I like it like that

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Aden was already up and trying to make it out of his crib. When he saw me entering his room he gave me a gummy smile. One day he was going to jump out of this thing and scare the hell out of me. As a one year old he was more fearless than most grown men.

I scooped him up hoping that I had enough time to get him cleaned up and fed before the movers got here. I had everything I would need to get my baby boy ready for the day. During his bath Aden was way more calm than normal which made things 100 times easier. He snuggled up in my arms once I wrapped him up in his towel. I had him dressed and fed just in time for the moving company to get started.

"Where would you like us to start?" The tall man wasted no time. I pointed them in the direction of my bedroom. I held Aden while the men came in and out of the apartment. I don't know how I would have been able to get all of my stuff out of here by myself and make it to the air port. On top of that I had to stop by the office to pick up a couple of things at least that's what my girls were saying. I remember cleaning that office from top to bottom.

"Alrighty ma'am that's everything." I obviously lost track of time because they moved faster that I ever could have imagined.

"We take a look around and made sure we had everything but we can wait to see if you see anything we missed." It was unreal that I was taking my last walk around my first apartment. I opened every closet and cabinet to make sure that I wasn't leaving anything.

"Looks like you have gotten it all." I smile up at the man.  He smiled back and at that moment u realized he didn't look half bad.

"Can you confirm the address?" He handed me a clip board with all my new information and had me sign the bottom. I would be in Huston before my stuff which gave me time to see my parents and get all of that out of the way.  I wasn't sure if I was excited to see my mother and brothers or nervous. Since I left the city we haven't had a smooth family visit.

"Here is the information for your vehicle transportation to the same address. You have transportation from the airport to the agreed upon address correct?" I nodded and texted my brother to make sure he was going to be there.

"Have a safe trip ma'am." I shook his hand before he and the other movers left. I followed behind them soon after to get to the office and pick up the last of the things in my office. I put Aden in his car seat before grabbing my purse and his diaper bag. I locked the door for the last time and walked to the elevator. The good times came flooding back like the when I moved in.

Aden got fussy as we waited for the elevator but by the time I got to the front desk to return the keys his mind was on something else. After making sure that I had snapped the carrier in to base properly we headed to the office.
I'm sure that my coworkers just wanted to see me and the baby one more time before I left because I still don't remember leaving anything. This time getting out the car I carried Aden on my hip. There was no need to have anything extra in my hands. Before I even stepped off the elevator their faces lit up at the site of the baby.

"I'm so glad you brought him." Ms. Tina opted to hold him as she walked with me to the now empty office.

"I saw his no good ass daddy on TV last night." I laughed as she changed her voice.
"Chile you know he had the nerve to call me last night talking about his dreams." I told Ms. Tina everything and it sucks that she can't come with me.

In no time my entire "work family" was head over hills for my son causing us to cut the conversation short. I rarely brought him to the office or around my work family because I didn't need anyone asking questions. Just as I thought, I had gotten everything that was important the last time and they just wanted to see me again.
"It's completely empty in here." I turned around and almost everyone in the office sorrounded me. A few people had a gift bags in their hands.

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