✨Chapter 15.✨

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Jack's p.o.v
As i walked away i heard Finn calling my name, i didn't turn around i didn't want too and i wanted to cry again but i held it in. "Jack!" Finn yelled as he yanked my arm back and i faced him, his eyes were watery. "You want to know why, because "I'm not good enough for you" he said as i stared at him. "Your an amazing person your so nice to everybody, you put yourself first before others and, I'm- I'm not any of that" he said while my eyes were starting to water up too. "I don't deserve you" he said as he was full on crying now, i looked down and smiled. "Finn" i said as i picked up his head to face me, "i don't care what happened in your past, i-i can't get you out of my head so as long as your here with me, i don't care what you did or do to make you become a bad person, as long as you love me i don't care". He smiled, everyone was still walking around some looked at us weired and others smiled. "You know i do love you right" he said as i looked at him and my eyes went wide, "y-you do" i said as he nodded i still didn't know if he was sure he told me he loves me! The L word. "Are you su-" i couldn't finish my sentence as Finn pulled my shirt forward and kissed me, my eyes widened as people clapped around us i even saw noah and Sophia clapping well more like jumping, even talia. He pulled away and smiled at me, "does that answer your question" he said as i laughed a bit, i just nodded he FREAKING KISSED ME i wanted to yell so bad. Soon the kids around the hallway disappeared into the classes and we made our way to 1st, the teacher gave us a smile as i looked at her funny. "Don't hold hands or kiss in here" she said as i turned red and Finn said, "not making any promises" as i playfully glared at him and he shrugged. Sophia and noah giggled and i smiled and we made our way to our seats. M,s Martinez is in a very good mood today and she never is, she said that we could do whatever while she just goes through her phone. Everyone looked at each other weired, then kid's started to getting up and moving to other tables to sit with there friends. We made a small conversation and talia changed which was surprising to me, she used to be a total bitch but i noticed that she kept smiling at noah. I squinted my eyes a bit i then looked at noah who was doing the same thing, i don't think he's gay more like bisexual. Finn lightly kicked my leg i looked up and he smiled, today was the best by far. I've always had gloomy boring day's, but now it's always full of surprises and laughing something I've always wanted my day's to be like and now, there like that everyday. I saw sophia talking to some girl on the side of her, sophia saw i was looking and smiled "oh guys this is andrea" (i gotchu andrea) everyone smiled and said hi as she waved. Tonight was the Valentine's dance, i forgot i was going to have to take talia because of her mom. Maybe i can ask her if i can go with Finn instead of her, i mean it looks like she has heart eyes for noah so yea. "Hey talia can i talk to you for a sec" i said everyone turned to me and talia nodded, i went to the corner of the classroom and said, "can i take Finn to the dance, instead of you" i asked as she looked at me. "Yea i kind of want to go with noah" she said as she looked at noah and smiled, "okay thanks" i said and we walked back to our seats. Finn gave me a questionable look and i just smiled, I'll tell him later. Then everyone went back to there conversations.
(* After school cause I'm lazy*)
As me and noah went our separate ways i had told him about talia, and he said that he thought he was gay but he's now bi. He said that he was going to ask her tonight before the dance at her house, i was happy for him he's such a nice person talia wasn't, they were total opposites but now i think noah changed her. As i walked in my mom greeted me i then said, "MOM FINN KISSED ME TODAY" and she jumped up and down and squished me in a hug. "IM A PROUD MOTHER" She said as i laughed. "Well um i need to get ready for the dance later so I'm going to take a shower" i said as she nodded. As i turned on the water the faucet started moving towards me.. ( Eddie kasbrak up in this bitch jk)
As i turned on the water i heard voices downstairs, and it wasn't only my mom's i thought she invited one of her friends so i ignored it. As i got out i didn't change into my suit just yet, i tried to do my hair but there was nothing to do to it so i just brushed it. I heard my mom call me, "yea?" she sighed "can you check your window for me, i thought i saw something hit it" she said as i nodded. I walked up to my window and opened it, we had a big yard in the front and i saw something amazing. Finn stood in the middle of a big heart with flower pedals and lights, it read "will you go to the dance with me?" i smiled and he was in his tuxedo already with a teddy bear in his hand. "So what do you say" he asked i smiled big "of course!" i yelled down he smiled and motioned me to come down. I rushed downstairs and ran to him and crushed him in a hug, my mom of coursed snapped some pictures. "Wait i need to go get dressed" and rushed back inside to put on my suit and i tied my shoes. I then heard a squeal i looked outside, and saw noah with a bouquet of flowers and talia and the door i smiled as she hugged him. I then walked back downstairs, and Finn smiled at me "you look amazing" he said as i blushed. There was a black limo parked and i looked at it weirdly, "oh yea my mom rented that for all of us because she said we'll look cool in it" Finn said as i gasped "whoa". My mom snapped a few more photos and we then walked to the limo, i saw noah and talia inside already and sophia and andrea holding hands too i smiled at them. I saw Caleb and gaten their too and smiled at them while they waved. As we drove to the the dance we got to know eachother more better, turns out there dating which caused all of us to clap. As we got out of the limo people looked at us, probably cause we went all out but we looked fabulous doing so. We walked in the gym and a slow song came on, we all looked at eachother and went to the dance floor. I looked around at all our friends, everyone was so happy and it made me happy too. Finn grabbed my waist which caught me by suprise i brought my hands up around his neck. "Oh i almost forgot" Finn said as he reached in his pocket he took out the promise ring he gave me, "will you be my boyfriend" he asked as i looked at him. I smiled instantly and hugged him, he laughed and slid the ring back on my finger "I'm guessing that's a yes" he said as it reminded me of when he asked me to go with him to this dance i nodded while he smiled and pecked my lips. We just danced all night, it was the best day ever everything is just Great.


GREAT JOB you reached the end of my book, I'm sad i had to end it but i feel like this should stop here. NO SEQUAL sorry... Hope you like my book thank you guys for sticking around and reading it i love you guys sm!.❤ and yes i will make another book soon so stick around and stay strange. 😉
Bye [forever] loves.💕
Abby. :))💛 jk I'll be back...

 :))💛 jk I'll be back

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