New beggining {1}

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I never thought about what would happen if me an the girls were not with each other. I never had to. We scared anyone we ran into. But when my brother called because he found out about me. I had to pack my bags and head to folks. Never did I think that one look would change my life forever. Anything can happen in a day. I believe that it leads up to everything you do and become. This, well this is my story.

Getting off the plane was more tiring than getting aboard. I didn't even know who I was looking for. All I received was a call then the truth about my family. I waited by the bag thing. Yes I said bag thing, yes I am 16 and still call it that. Don't act like you don't.

I was lifted off the ground and spun around.

"Getting sick here." I stated. I didn't even know who this was but they sure knew me. Putting me down I was a boy with short hair and very tanned.

"Little Jess is all grown up." a voice said.

I turned around to see Jacob Black. I cut his hair when we were younger. What I was like five and I believed that he had cooties.

The guy who spun me and two other girls were standing next to him. One of the girls looked my age and the other had three big scars on the side of her face.

The older one pulled me into a hug. "I'm Emily, Sam's fiancé." I had to look at the group again before I recognized Sam. He looked so much older and so much buffer since I last saw him.

My hand were at my side still so it was an awkward hug. I heard the girl giggle. Great she knew I was awkward now.

She held out her hand. "I am Renesmee, you can call me Nessie."

She seemed nice enough but a little to happy for my liking. I smiled at them. Then looked back at the boys. They both looked like they could be on steroids.

"So lets head home." Sam boomed.

I walked behind them. Nessie saw I was behind and walked slower. Not that I wanted her to but hey. At least she's trying. "Don't worry it takes time to get used to a big family." I smiled at her, not wanting to be rude. I came from a big family and it was just Sam and Emily. Last I knew it was only them so what does she mean by big family.

Jacob and Nessie got in one car and Sam, Emily and, me in another. I had not been a day but I missed my family; even Jane. Why did I let them talk me into coming here.

I was messing with my nails when someone called my name. I looked up to see Emily staring at me.

"Um sorry.yes?" I questioned.

"I was saying I have a tons of friends over to welcome you." Sam told me laughing.
I tucked my hair behind my ear. "That's cool." I may have been from a big family but I don't do well with people I don't know. It scares me.

We passed town and a ton of people were staring into the jeep. I guess it wasn't everyday they got a new girl. Or someone's long lost sister. The car came to a stop and I walked behind it to grab my things.

People were yelling and heading out the house. They engulfed Sam and Emily in a hug. Im going to guess that none of them had noticed me yet. And try to run because I don't like being touched.

I quickly grabbed my things before they could notice me making sure my bracelet was still in place. I ran up the stairs before I found the room with the letter J on it. Bright pink nice. How old did they think I was again.

I grabbed the J and took it down. I placed my suitcases on the floor and looked around the room. It had a small little walk in closet and queen bed and desk with two dressers.

Sam's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now