Task 2 - IELTS Writing: [Crime] - (1)

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Đề bài: Without capital punishment, out lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


1. Body 1: 

- Death penalty: severe punishment 

   + serious criminals (VD: serial killers): unable to continue committing crime -> not a menace to society

   + other people: gửi đến message -> not commit offences for fear of death

=> give people a sense of safety

2. Body 2:

- Shows: crime is not tolerable -> while some prisoners: understand mistakes + start over -> take away their lives: cruel -> give them opportunities to pay for their wrongful acts

- Not judge precisely: should be punished by death or not -> minor mistake: chết oan

- Measure: life sentence -> heavy punishment >< sympathy + criminals: hướng thiện trở lại. Ex: notorious hacker: damage - millions of dollars -> white hat hacker: find errors in software -> protect computers and technological device

My essay: 

In the light of increasing crime rate, it is widely believed that imposing capital punishment is a necessary method to curb violation in society. While this is valid to a certain extent, I contend that punishing dangerous criminals with life imprisonment is a more viable measure.

It is understandable why people advocate introducing death penalty for dangerous criminals to strengthen the security of society. The key rationale is that this punishment can have a far-reaching effect on preventing people from committing crime. By giving the serious offenders death sentence, they would not have the chance to carry out illegal acts and no longer be a menace to society. Other people would also receive a message about the disastrous consequences of breaking the laws, which can discourage them from committing offences for fear of death. Therefore, the crime rate can be held down and thus people are more likely to have a sense of safety. 

However, I believe that the aforementioned approach would produce meager results in long term. Carrying capital punishment can give people the notion that crime is not tolerable under any circumstances. However, in reality, many serious convicts understand their mistakes and want to start over. Thus, in lieu of being punished by death, these lawbreakers should be given an opportunity to compensate for their wrongful acts. Moreover, it is impossible to decide precisely whether a criminal should be given capital punishment or not, which means a minor mistake in the process of judging can cause death for an innocent person. Instead of giving death penalty, governments should adopt more viable solutions. One of them is to impose life sentence for serious criminals such as serial killers and rapists so that these convicts can contribute more to society. For example, some notorious hackers who caused damages estimated at millions of dollars were given the chance to start over even when being kept in prison. Thus, they became white-hat hackers that find errors in software to protect computers and technological devices from the risk of viruses and worms.

In conclusion, while there are reasons to support introducing death penalty for serious criminals, I believe that the solution outlined above is a superior way to cut crime and improve the state security.

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