Whos Leah {6}

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The girl was standing in the door way glaring at me worse than the blond was. I still don't know what she wants but she can quit with the attitude. She doesn't even know me.

"Um can I ask my question." I turned back to the group.

"No." She said.

"It's a good thing I wasn't asking you then. Seth who's Leah?"

"Well that would be me." The girl said again.

"Your Leah?" I tuned to her. She was pretty but her hair would be prettier longer.

Edward started to laugh. I heard him tell Bella what I said. And she started to laugh.

I smiled at Leah and she glared back. She came and pulled Seth out the house. He was whimpering.

Before I had the chance to say anything Alice grabbed my arm and pulled me upstairs.

"Don't worry he will be back."

I shook my head at her. She pulled me into her room. You could see them arguing outside. I opened the window and I heard something I think I want supposed to know.
She had to be you imprint. I wonder what it is but since I was esdropping I would have to ask later.

The girls walked back in the room with makeup, clothes, and hair products. Nessie sat on the bed and was going though shoes. Rose came and started my hair. Alice and Bella was going though the stack of clothes.

"Their is a back to school little party that someone this's every year. We are going." Alice  told us.

She settled for a black strapless shirt with light shorts. Nessie wore an outfit like mine but a red shirt. We had sandals on. Luckily we won the battle for heels. Rose curled the ends of my hair. Nessie grabbed my hand and we walked into the living room.

Seth was by my side in a minute and he was bright eyed. Leah was still here but she wasn't sending glares anymore.

"Let's go party." Alice yelled.

We all laughed.

Everyone split I was with Nessie, Jake, and Seth. We got there pretty fast considering Nessie was going 100 miles an hour.

Getting out Seth put his arm around my waist and didn't leave me.

"Whoa he new girl?" Someone asked Nessie.

"That's Jess she lives in the Rez."

"So why is she here." Asked.

"Kendall she so going to our high school."

She shook her head. "You drink."

"Eh sometimes." I answered.

Jacob called Seth. He smiled at me before walking away.

"So you and Clearwater." Kendall said.


"Oh come on he is practically on top of you."

"Seth and me are just friends."

"So if I introduced you to Caleb you would talk to him."

"Yes." She grabbed my arm and lead me to a group of people.

The Cullen's were with them.

"Ok." She clapped her hands together. "Everyone Jess. Jess everyone."

They all said hey.

"Caleb." She called.

He came to where we were.

"Caleb this is Jess. She's complete single."

He nodded his head at what she said. She left us and went over to Seth. I don't know why but I felt jealous.

"She's playing right. Everyone saw you come in with Seth."

"Me and Seth are friends. And only friends."

"Well she's messing with you." Caleb took a sip of his drink.

I looked at him confused. "I'm gay sweet heart. And I don't think Seth knows that the way he's looking."

I laughed. Then turned to see Seth. He did actually look mad. But they're was girls all around him.

"You so like him." Kendall was back.

"No I don't." I said with a forced smile.

"Oh sweet heart you should have seen your face go tell those girls something."

I turned to him and glared. "Oh Jess they aren't even that pretty." Kendall said.

"Oh Ken let her witch it out on those girls."

I was watching the girls with Seth but turned when he said that.

"Excuse me."

"Oh please your that girl who runs around with the devil."

I smiled. "That would be me. What are you guys."

"He's a vamp. I'm a witch." I shook my head.

"Well go get your man." He said while pushing me.

I turned and glared. But walked up to Seth.

He smiled when he saw me and I smiled back. He girl that was on his arm glared. I walked right up to him.

"Hey Jess."

"Hey Sethy." We shared another smile.

He moved him arm from the girl and put it over me.

"What you doing?" I asked.

"About to ask a beautiful person to dance." He told me.

"That's pretty cheesy."

He winked and held out his hand. I grabbed it and he lead me to the dance floor. A slow song came on and he put his arms around my waist.

"Seth people are staring."

"Let them. Ther just jealous."

I laughed and smiled at him.

When I'm around him I just smile. I don't think I have ever smiled this much around a guy. He is messing with my head. And there is nothing I can do about it. He's driving me crazy and with all these secrets it makes it more interesting.

At the end of the night I had Kendall and Caleb's number. And we meet back yo with the rest of our group.

"Jess your so pretty." Nessie said.

"Nessie are you drunk."

"No how dare you." She stomped her foot.

I rolled my eyes at her and Seth grabbed my hand.

He shifted and I got on his back. He ran me home.

I went inside and Sam was still up.

"Did you have fun."

"Yes Sammy I did."

"Ok well I have to be somewhere tomorrow morning."

"I may be going out with a friend." I told him.

"Boy?" He asked.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." I ran up the stairs and closed my door behind me.

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