Madilyn Madison Bailey Saint Devil Reynolds {12}

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I woke up the next morning. Everyone was here and Sam was yelling at them.

I hoped down the stairs and grabbed a muffin. Who all goes to Folks high school.

The carpenter girls were sitting at the table.

"We do and will you slap Seth for me." Sabrina asked.

"Why?" I looked at her weird.

"Our cousin know lives here and goes to my high school." She pointed at the boys.

Kendall slapped the back of her head. "Oh shut up."

We all laughed at her. I walked over to Jacob.

"Make sure that girl doesn't even breath the same air as him.

"That would mean killing her jess."

I gave him the I don't care look.

Nessie honked the horn telling me to hurry up. I grabbed Kendal and we hurried out the door.

"My Sam bye Emily."

The whole Cullen clan was at their cars waiting for us. Alice was in a dream state and everyone else was making conversation.

"Jess would you know anything about the triplets?" Alice questioned.

"Um the only triplets I know are Madison, Jenny, and Kendall they go to wicked."

"What are they?"

"Um Madison is a pixie. Kendall is a fairy. Jenny is a vampire. But they all can transform into mermaids. But they don't really come out."

She shook her head.

The bell rung telling us that we had five minutes to get to class.

"Nessie come on class is about to start." She had stopped dead in the hallway.

"Jess I have to go pee."

My vision was happening and I didn't know how Nessie would react when I just disappeared. I didn't want her to think that I just ditched her. But this was family. She stood her ground.

I huffed but followed her. Once in the bathroom I was flashed into a car.

"Maddie." I yelled.

I heard her laugh. She knew I hated being summoned out of thin air.

"Oh you can forget about me I thought we were friends." Nicki looked out the window and saw the Cullen's there.

Her mouth formed an o and she sped up. That I didn't see happen.

"Nicki shut it why are you guys here."

"I thought we should pay a visit to the Cullen's and Carpenters." Madilyn was playing with her nails.

"Mission?" I asked.

"No but they wont see us coming." She smiled "Never trust a pixie. Trust me." She laughed.

"I have a question Alice Cullen." To me she seemed to pixie like to be a normal vampire. And her power was completely weird.

"Yes Jess she was supposed to be a pixie." Madilyn answered.

I love my mind reader.

"I'll explain later." Nicki said. Of course she would say that.

I turned around. And kept quiet.

"We need to catch up before we go." Nicki said.

We drove around for a while just talking about old memories the last time we were here. That was until we got hungry.  

She pulled up to the diner that Ms. Clearwater works at.

"Vampires aren't aloud on this side." I didn't want to get them in trouble. And I didn't want any trouble with my brother.

Madilyn had to read my thoughts.

"Well i'm a pixie."

"And it says vampire not part." Nicki laughed.

I rolled my eyes and walked behind them. I could see the boys school from here and I knew they had lunch here. I was scared but it wasn't foe the fact that I just ditched school is that I was on the land a vampire and a demon.

"Where is Ari?" I asked as we sat down in a booth.

"Alec said he didn't think the Cullen's would want to see him and that means she cant come." Nicki said.

"Dose she realize her brother is here and in the Cullen clan."

"EXCUSE ME." They both yelled.

"What. What did I say."

The door swung open and my eyes caught Jared's. I gulped that means the rest of the are right behind them. Paul and them came in right after. Sam and Emily trailing behind them.

They all just started.

 More like gawked. A vice in my head said.

I looked at Madilyn and tried not to laugh.

Nicki grabbed my hand and we ran outside. Before we could get into the car Jacob pulled me away from them.

Embery had me across his shoulder.

"Put me down." I could see the fire in the girls eyes. This is not going to end well.

I kicked him where the sun don't shine and he dropped me. Sam and Jacob had them right next to the car. I jumped in the middle.

"Sam if you hurt them you hurt me."

He glared at them. They both wore smirks. "Step away from the vampire." He told me.

"Half and if my niece is aloud on the land and my sister including my brother why am I not." She was trying not to laugh.

I grabbed her arm. "Lets just go talk to the Cullen's."

"Jess please don't go." Seth and finally found his voice.

"Seth this is family."

"We are your family." Seth was pleading that I didn't go.

"If you were you would have been there for her all of her years." Madilyn spat at them.

"Who are you." Sam was angry. Anger that she was still about to leave with them.

"Me I'm Madilyn Madison Bailey Saint Devil Reynolds."

Emily stepped up. "Let her go boys."

"Feel free to meet us there." Nicki said before slamming her car door.

Madilyn fixed the small tiara on her head before flashing memories of our past though my mind. (at top)

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