When You Fall... Pt. 1

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Derrick's POV

This light is very bright...

"Derrick... Derrick" I heard someone say.

It sounded like my mom's voice.

Then, my mom appeared right in front of me dressed in all white.

I feel a smile form on my face. "Hey mama"

"Hey, Derrick... you know it's not your time yet."

"... Do I have to go back?"

"Yes, you have to. You know I love you?"

"Yes ma'am, I love you too"

"Good, I know the way I left wasn't the best way. I didn't get to say goodbye and hug you and kiss you, and I know you don't understand how I could've been gone so fast, but it's all has a purpose. You have a purpose... that's why you're there, I'll always be watching after you and Nadia. Always. Just don't give up, ever. What have I told you? When you fall..."

"... I'll get back up twice as strong"

"Good, I love you"

"I love you too"

"Now, go back... I'll be here to talk whenever you need it. Just close your eyes and think of me, and I'll be there..."







I slowly opened my eyes.

"Stay still buddy, you jumped and hurt yourself really bad" this guy said.

"Derrick, you're okay" Nadia said.

I started to close my eyes.

"Stay awake, Derrick keep your eyes open"

"Aghhh, owww" I said. Moans and groans was all I was able to get out.

"I had to do CPR, but he's awake now" the guy said to someone else.

"Yeah, he has some bad neck and head injuries." Someone else said.

"Derrick, it's okay, you're going to be okay"

"Ma'am you'll need to back up"

"Nadia" I said trying to grab her hand.

I felt myself getting carried away by these people I didn't even know.

Nadia was the only thing keeping me awake, and without her... I slowly drifted off to white again...




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