✨Chapter 13.✨

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Jack's p.o.v
As i walked away i heard Finn call my name, i turned around and smirked. "What do you mean?" he said trying to act as if i didn't know he got jealous a bit when noah hugged me. "Noah told me he doesn't like me, you don't have to be so grumpy when he touches me or hugs me" i said while Finn rolled his eyes. "I don't know what you mean" he said walking away, i laughed a bit "Finn admit it you got a little jealous" i said back. He stopped walking "no i didn't" he stated i scoffed, "then what if i went up to noah right now, and hugged him" i said. He then turned around and walked straight up to me, he cupped my face and my breathing hitched he was leaning in but then pulled back "you have to wait" he said and walked to class. I was really confused but then happy he was going to kiss me! But upset because i had to wait. My cheeks were probably red by now but, i didn't care i walked to class as i saw sophia and noah there already... Oh and talia. Sophia looked at me and raised her eyebrows, she probably saw how flustered i was i mean..i almost got kissed by Finn. Talia also looked at me weired, and i gave her a questionable look and she moved her gaze away from me. I sat at my seat and i wasn't suprised that talia was next to me, "okay class today were going to be in partners for this activity" my teacher said "i call dibs on jack!" talia yelled and yanked my arm on the side of her. My teacher smiled, "of course, the rest of you choose your partners" as the students shuffled around and i groaned. Sophia and noah were partners, lucky there not stuck with this weirdo. We worked the rest of the class.... well sort of, talia kept bugging me about the dance and how she's making me go with her and when i argue I'm not she says that i am. But soon enough the bell rang and i sprung out of my seat, just a few minutes without her bugging me. I leaned against a locker and rubbed my head a bit, "hey jacky" i heard talia chirp and i sighed. "What" i snapped "are you on your period" she laughed, "anyways since your taking me to the dance you should go on a date with me" she said. That's it i had it with her I'm telling her I'm gay, and it will maybe make her change her mind. "Talia I'm gay i don't like you and never will" i said, wow that felt good to get off my chest she just smirked and said, "i can change that" and leaned in but before she can reach me i grabbed a random person and shoved them to her and ran. She tried to kiss me i almost got kissed twice, on the same day wow. I walked into class and saw Finn which made my heart skip a little, i sat on my seat and waited for class to start. I then see talia walk in and i gave her a disgusted look, in which she returned with blowing a kiss to me. This is going to be a long period.
Lunch (cuz I'm lazy)
As me noah and sophia walked to our table i sat down and put my head down and sighed. "Talia" i heard noah say as i simply just nodded, "she's been driving me crazy all day, and she said she's going to change about me being gay" i said as i rolled my eyes. "Anyways so what's up with you and Finn lately" i heard sophia say, i blushed remembering the incident we had in the hallway earlier. "Nothing really" i said as she just nodded, now that i think of it my feelings for Finn have progressed, alot actually to where it's close to the L word not yet but close. I wonder if he loves me, i mean he's told me that he likes me alot, but still i wonder. My thoughts were interrupted by Finn who sat next to me, "hey babe" he said i blushed "hi" i said. "Can i stop by your house tonight?" he asked while taking a bite out of his fruit, "u-um sure but why tonight?" he shrugged "just cause" i smiled. Talia came and glared at Finn i looked at her holding in a laugh, does she really think he's going to move. "What do you want?" Finn snapped which caused her to grin "can you move so i can sit with my date" she said. I wanted to smack her like now, "date?" he asked she then groaned, "to the valentines dance duh" she said as if it was obvious. "You wish i was" i cut in as Finn smiled at my comment, she scoffed and walked away. "Your fiesty i like it" Finn whispered in my ear Which caused me to turn red. He laughed quietly and then got up, "well see you tonight" and then walked away. "Why won't he ask you to be his boyfriend already i mean your practically dating" sophia said as i glanced her way, "i don't know maybe he's shy" i said. "Then if he won't ask, why don't you?" she said while i thought about it. Why don't i, i Mean he's to shy and I'm a little too but i have a bit of confidence in me. I'll ask him tonight i mean what could go wrong? (a/n everything)
*After school*
As me and noah stepped on the bus i grabbed his arm and ran to our seat, he can finally sit with me instead of talia. He laughed as we sat down and saw talia glare at us, i pouted "sucks for you" and i turned back to noah. "So where did you sit in the morning?" i asked "oh i sat in the front i met a few friends too, Andrea, caleb and gaten" he said. I smiled "cool maybe we can meet them" as he nodded. As i got home i threw my stuff on the floor and flopped on the couch, "school was so bad today" i said as my mom looked at me weired "why" i looked at her "because of talia". "She likes me and been bugging me all day, yesterday she took my ring from me that Finn gave me and wouldn't give it back till i kissed her" my mom laughed, "and thinks she can change my sexuality, i told her i was gay and that i don't like her but that didn't stop her from trying to kiss me again" i said as my mom looked at me with a smile. "Anyways dinner will be ready in 20 minutes go get cleaned up" she said as i nodded, as i went upstairs i heard our bell ring. I bet it's talia she probably wants to hang out, she never leaves me alone. "Jack! It's your boyfriend!" i hear my mom yell i freeze boyfriend?, i run downstairs and see Finn silently laughing at my mom "mom he's not my boyfriend" i say while she grins. "Finn i thought you were coming later on" i said trying to be quiet so my mom won't hear, "i was going to come but i have stuff to do later, so i decided to come right now" he says. "Okay well my mom's making dinner so we can go upstairs" i say as he nods, as we make our way upstairs i was thinking if i should ask him right now, it's better if i get it over with so why not. "Finn" i say as he sits on my bed "yeah" he says "i need to ask you something" i say feeling anxious "okay" he says blankly. "Will you u-um be my boyfriend?" i ask his expression changes to serious and then soft, "i-i can't".
This one was pretty long and I'm so proud of myself. Anyways hope you like this chapter i feel like I'm going too fast but oh 🐳
Bye loves.💕
Abby. :))💛
P.s we hit 1k reads and i want to do a Q/A so comment what you want to know about me and i will answer them on the next chapter thanks sm love you guys❤

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