✨Chapter 9.✨

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Jack's p.o.v
"Hey u-um we need to talk about s-something really important" Finn said. I was really nervous and anxious to know so i just nodded, he looked down. "Your going to hate me alot after this than you already do but, i have to tell you the truth" he sighed. "I didn't really like you, i was just playing with you...just for fun" he said. My heart broke, and i felt like crying the thing is... I started to Like him but now i know he never did. "And I'm sorry that i did that but the other thing i wanted to tell you was, ever since noah came i started to like you for real not playing around" he said. I felt angry he can't just do that, he keeps toying with my emotions. I walked up to him and pushed him on the floor, "i don't want to be part of your game anymore, find a new player to play with" and i walked out of the bathroom. I walked in to 1st period late as usual, "Mr, Gra-"...."leave me alone" i snapped. Everyone gasped and sophia looked proud of me, and noah was confused on why i was so upset. "Go outside now!" sophia stood up but i told her to just leave it, i didn't want to be in class anyways. I opened the door as Finn walked in, i can't believe he did that i was going to give him a chance a 2nd chance actually. I rolled my eyes and sat by the lockers and slid down slowly, and put my head in my knees. I heard yelling inside and i looked up as the door opened and saw Finn walk out. I mentally groaned, he sat down next to me and i scooted over a bit, it was awkward since I'm sort of mad at him still. "I'm sorry" he said i sighed, "stop apologizing i get it okay, I'm just your little science experiment" i said with my head still down. He then grabbed both my arms so I'm facing him, "i got all mad because i like you okay like alot, and you look like you were liking noah back and i couldn't let that happen". I looked at him wide eyed, he likes me? Now? "Can you please forgive me and then we can forget it never happend". "Finn i can't just forgive and forget, you hurt me what you did sucked" i said. He had a sad look in his eyes, the face i didn't like it made me feel guilty. "I can make it up to you" he said with seriousness in his eyes, i shrugged, "good luck". He then got up but dragged me up with him and kissed my forehead which made me melt inside. And then he walked away, i can still feel his lips on my forehead. I didn't know where he was going nor did i know what he was going to do to make me forgive him. The bell then rang, i picked up my backpack and then tackled by sophia in a hug. "Hey what's wrong bud?" i sighed, "it's a long story that i wish i cant tell but can't" she pouted her lips, "why not?" i smiled "well not yet at least" she shrugged "at least I'll still get to know". As me and noah walked into 2nd period Finn was in the front of the class, and he looked nervous. Was this his way of me forgiving him? Because i hate all the attention on me. As the class sat down the tecaher clapped her hands and said, "class Finn would like to something so please be quiet". The classroom fell silent and we waited for him to speak up, "u-um i would like to apoligize to noah, for being such a bitch to-" my teacher cleared her throat while glaring at him. "Being so mean to him" he corrected she smiled and nodded. "I had no right to hate on him for being such a nice person, to someone i care alot about" he said. "I got jealous and it was stupid to make you upset and i feel really bad for saying those words to you, and i regret it alot". "And i wanna say I'm sorry noah, will you forgive me?" Finn asked. I looked at noah who was smiling and he nodded, everyone clapped and Finn took a seat. I looked at Finn and smiled at him, i haven't done that for a long time since noah came and i missed it. He gave me back an actual smile, which made me happy inside. As usual the class was boring again... And the bell soon rang. I got up and walked with noah out the door ready to see sophia, as we walked in Finn was talking to sophia i saw her annoyed face turn into a little smile in which she nodded. I then saw her punch Finn in the arm hard and he winced a bit but then laughed lightly. I looked at them with a confusing look and sophia walked our way, "wolfhard apologized to me and i got to punch him for what he did" she smiled while bouncing a bit. I laughed as noah did too, "i guess he still has a little bit of a heart in him" she winked i rolled my eyes and made my way to my seat.
*Lunch* [sorry]
As we walked to lunch i instantly cut in line to get my food, i was starving and to hungry to wait in line. As i sat down i was wondering where sophia and noah went, i looked around and spotted them talking to Finn?... They both nodded and smiled and then walked away. When they sat down i asked them both about it, "oh nothing he apologized again to me and noah both" sophia said, while noah nodded. I shrugged and didn't think nothing about it and continued to eat. But oh man where they lying.
This is trash but i needed to update, so hope you like this chapter it sucks but oh 🐳.
Bye loves.💕
Abby. :))💛

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