✨Chapter 14.✨

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Jack's p.o.v
I knew it, i knew i shouldn't have said anything. I shouldn't have listened to that little voice in the back of my head telling me to do it, that little amount of braveness just automatically faded away. I looked down, "o-oh okay" i said biting my lip preventing me from crying, he looked upset too i don't know why he's upset I'm the one that got rejected. "I-im so-" "no no no it's okay, i shouldn't have asked" i cut in. "You should go" i said as he looked up at me, "my mom is almost done making dinner, and after that I'm going to sleep" i said as he sighed and nodded. He got up and left my room but, took a quick glance at me then walked out. I cried then and there i couldn't help myself, i know i shouldn't have listened to sophia actually, to myself. Why would i ever think that Finn would be my boyfriend, I'm just some little queer, a nerd. My mom then called me down for dinner, "hey what's wrong hun, i saw Finn walk out looking kind of gloomy" she said and pouted. "Nothing" i sighed, "i don't want to talk about it, well at least not now" i said as she nodded and handed over my dinner. After i finished dinner i headed to my room and cried a bit more, i was so mad at myself and felt so embarrassed why would i say that. I guess it's better if Finn and i just stay as friends, i mean it's better it would be less awkward between us. I'll have to tell him to stop the teasing, the more he does it the more i like him. I sigh and lay down thinking about everything, it's going to be a one heck of a day tommrow. Then sleep took over me...
*Next Morning*
As i head downstairs to eat breakfast my mom called me to the living room, "yea" i ask without an expression "talia's mom called saying since your the only person she knows" my mon said please no god please no, "if you can take her to the Valentine's dance" i sighed. Well i guess, i was going to ask finn after i asked him to be my boyfriend.. But now there's no reason to back out. "I don't care" i said as i headed back to the kitchen to finish my breakfast, my mom gave me a sad look i know she still wants to know but i still don't feel like talking about it. As i made my way outside i saw noah already sitting at the bench, i guess i was late i was always first. Noah gave me a concerned look, i was crying last night so i must look like a mess, my eyes are probably swollen a bit and my face all blotchy. "Hey what happened?" noah asked i looked at him, and my lip started to quiver until i started crying on his shoulder. "He said no" i said he already knew about the whole me asking finn out thing, I'm pretty sure he thought finn was going to say yes and so was i but i guess we were both wrong. I saw talia come and she patted my back as i still cried i was too sad to tell her not to touch me so i just let her. As the bus came to view we all climbed on and me and noah made our way to the back, as talia just found a random seat and sat down. I put my head on noah's shoulder the whole ride while we just looked out the window, it distracts me or makes me wonder off to another world where everythings better, no crying, fights, mad or angry feelings, or no emotions at all. I just wish sometimes i can be there just for a day or maybe forever.
*At school*
Me and noah walked off the bus with talia a good distance away from us, i saw sophia and she had a big smile which instantly turn into a concerned and confused look because of the state i was in. "Jack are you okay bud?" sophia asked with her eyebrows furrowed, i shrugged "he said no, and i think it's better if were Just Friends" and i walked away. I heard her gasp and shuffling i turned around to see talia and noah holding on to sophia and stopping her from attacking Finn. I guess talia had a change of heart or something, she's not her cold hearted self like usual, it's probably how I'm feeling today that she doesn't want to make it worse somehow. Finn was walking my way and so i turned around and walked faster, it's not that I'm mad at him it's just whenever i see his face i fall for him all over again. And it's not a good time for me to fall for him knowing I'm trying to be friends with him, and trying to make it less awkward for us to be around eachother. I went to my locker and fidgeted with the combination, i couldn't concentrate knowing he's looking or coming for me. Warm breath hit the back of my neck which instantly made me turn around, finn smirked "why did you walk away from me babe". I was lost in his eyes for a second, but snapped back to reality when i remembered why i did what i did. "Call me by my n-name i don't want to be called b-babe anymore" i stammered as i looked down. He gave me a questionable look, "is it about last night?, look I'm sorry okay i didn't mean to hurt your feelings" he said as i looked down at my feet. "No you don't need to apologize it was my fault" i said he then smiled, "It wasn't your fault at all it's just i have reasons on why i can't date you" he said while looking at me. "And you can't tell me why" i said he shook his head. I got an idea the ring he gave me, he promised he wouldn't upset me ever again well he lied. And i know it's not his fault it was his decision not mine, but i can't keep it knowing were never going to be what i wanted us to be or thought we would. I slid the ring off my finger, "i'm upset that means you broke the promise" i said and handed him the ring back and walked away.
I'm sorry.
Bye loves.💕
Abby. :))💛
(um forgot next chapter might be the ending oops)✌

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