Day 1

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I settled in perfectly fine. The people who worked in the Huston office were just as freindly if not more that my old office. If I would have known that the Huston office gave their employees daily breakfast my desicion would have been a lot easier to make. The breakfast bar was my first mission of the day. I was able to put something on my stomach and calm my nerves.
My day before lunch was filled with a few short meets and greats with a battle with the IT department. I was finally able to access my email and get a bit of work done from my lap top. After lunch I finally got to set up my office. Placing picture of Aden and all my personal touches to make the place a little more homie.

"You may have Rachel beat when it comes to the office " The IT Department guy came back to fix my desk top. It was only a monitor when I walked in this morning and they fought me tooth an nail when I explained the situation. I continued hanging a few small canvas paintings I had from Atlanta while he started making small talk. Finally, he realized that I wasn't in to chatting and just did his job.

I hadn't seen Eric all day because of his meetings which was a good thing. There was no need to put on a fake act like we talked about. Hell, the only reason I knew he was here because of the receptionist at the desk. When she caught sight of him her entire world became about Eric Graham. She was nothing like Ms. Tina. She was young and simply looking for a come up. I would be better off calling up Mona Scott Young to get her a spot on love and hip hop. The only other consultant in the office was cool at least for now. I was almost about to pack up and go when I met her. Rachel talked to be about how working with Houston Methodist Hospital had been the bane of her entire existence for months now.

"Are you the Rachel with this great office I had been hearing about?" I shook her hand. She stood about 5 foot 3 inches with beautiful curly brown hair. I noticed her shape and she definitely had one.

"Guilty. But this is really something especially for one day." Her eyes bounce from wall to wall.

"Congratulations on the Donoghue account. You know us consultants have gotta stick together." She went in for a high five. I would begin working with the private landscaping company who is looking to expand tomorrow. When she wrapped up her story I had just enough time to head down stairs and pick up my baby boy.

"How did you do it alone for so long? In Atlanta there are 20 to 30 consultants why are you the only one?" I said just as she slid out the door.

"Well there was a huge crack down a few months ago and the let the majority go." She left it at that. It sounds like something that's none of my business anyway. We said our good byes.

"Are you Amari?" A fine hunk of caramel asked as he slid in just as I began to walk out. I had a long first day and just wanted to grab my kid and go.

"That's what the name plate says." I smiled, a little irritated. He extended his hand to me coming a little bit closer. I hoped that having my bag in my hand would give him the hint that I was on my way out.

"My office is right across the way I just wanted to stop in and say hello." It was nice meeting everyone in the office but it was beyond tiring especially because I knew there was more to come.

"Thats nice thank you. I didn't catch your name." I shook his hand while closing the door forcing him out.

"Joshua. Maybe we can grab dinner or a drink sometime." Joshua didn't know me from a can of paint but was already trying to be in my space out side of the office.

"Umm maybe Joshua." He flashed me his pretty smile before telling me to have a good night. I started my walk down stairs when it hit me.

"I bet you ask all the girls to get a drink huh?" I turned around letting him know I was on to him. He popped his head out of his office door ready to rebuttal my little statement.

"You are just the one I'm actually interested in. I'll see you around." He returned to his office not even giving me an option to strike back. I started to laugh at the situation as I hoped that Aden had a good day.I wanted him to adjust just as well as I did because Aden could turn in to a mean little thing when he wasn't comfortable.  It was like I fell down a rabbit whole trying to get down stairs. From the 20th floor down to the first I just hoped I wasn't too late.

"How was he?" I walked in ready to hear about Aden's day. I'll be glad when he is able to talk so he can tell me himself.

"He was perfect. He slept well as definitely didn't cry like out other first timers." Laurel slid is bag off of her shoulder and in to my hand.

"Aww really!" My face lit up as I picked Aden up. It took everything out of me not to slip down stairs and see him throughout the day. I almost called down numerous times but stood strong. It was good to know that he didn't wild out like he did at the other day car.

"See you tomorrow Aden." She waved as we left.

"Have a good one." I said to the security guard on my way to the parking enclosure. I passed Eric's executive parking spot seeing his car. I could imagine how tired he would be as I continued to my car. By the time I got home I knew Aden would be ready to sleep after he was bathed and fed if he wasn't asleep in the next three seconds. The amount of traffic on the roads at 8 pm was sad. The Stop and go traffic was working against me and my stomach was being to touch my back. I glanced in the rear view mirror seeing his eye lids grow heavy as I exited the highway to slide to Popeyes. I tried to stays way from fast food but today wasn't the day.

When I did finally make it home Aden ate and caught a case of the itis and fell straight asleep after his bath. I was going to be able to call Eric back after not being able to talk to him all day. I dialed his now memorized number while I warmed up my chicken dinner. When he didn't answer I considered calling him once more but I quickly realized I'm not his woman and he surly isn't my man. A B.E.T original filled the air while I ate my biscuit and prepared for the day ahead.

Ring Ring

I looked at the phone before going to check in Aden. Eric ended up calling back almost a half hour later and I let the phone ring. I though about the fact that he could be sitting outside as I made my way to the baby's room. Aden  was moving in his sleep letting me know it was time for a fresh diaper. I held him for a while just so he wouldn't start screaming before I left to  shower and sleep. Or at least I thought, my phone started ringing off the hook as soon as I stepped in to the shower. Knowing it could be no one but Eric Graham I continued to take in the scent of my aromatherapy candles while lathering my self up. By the 9th phone call I couldn't even enjoy my shower after a long day. I rinsed and dried off, before really getting ready for bed. I turned my phone on don't disturb after checking in on my son. Being in a new place made me nervous but not more than Aden sleeping alone. I was definitely determined to let him get used to his own space now that we have moved. He was sound asleep giving me the signal to at least try to do the same.

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