✨Chapter 5.✨

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Noun /informal
Meaning : a stupid person,
Fool or moron.

Jack's p.o.v
I decided to go home what's the use of staying at school anyways, i slammed the door and my mom appeared out of the kitchen "jack what's wrong" she said concerned. My face was probably blotchy and red from me crying, i didn't want to talk about it so I reached for her and engulfed her in a hug while i cried. She didn't say anything and hugged back, but she'll probably ask me about it later. After the long hug she told me to go rest for a bit, while she finished what she was doing in the kitchen. I made my way upstairs and fell face first on my bed and sighed, i decided to text sophia to show noah around cause after all i did run home and cry like a baby i am. Hey sorry for what happened, but please make sure to show noah around since I'm not there and he's new and all love you.
I sent it and turned it off while taking off my backpack, i feel so bad for noah he had to see me like this on his first day... maybe he doesn't like me anymore. I then got a text back from sophia saying, Hope your okay bud, me and noah are worried about you and wolfhard felt bad too he didn't know it would hurt your feelings. Finn felt bad? Wait noah does too, i don't care about finn anymore i HATE him and noah doesn't think I'm weired? I text back, of course he doesn't he wanted to go after you but he couldn't just miss his first day, and you hate wolfhard now? That's new. I smiled knowing noah won't think any different of me, noah is a great person if Finn knew him like i do he wouldn't have been so rude to him. He didn't even say anything to noah, just by looking at him i knew Finn didn't like him. To make time go by i turned on the TV, i grabbed some snacks because I'll probably be in my bed the whole day. My mind wandered off thinking on what finn felt like when he saw me.
Finn's p.o.v (yay)

"Does he know your gay?" i smirked, as i saw his shocked expression "i-im not g-gay" he said as i saw him look down and let go of his so called best friend's arm. I then saw him run out of the school, and i felt this wave of guilt take over me. i looked at his friend's faces the noah kid looked where he ran but, what scared me the most was the girl's face, "Why would you say that!" she screamed in my face as i took a step back "what's wrong with you! what is wrong with you!!". She then slapped me across the face and took the other kids arm and walked away, i wasn't shocked i was mad at myself. I never should've done that, and now he probably hates me and I'll let him hate me.
Jack's p.o.v

It was currently 3:58 so sophia and noah should be here in a bit, i decided to change i was eating and crying all day so i put on a red shirt and some black shorts. I sprayed some cologne on just in case, i fixed my room up a bit too so it won't look like a jungle. I then heard the doorbell ring and my mom answering the door, then footsteps running up the stairs as sophia bursts through the door and tackled me in a hug. Afterwards noah gives me a sad smile and engulfs me in a tight hug, "i hope your okay" he whispers. He let's go as they both sit next to me on my bed, they don't bring it up thank god they just join me into watching movies and eating until they leave. I'm so glad i have friends like them and noah too he's the most nicest boy i know. After they leave my mom soon asks me what happened, i sighed i didn't really want to tell her but i have too she'll keep bugging me until then. "U-um well when i g-got to school" i stopped i didn't want to revision what happened again, i hated it and it made me want to cry all over again. I couldn't tell her about Finn so i just said, "s-some kid said i-im gay" she smiled sadly, "don't let them get to you honey if you are then embrace it" she said. I was shocked "you don't care if I'm gay?" i asked she shook her head, "why would i? You'll still be my wonderful, amazing son" she said while smiling. I gave her a hug, "thanks mom" "of course honey", after i let go she asked me if i was actually gay and as usual i said, "no".
The whole day i really didn't do anything and soon came to where i go to sleep and tommrow comes.

[Next Morning]
I somehow got up early... how? I don't exactly know i guess i was just nervous for today, I'm not talking to Finn anymore so that'll be nice. I did everything really fast that morning, i wore my usual red sweater but with my khaki shorts instead. I waited for noah again on the bench, he came and gave me a light hug which took me by suprise. While we waited he said, "i know you don't like to talk about him but who was that kid?" i took a deep breath "well he was someone that tried i guess to bring out my gayness because he liked me" i said. "Oh" he said, we soon were on the bus he was trying to make me happy again i can tell, and it was working i forgot all about what happened yesterday. He even told me that sophia slapped Finn across the face for saying that to me in which i laughed lightly. The bus came to a stop as we where outside of school, we stood up and walked down the steps then sophia came and patted my back and smiled at noah, "doing okay" she asked. "Never better" i said, as we walked in i saw the idiot look my way i instantly grabbed noah's arm again it's probably a habit by now I've already done it twice. I know what to do now i can't be afraid of that idiot anymore, because that's what makes me look dumb i slowly let go of noah's arm and walked ahead. I guess that idiot thought i was walking towards him because he smiled a bit but, he's so wrong when i was close enough i shoved his shoulder hard and kept walking.
Heyoo people!! Hope you like this chapter alot us happening.....Bye loves.💕
Abby. :))💛

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