Meet the cullens {5}

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The boys all shifted. I noticed which one was which. Seth looked at me with his brown eyes. And the rest of the wolves snorted. He got down so I could get on his back. I hoped on and they all started running.

See being friends with vampires helped I knew what this felt like already. But I needed to get my feelings in check before anything. Seth was a friend of even that.

We got there pretty fast and he kneeled down so I could get off and hey all went back to the trees.

I swear on satin himself if they left me they will burn. Voices form the house laughed and came outside.

The pack came from behind the trees without shirts on. Dang Seth looked good. The voice laughed again. I pretty sure he is a mind reader.

"I am." They answered. I shook my head at them.

"Do any of you one a shirt." I asked.

Everyone laughed at me. They all looked nice until I hit the blonde girl. If looks could kill I would be 50 feet under. But I was going to get her to be nice.

"Hi I'm Alice and we are going to be best friends." She came up and hugged me.

I smiled at her at least someone is nice.

They all introduced themselves and I got the blonde to smile at me. I feel pretty accomplished in life at this piont.

They all told me their stories and how they came to be. I told them mine and if vampires could cry o think they would have.

Bella, Rose, Esme, Alice, Nessie, and I were in the kitchen.

"You know what you need." Alice said.

"No alive I don't."

"A shopping trip."

"Ok let's plan that for never they told me how you are."

They all laughed at me. "Well were did you grow up because I know they problems didn't let you live in the chambers." Esme asked me.

"I lived in Voltuira. So I had enough shopping with Jane."

They all looked at me like I was crazy. "Jane and shopping as if." Bella stated.

"I wish I had to get Alec to cut her senses off sometimes."

"Is it true he mated." Rose asked.

I could already yelled were going to be friends. We both loved gossip. Essentially in the vampire world.

"Yes to Ari herself it was cute at first essentially how she hated him and denied it all. But she came around and they are always down each other throats."

Alice dropped her knife and went into vision mode. Edward ran into the kitchen.

"No she's dead I saw it Carisle never got to her not in time."

"She passed by in a car. She turned her head to the side and then Jess disappeared."

"Why me?" I turned around to ask.

"I don't know you and your future just disappear."

"Oh that means Madelyn's with her." I pointed out.

"What his her while name Jess?" Edward asked.

"Nicki Elizabeth Masen. Why?"

"My sister is still alive." His hands went over his mouth.

"Your sister. Wait do you guys know Ari Whitelock."

Once I said that jasper was in the room in a flash.

"What do you know about her? Is she around? Does she remember me?" He stared firing off questions.

"She is one of my best friends. She's mated with Alec. No. And yes."

The families eyes went wide.

"Alec who?" Jasper asked.

"Voluntri who else."

Bella dropped he glass bowl she had in her hands.

"Ok I'm lost."

Seth papered by my side again and everyone had a smile on tanker face. Ok so yes I am officially the only one who has know idea what's going on.

We all walked to the living room. Sam told me Seth would bring me back to the Rez when I was ready. All the pack left but Jacob and Seth.

We all sat down so someone could explain something to me.

"Ok Edward you go first then jasper because I want to know what's happening."

Edward got up. "Ok so I was turned when I was just 17. We a had all been hit with the Spanish Infuzia. So was my family including my sister. Carisle was able to save me and he went after her. But the doctor who was treating her said he was to late. Now you are here telling me that she's alive and you guys are friends."

I shook my head at him. That is terrible I can't imagine not being around the girls let alone thinking they are dead.

Jasper went up next. "My sister was a southern bell and true to her nature she dressed and acted like one. When the wars hit I wen to battle. She was just 16 at the time. But she charmed her way into the chambers for nurses. Right before I was turned I got a letter saying she was MIA. I had helped that maybe she was changed. But though all my years I never found her. I lost all hope. But I would rather her be dead than with Alec."

I got up ready to slap him. Bella caught my hand.

"Jasper your sister is happy. She spent years being exactly like that. No she's not a red eyed vamp. She has even got him to the vegetarian life style. So do not for one minute doughy that he is a good person. He makes her happy and a better person. And yes true to her nature she is still a southern bell." After my little rant I went back to sir me to to Seth.

"Had Leah dealt with her yet." Emmet asked.

"Someone said my name." A girl said walking into the house.

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