•Chapter 10: Always and Forever•

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"We have to go," I tell my group as we stand around the counter in the loft, "we have to go meet Pan and get back Felix, Toby, and Harper."

"We know, Everly," Sam responds calmly, "but we need to think of a plan."

"The plan is to go and get them back," I state.

"We can't just waltz in there and be like 'hello, Peter. Can we have the people you took from us back now?'" Vincent mocks, "it doesn't work that way."

Knowing he's right, I let out a sigh before sitting on the couch while they talk amongst themselves. After a moment, I close my eyes to gather my thoughts when a gust of wind pulls me back to reality. I open my eyes to see a blank paper on the table in front of me before my eyes widen when I realize it looks like a paper from Henry's storybook.

I slowly reach for it and flip it over to reveal the picture of Felix and I dancing at the ball when I went back in time. I gasp as I jump up from the couch and let the paper fall to the floor before everyone turns to look at me as Katherine comes over to make sure I'm okay. When I point to the paper, Katherine picks it up and stares at it with wide eyes.

"Wasn't this framed in your room back in the world above?" she asks.

"Yeah," I whisper, "it was."

"Why is it here?"

"Think of it as a little gift from me."

I freeze at the new familiar voice in the room and, by the lack of shuffling, I know everyone else has frozen, too. I slowly look up to see Peter Pan sitting on the windowsill.

"Why are you all so surprised to see me?" he laughs as he stands up and walks into the center of the room, "I did tell you we were meeting today."

"We thought we were meeting you in the woods," Harry tells him.

"That was the original plan," Pan explains, "but I was tired of waiting."

"Now what?" Fletcher asks.

"Now," a smirk makes its way onto his face, "it's time for a game," he then turns to Austin, "excluding you. Don't want your father to be mad."

Before any of us could react, a cloud of green smoke surrounds us, followed by darkness.


I slowly open my eyes to see an empty camp, similar to Pan's camp on Neverland. When I try to move, I quickly realize that I'm tied to a tree before I hear movement and look to my right to see my whole group in the same situation as me. I let out a quiet sigh then look across the camp to see three cages hanging from the trees. Typical Lost Boys camp.

"What's going on?" I hear Harry ask.

"Looks like we're Pan's prisoners again," I sigh as the sound of footsteps comes into hearing range.

"Who's coming?" Katherine asks.

"Shut up and we'll see," Vincent tells her.

"Don't tell her to shut up," Sam hisses.

"Can you all just be quiet?!" Fletcher whisper yells.

The footsteps come closer and out of the forest comes Pan, Griff, and a small group of boys. About ten. Andy, Zachary, and Wally are the only familiar ones. My attention turns away from the Lost Boys and back to Pan, who shoots my group a sly smile before he turns to his boys.

"We're going to play a game I haven't played in a very long time," he tells them, "it's called Capture the Everly."

As soon as he announces the name of the game, I feel my breath get caught in my throat before my heart skips a beat.

𝐀𝐁𝐘𝐒𝐒 ★ 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 ⁶Where stories live. Discover now