First kiss {15}

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The whole time everyone was laughing. Vampires Suck was a funny movie. Every once in a while I would catch Seth starring at me.

Once the movie was over Jacob, Nessie, Seth, and I were the only ones in the living room.

Esme came and brought us some food.

"Were going  shopping tomorrow." Alice came in.

Everyone had wide eyes. "Alice leave the poor girl alone."

"She's fine I already saw it."

"Wow I thought Alice was bad at shopping." Edwards tone was playful. Good luck Seth."

I flicked him off.

"That's not lady like." Emmett came and jumped between Nessie ad Jacob.

"Rose!" Nessie yelled.

She came in and smacked him on the head.

"Were all going shopping tomorrow." Alice was joyful. I swear  this pixie is going to bust.

"Alice you cant do that she's human." Jasper looked at me. "Well part at least."

I smirked and winked at him.

"Well i'm bored." Jacob said.

"No one cares." Rose yelled.

"You forgot dog." I yelled to her.

Seth put his hand on his heart pretending to be hurt.

"Ouch you wounded me."

"Oh you big baby."  He wrapped both his arms around my waist.

"Your a loser."

"But I am your loser." His face came close to mine.

I leaned in and we kissed. They weren't kidding when they said imprint kisses were different from normal ones. I could feel sparks going through my body. We both pulled away when we heard clicking.

"Sam is going to kill you." Jacob said. They boy nodded their heads in agreement.

"Alice I want a copy of that." I told her.

"Make that two." He kissed me on my cheek.

"Lets play truth or dare." Emmett yelled.

Esme ran in. "If you guys do. No breaking my house or getting us exposed."

She was out as fast as she came in.

We all gathered in a circle.

"Ill go first." Jasper said.

"Emmett truth or dare?"

"Dare" He smirked.

"I dare you to call pizza hut order 50 pizzas and send them to Sam's house paid for."

He got up and made the order.

"Ok Jess. Truth or dare?"

"Dare?" Once I said it I regretted it.

"Call Sam and tell him about your little make out session."

He handed me his phone. "Did I ever tell you I the you."

They all laughed ta me.

The phone rang and rang. I hoped he was running patrol. But with my luck he answered.


"Nope its LJ."


I made out with Seth bye."

I hung up but you could hear him yelling on the other end.

"I lived a good life. Thanks a lot Emmett."

After another hour we headed to the house. Nessie came with us.

Seth saw Sam come out the house.

"Bye Jess be ready t eight."

He fazed and ran.

I looked at Nessie.

"Well lets go you have a date." She pulled me into the house with Sam yelling behind us.

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