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I didn't like how he dismissed me so you bet your ass I called him back as I waited for the elevator. When he didn't answer I waited until I got to the lower level to call him back.

"Hey you have got Eric leave a message." I hung up right before the beep.

I hope I didn't funk this up

I thought to myself before sliding the phone in my pocket.My sister and the baby were already settled and ready to go in the car. We had the rest of the day to explore the city.

"I can't believe it ended that early." Jaimie said in reference to my meeting. She felt like it would take all day and we would have any time to have fun even when I assured her I'd be done before noon.

"Told ya." I laugh before turning around the back out of the parking spot. It doesn't take that long to tell people what how they can make their company better as long as they are willing to listen.

"Did he answered the phone?" She eased her way back into the topic. I automatically got sad at the thought of him being upset with me.

"I called his ass three times and that nigga rejected my shit." I knew he was going in to some form of a meeting so I wasn't upset that he didn't pick up. My main concern was that he was obviously upset with me. As much shit I talked I couldn't stand to have static with someone I care about. Jaimie paused the conversation to give directions to the zoo. We were surprising close to the zoo which lifted a load off of my shoulders. I loved to drive but I hated not knowing exactly where I was going.

"At least you told him. Listen I would would be pissed if the show was in the other foot. Turn left up there." She said navigating me to the main gates of the zoo.

"That was my intent. Like if he really does show up  here,  someone recognizes him and we caught in a picture together, I want him to know first what was going on. As soon as we found a parking spot I decided to bring the stroller because caring baby boy wasn't an option. He got heavy and really heavy when he slept.

"Alright papa. I know, I know." Aden was slightly irritated when we took him out of the car seat and put him in to the stroller.
There was something about the stroller that he hate it. Once he settled down we were able to start on our way. Jaimie and I looked around for a land mark to remember where we had parked the car.

"Section C." I noticed a marker in the parking lot.

Jaimie pushed the stroller as we came in contact with X. I stopped, really taking a look to make sure it was him. He and another huge man stood at gates pointing at us as we walked up.

"You didn't think that I would be here did you?" I shook my head.

"Not at all." I allowed him to unbuckle Aden and take him in to his arms. Aden immediately grabbed his nose and rubbed his face.

"This is the homie Ronnie Baskings. Ronnie the one with the smart ass mouth is my fine ass baby mama and this is Jaimie." I rolled my eyes at X.

"Nice to meet you." I said pulling down Aden's shirt.

"...And how are you?" He spoke directly to Jaimie. She shook his hand as he personally introduced himself to her.

"Your ass ain't slick." I started to pudge the stroller as they spoke. I know he brought a buddy so I would have no excuse but to only be around him. He pulled the same shit in college.

"What you mean? They are both single adults who can make their own decisions." He gave  Ronnie a nod before he shot me that big ole kool aid smile. He spoke facts and Ronnie was fine. As we started through the Zoo I noticed how Aden was totally comfortable and didn't shed a tear. My sister and X's teammate walked in the opposite direction as we spoke. Jaimie could handle herself and would have curved him from jump if she wasn't interested.

"I guess you are right." I pushed the stroller along the brick path, keeping an eye on my baby.

"I can't believe you didn't think I would show up Mar." He said in sadly.

"What else was I supposed to think? You have a track record of giving something new and shiny your attention no mater what your are supposed to do." I shot back. There was a 50/50 chance that he showed up, even with my explicit instructions, and I was banking on the negative half.

"New and shiny? You are just nervous that some one with take your spot." He stopped in front of the monkey habitat. He laughed which caused the baby to laugh.

"Someone already did if I remember correctly. She is cute too." I said looking at the animals. I knew it wouldn't be long before the verbal sparing started.

"She is meaningless." He got short with me. I noticed him walking closer to me.

"If I wanted it I could have it, baby let's be honest." I walked in the direction of the next exhibit.

"I'm glad you know. No one is taking your spot." He used a free hand to slap my ass so hard I jolted forward. I instantly regretted my comment.

"You're so fucking  cocky." Aden fell asleep in his arms after a while so I buckled him in to his stroller. As we walked I checked my phone to see if my sister was ok.

"Says the if I want it I can get it girl..." He laughed in the middle of his statement.

"You can have it but I know boss man has you on a tight leash." His hand crept up the back up my neck causing my to immediately punch him in the chest.

"Calm your ass down and keep my mans name out of your mouth." His smile turned in to a frown fast. He stopped in his tracks for a bit.

"Your man? That's your man now?" He said catching up to me. I stopped to make sure Aden was ok after his two second nap. He was sitting up and particularly interested in the interest in the big cats.

"That's what I said. Like I said before you don't get to pick and choose." I kneeled down to see his face better as he smiled.

"That's your boss, not your man and I can prove that to you." We walked around the zoo going back and forth for a while before he got the picture.

"So what are you?" I asked him since he was so sure about everyone else's position.

"Your college sweetheart and your baby daddy. Also know as the night that ain't never ever going anywhere." He licked his finger pitting it directly in my ear causing me to loose it.

"Childish. That's what the fuck you are." Aden was back in his hands as we ate ice cream and caught up with my sister and Ronnie.

"Well at least I made you smile." He smacked my ass before we sat resulting in me punching him in the chest once again.

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