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"You have to talk to your father." Eric didn't want to be in charge of the company but with his father stepping down soon it was happening sooner than he thought.

"He wants to talk about what he expects from me and I am not ready for it. I know it's coming but not today." I sat on the counter as he made French Toast just like he promised.

"But... what else is going on? You seem a little off." I asked him while Aden sat in the high chair.

"What makes you think something is wrong?" He glanced up at me while flipping the toast.

"Last night you... don't get me wrong the sex was amazing but it was empty. It's like you weren't even there. You have something else on your mind and I'm here to listen." I didn't change my voice because the last thing we needed was an argument.

"You know I love you and I don't ever want you to feel like I just fucked you or used your body." He said as if he was leading up to something.

"That's not what I mean." I said not wanting the conversation topic to change. However, Eric was right.

"But I know what you mean and it's my fault." He continued to cook.

"But the real question is what's going on?" I slid off of the counter, taking the spatula out of his hand. As soon as I did he looked straight in to the living room. Aden stopped to look at him as well.

"My father is sick." He took a paused after he spoke.

"You old told. You didn't say much about it though." I added to continue the conversation.

"They thought the surgery would correct it and it didn't." He looked at the stove and any thing else to avoid my eyes.

"Baby..." He cut me off immediately.

"So when he say he wants to talk he isn't talking about two years down the line he means soon. He wants to announce his retirement and my promotion the Monday after you come back from Atlanta." So the longer nights and stress comes from my father grooming me." He tapped his finger in the counter.

"I haven't always been the best son to my father and it's hard for him to leave me with all of this." He finished. Eric began fixing plates so we could sit and eat.

"The son you were had no affect on the son you are now. Eric you have worked your ass off and grown tremendously anyone can see it. Your father has a huge amount of faith in you baby and so do I. Mr. Graham is giving you his blessing, his trust and I don't want you to shut him out." I said thinking about how bad he would feel if he didn't get to say good bye.

"Can we eat please?" He asked walking to the breakfast nook instead of the dining room table. I took a breath and though about what I could say next. I sat I front of the plate he sat out for me and watched him as he cut his food in to tiny pieces for Aden. There was a pit in the conversation as we ate.

"Don't worry about the dishes." He said as I finished what I could of the meal he prepared.

"I couldn't care less about the dishes I care about you. You phone has been ringing all morning and you haven't bothered to look after the first time." His father called early this morning, waking us both up. Eric stood up starting in the dishes but pausing to clean Aden's table top. After noticing he was sticky as well he cleaned Aden while holding him.

"Eric." I called out to him knowing he didn't want to talk. I finished the dishes as he and Aden began to play. Soon after Aden would be sleep for at least and hour.

"Someone is at the door." I saying being able to hear the voices on the other side before the knock.

"Huh?" He said before hearing the knock.

"Who could be all the way up here before noon?" He walked towards the door, this time using the peep hole. I hoped that he wouldn't open the door and Yani was on the other side while he held my baby.

"Tell me you didn't." He said, clearly upset, and turning to face me.

"Why is Solomon at my door?" He asked flaring out his nostrils.

"Eric who the hell is Solomon?" I asked him now matching his energy. I stood in the middle of the kitchen wearing nothing but a bra, panties, and the shit that Eric wore to work the day before. When he opens the door I stepped back behind the counter, closing the shirt.

"This is Solomon."

"Your father has been trying to reach you." The man spoke paying me no attention.

"Solomon is like and uncle, more of a second dad that always knows where to find me." He said making it hard to gage his emotions. As they had a short conversation I went to the back with the hopes that he couldn't see me. I darted down the long hallway and jumped in the shower. Once I got out I realized that the only thing I had here was work clothes but I managed to find a tank top and a pair of his pants.

15 minutes had passed and I got up the nerve to go back in to the living room. I brought wipes and a change of clothes for Aden so It wouldn't look like I was nervous. Eric's and the man from the door were having a great conversation that included laughter.

"It's nice to meet you Ms. Williams." Solomon spoke as I joined them. I noticed that not only had Aden's clothes keen change but his hair was wet letting me know that he had an actual bath.

"My apologies for my untimely arrival. Honestly I didn't expect anyone to be here." I smiled simply not knowing what to do.

"Your father has been down stairs and if my timing is right he is in his way up the elevator." Solomon stood walking towards the door. Eric, who never put Aden down, motioned me to come closer.

"I didn't need to act like that earlier and I apologize. You did deserve that ." He used his free arm to hug me.

"It's a lot going on. I get it." I said receiving the kiss on my fore head. Soon after Aden decided that I needed a kiss from him too.

"He will be using the penthouse elevator not the general elevator." Aden didn't want to leave his arms which made things all little hard.

"Eric." Solomon said pointing out that there wasn't enough time and that he should be in front of the door when it opens.

"It's ok." He said pecking my lips and carrying Aden to the elevator doors.

"Are you sure? Should I leave?" I wasn't sure if this was the way I wanted to meet his father.

"Please don't." His works made me feel better.

"Are you sure?"

"It has to happen some time. But if you aren't comfortable..." He asked looking at the doors and back at me.

"It's fine." I said still nervous.

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