lunch together i told her everything, even the paper she was supposed to read. "That was for me?" i sighed, "yes dumbass,but you past it down to him." she looked at me as we sat down with our tray, "i thought it was a piece of gum but it wasn't so i just passed it down". I was playing with the rope on my jacket, when someone sat in front of me. I looked up and he was looking at me, i couldn't say anything but cling onto sophia who was smirking. "I need to talk to you" he said, i was confused on why he needs to i mean does he want to kill me.. "U-um why?" i asked, not even looking at him. "Just call me tonight ok" he said, while sliding a piece of paper across the table to me. He then got up and left, i grabbed it and opened it, his number was in it great...
*last period* (bell rang)
As me and sophia got up to the bus area, she said she was going to my house for a bit she wanted to be there when i call him but, i wasn't actually planning on calling him until she leaves. As we stepped on the bus, the same kid that tripped me did it again, as i fell sophia grabbed him by the shirt and punched him "don't start" and she let go and helped me up.Why am i a target i didn't do anything to that kid or any one in this school. As we got home sophia just wanted me to call him already, of course i didn't i said, "i will when you leave" and smiled. Her excitement died when i said that, "but i want to be here when you do whether you like it or not" she huffed, "sorry sophia but no" she sighed. Time went by fast as sophia left already, i was already anxious just to call a regular person, well him. I went upstairs and grabbed my phone and took out the paper, i sighed here we go, the phone rang till someone spoke, "hey babe".
I was planning on updating next week but, you guys are honestly amazing and i got 88 reads in like two days! So suprise updated today!❤ happy father's day to all your dads!💙 bye loves. 💕
Abby. :))💛

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