My Date {16}

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I rn up to my room and Sam followed.

"Jess Uley."

"Yes Sammy."

"You made out with Seth."

"Good lord Sam I am sixteen. In a couple of days seventeen."

He ran his hands though his hair. "Ok just be safe. And tell him not to think it about after."

"Oh my gosh Sam no. No no no. That is no gt out I don't want to talk to you about that. EW." I was waving my hands every where.

I threw a pillow at him. He walked out my room. Kim, Nessie, and Emily came in.

Once Emily closed the door they all busted out laughing.

"That was not funny." I raised my voice.

"I don't think I have ever seen him like that." Emily then turned serious. "You are being safe right."

"Emily one that was my fist kiss. First. And two Maddie's dad beat you guys to the talk." I put my hands down in my face.

"Lets get you read for this date."

They went into my closet before my door was opened again.

"Sam let us in." Rose was holding leather jacket and a pair of jeans.

Alice went to my closet and pulled out a black tank top.  I put on the Offutt and spun around.

"No makeup but a tint of red." The cheerful pixie was bouncing with excitement. We all walked down the stairs and all eyes were on me.

"Sam didn't kill you." Embery said.

"Still debating it." Sam muttered.

Emily hit his chest. "Let the girl live."

"Just be glad Em home schools her." Quil said.

I rolled my eyes and heard a car honk.

I ran outside to see Leah driving. Seth was in the back seat. 

"You look amazing." He opened my door. I blushed and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. 

He had roses and a white bair. I kissed his check and pulled out my phone to tske a picture of him. He his his face in his shirt.

"So where are we headed?" He looked at me and smiled.

"Port Angeles."

"Thank you for taking us Leah."

She laughed. "Its was the only way your brother would allow you to go. But don't worry once we get there I am leaving and you guys will call me when your ready."

I nodded my head ad turned back to Seth. I got lost in his eyes pretty quick.

An hour later we got to the restraunt. Our weightier was flirting with him the whole time. But his eyes were on me. We both ordered the steak.

After our meal Leah came to pick us up. I fell asleep on the ride home. But Seth woke me up once we got home.

"Come on I want o show you something."

We waked a little past the treaty line to a pond.

"Ive never seen this before."

"That's because it just apprears sometimes."

"Its magic."

"Its magic." He leaned in a kissed me.

"Jess will you be my girlfriend."

"Took you long enough." I muttered. He laughed and kissed me again. "So I take that as a yes."

"Yes Seth I will be you girlfriend."

We laid under the stars. Before I fell asleep again.

A/N- sorry for the short chapter. But I needed them to date for what's coming. And only 11 more chapter left in this book!!!

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