His story {10}

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The next morning Carlisle told us it was ok to talk to him. Apparently he was like Bella. In complete control. Well he will need it, because I am going to kill him.

"Well how the heck are you alive Jack?" I yelled.

"Jess let him talk." Bella said.

"We want your full story." Edward told him.

"My friends we all lived in Hawaii. I went back with the girls. I had already knew Madelyn but she talked me into coming back with her. I had met all of them they were closed off but when they saw anyone being bullied they were the first to step in. So she easily talked me into coming with her.

But she had a new girl with her it normally was her and Ari. I had seen Nicki a few times but she liked to be alone. I now know her as Jess. She never questioned anything and dealt with weird really well. They never came out exactly and told me what they were but I had my guesses.

Everyone soon started to mate. Ari finally got with Alec. Nicki went to find her brother. And then you just up and left. So I had went hunting with the school. Next thing I know I see you running to me screaming for help."

If vampire's could cry I think they would be. I  still remember the day Madelyn introduced us to each other.

"Jess I'm coming in." She barged though the door with someone trailing behind her.

"hey Mad who the dude." I lifted my head.

"This is jack."

"Your the famous jack I have heard so much about."

"hey." he was pretty quiet.

We corrupted him pretty fast. Because the next week we were all running after Madelyn changed Aro's hair color.

A/N- I know this is pretty short but the chapter is just supposed to be his story of you know vampirism.

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