Crest? {14}

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I woke up the next morenimg back in my room. I guess Seth had ran me home last night. My phone went off.

Come over later today

Sure I'll be over before 12

Kk see you at 12. Alice said check ur voice mail.

Kk. Thx

I got up and threw on a pair of high waisted jeans and I tank top.

I remembered that Nessie told me to check my voice mail so before I went down stairs I decided to that exactly.

"Hey Jess I miss you and sorry I couldnt come down their. Love you and call me soon we need to talk."

I smiled that the voicemail. I knew she was sorry you could tell in the sound of her voice.

I sped down stairs and ran in Kim and the other imprints. Emily had made browines and and grabed one before I went to go talk to the boys.

"Sam." I yelled.

All the boys groaned.

I waved them off. "Jacob when are you going to the Cullen's?"

"Soon why?" He was questioning me. How dare he.

"Because I want you to leave already." My voice was in a normal tone but being very sarcastic.

"Seth is she being sarcastic I cant tell anymore." Paul bombed.

"My leave of  sarcasm I to the point where I don't even know if I am kidding or not." They rolled their eyes at me. "But yes  was kidding. I want to come to."

"Ask Sam?"

"Sammy can I please go Nessie invited me over." I batted my eyelashes.

"Quit the innocent act." Jared threw a muffin at my head.

"Quit wasting good food you doof." Brandy said. 

"Yeah." I coursed after him.

"Leah you want to come?"

"Not really." She spat.

I rolled my eyes at her. "At least I had the nerve to invite you. Unlike most people around here I have actually tired to be nice. I have no clue how in the world you could hate me for nothing. But if I were you I would drop the bitter act. No one around here likes it. "

The whole pack was surprised at my outburst. But it was true. I may have not known her before but from what I hear she wasn't like this.

I walked out the room and slammed the door behind me. Jacob and Seth trailed behind. They shifted and Seth got down so I could get on his back.

Leah came running out the house. "Jess." She was screaming my name to the top of her lungs.

I hoped off Seth's back really quick and ran up to her. The boys where standing by very curios. The boys who weren't out here where watching us through the window.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't treat you like that." She put her head down ashamed of how she was treating her brothers imprint.

"Is this Alfas orders or are you actually apologizing to me?"

"I'm apologizing to you."

"Why Leah I wasn't here before so I never did anything to you?"

"I was mad. My brother and younger at that found his soul mate before I did. Every one but me has found an imprint."

I went and hugged her. I never knew that she felt that way. I feel bad for her and she wasn't lying everyone had another half. "If you every want to talk come to me. No matter what I am doing come talk to me. I was in your place not even a mouth ago."

I wasn't kidding either everyone but Ari had left. And Ari was to into Alec to notice me half the time. But I was fine she loved him and he loved her. They made each other better people.

I hoped back onto Seth's back and they took off to the Cullen's house.

I knew the boys wouldn't hit the tress but I still closed my eyes. I was used to running by myself. But since I didn't know the way and the boys wouldn't let me anyways.

We arrived and I hoped off Seth's back. Alice ran out the house and pulled me into a hug. Jasper just stood there awkward.

Edwards laughter ran through the house. Stay out me head you doof. He ran put the house Bella by his side laughing.

"You called me a doof." Everyone chuckled lightly.

"Why did you laugh the first tome dad?" I don't think I would ever get used to Nessie calling a man who looks 20 at most dad.

He laughed again. STAY OUT MY HEAD!

"She said jasper is awkward that's why I laughed." Rose was about to ask a question but he shook his head.  I smiled and hugged Esme and rose. Nessie hugged Jacob then came to stand by me.

Jasper still looked unconfutable so I pulled out the braclet Maddie gave me yesterday.

Flash back in the car

"Jess I know that its not always safe and since we aren't around right know I want you to have this."

She handed me a bracelet. I put it on.

"What's this?"

"Its a bracelet that my mother gave me it hides your sent from everything. Its like you disappeared."

She tied it so it wouldn't fall off my wrist.

I knew it messed with her to talk about her mom. I smiled and shook my head at her. I took it off my wrist and put it in my pocket.

"Make sure you put it on when you start to feel unconfutable or you feel one of them are unconfutable.

End of flash back.

"Jess if I may ask may we see your crest?" Carlisle asked.

"Yes but can we go in the house I am getting a weird vibe out here."

I followed everyone into the house. Everyone was pretty quiet I am pretty sure that its because of what I said. I looked at Edward for conformation. He shook his head yes.

I took off  my necklace so he could see our picture and quote in the middle.

"Our family may not be related but we have love." Carlisle read from the necklace.

"How long have you been together?" Bella asked.

"Since I was about seven we have been friends but at ten we all lived together."

"Lets go I invited her over for a movie." Nessie pulled me out the room both of us laughing.

Rose, Alice, and Bella came in behind us.

"Lets watch Vampires Suck."

I laughed remembering what the movie was about.

Once the movie started everyone came to watch.

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