•Chapter 4: Reunion•

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After telling Sam, Katherine, and the former Lost Boys about seeing Griff in the streets of the fake Storybrooke, we walk the streets of the Underworld searching in every shop and knocking on any door to try and find our missing loved ones. Once we reach the end of the block, we sit at a table outside of knock-off Granny's as we try together our thoughts.

"We looked everywhere," Vincent sighs, "and came up short everyone."

"Then we'll look again," Harry states.

"What if they aren't here?" Vincent questions, "then what?"

"All of their headstones are still standing," Fletcher answers, "which means he's still here."

"Where else can we look?" Katherine questions.

"We looked I every shop and every house," Sam says.

"Not every shop," I announce as I point down the road, causing them all to turn and look at the sign that reads Gold's Shop.

After exchanging looks and letting out hesitant sighs, we all stand up before we head in the direction of the shop. We stand there for a moment before I open the door and all walk inside to see a shop filled with various knick-knacks but no one in sight.

"Who exactly runs this place?" I ask.

"Should be empty until Rumpelstiltskin is dead," Fletcher tells us.

When Sam comes to a stop in front of a display, I walk over to see what he's looking at before I gasp when the item comes into view. A pan flute.

"We need to get out of here," Sam whispers, "now."

"Agreed," I say, trying to hide my panic before we turn to the rest of the group.

"Well, he's not here," Sam announces as we begin to usher everyone towards the door.

"Maybe we should check the rooms at Granny's again," I tell them.

Right as we reach the door, we hear footsteps coming from behind us, causing us all to freeze in our places as chills run up my spine.

"You're leaving already?" the all too familiar voice asks, "you just got here."

Once the shock fades from all of us, we turn to see Peter Pan leaning against the counter with his boyish smirk.

"Who's that?" Katherine asks.

"Peter Pan," Vincent hisses.

"He's kinda cute."

"Okay," Sam says in annoyance as Pan's smirk grows, "time to go."

After sharing another long look with Pan, we all turn and begin to head out the door as I think about how I don't like how easy getting out is.

"But, if you leave, you'll never find Felix or the rest of their missing friends," Pan states, causing me, Fletcher, and Harry to stop dead in our tracks before I look at the faces of everyone around me.

"I'll meet up with you," I tell them.

"But Eve-"

"I'll be fine, Sam. I'll meet you outside of Granny's."

They all stare at me with hesitation on their faces before they all nod and leave the store. Once they're out of sight, I turn towards the demon, only to see his hand wave through the air, closing the door behind me and blocking my only way out.

"Where is he?" I demand.

"Ah, ah, ah," he says, "did you really think I'd just tell you?"

"I was hoping. For all I know, your unfinished business was to be helpful for a change."

At my comment, the smirk on his face disappears before I watch his expression darken as he takes a few steps towards me.

"I want something," he tells me.

"Of course you do. You always do," I respond, "what do you want?"

"A heart."

"Don't have an extra. Sorry."

"You don't need an extra. Just give me one from your group."

"Can't do that."

"Why's that, Jones?" he asks.

"Oh, how I've missed you saying my name in an annoyed manner," I smile, "and, to answer your question, I can't give you Katherine's because she shares one with Sam now. Fletcher, Harry, and Vincent are already dead. And mine's the Purest so it would destroy you considering how dark you are."

"Then it looks like you won't find your precious Felix."

"I'd rather find him on my own than make a deal with you."

As soon as the words finish coming out of my mouth, the back door opens before the curtains part to show Griff. Shock and fear take over my body from the thoughts of the time I met Griff on Neverland fill my head as he stares back with a smile on his face before he walks over to Pan. While they're talking, I take a few steps back only to collide with the locked door.

"The Lost Boys want to know when the bonfire is going to be," he tells Pan.

"After I finish my business here," he answers, causing Griff to nod before he gives me a devilish smirk then walks out the back door of the shop.

"The Lost Boys?" I question.

"Yeah," he responds, "Andy. Zachary. Wally. Some new boys. And Griff."

"Is that where Felix, Toby, and Harper are?"

"No. I have them someplace special."

Anger boils inside of me then a ball of light forms in my hand and I hurl it at him. Before it hits him, he disappears and reappears inches away from my face.

"I see you're enjoying the gift I gave," he whispers before he turns and walks away.

When he reaches the back curtain, I shoot a beam of light at him, grazing his arm, causing him to scream in pain before he turns to me with anger written all over his face.

"There's more where that came from!" I shout as two more balls of light appear in my hands.

Before I could throw them, the door opens behind me and I'm tackled to the ground. I watch as Pan walk through the curtain to the back room before I struggle to get the person off. When I finally get them off of me, I look up to see a boy with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes.

"I'm sorry," he tells me, "but he'll find you if you use magic."

"Who's 'he?'" I question as the boy helps me up, "and who are you?"

"He is Hades, the God of the Underworld. And I'm Austin. Austin Nova. Why were you attacking him anyway? And why are you down here? You're clearly alive."

"I was attacking him because I'm looking for someone and he knows where he is."

"Maybe I can help."

"How could you possibly help me?"

"I have my ways," Austin answers, "meet me at the docks in two days at midnight."

"Just a warning," I respond, "I won't be alone."

"Fine by me."

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