•Chapter 11: Promises•

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After the events that only happened moments ago, we all stand around the park, catching up with the ones we found. I watch as Toby and Harry hugging each other like they'll never let go while Fletcher and Harper have a conversation before they gently kiss each other. As everyone continues to talk to their loved ones, I feel an arm snake around my waist before I look up to see Felix smiling down at me. All of the moments are cut short when we hear footsteps approaching then we all turn to see Austin walking up to us.

"Why is he here?" Felix whispers.

"He's helping us take down Hades," I quietly answer.

"But that's his son."

"We know."

"I'm really glad you're all okay," he tells us.

"Us, too," Vincent responds.

Out of nowhere, a bright light appears and, knowing what that means, I look to Vincent, Harry, Toby, Fletcher, and Harper to see nothing but pure joy on their faces when they realize they can finally move on. When Fletcher begins to walk over to us, I leave them to have a private conversation before I walk over to Harper.

"It's great to see you again," she says to me then pulls me in for a hug.

"You, too," I tell her, "I just wish we had more time to catch up."

"I'm just lost for words. How are you still alive and well when we met all those years ago?"

"It's a long story. I'm sure Fletcher will be able to tell you."

She smiles and pulls me in for another hug before she goes over to Felix as Fletcher walks over to me.

"Thank you," he smiles, "for everything."

"I should be thanking you," I tell him, "you helped me see that giving up is never the answer."

"How did I show you that?"

"You've been down here for over thirty years and you never stopped looking for Harper."

He smiles and pulls me in for a hug before I say my goodbyes to the three other boys then we watch them turn towards the light. When it fades a bit, a small village with little log cabins is revealed.

"That looks amazing and peaceful," Harry says.

"I think I'll like it there," Toby adds.

"Thanks again, everyone," Vincent says as they all turn and walk through the light, moving onto a place they all deserve to be.

"What did you and Fletcher talk about?" I ask Felix as the light vanishes.

"He wanted me to go with them," he answers.

"Why didn't you?"

When he doesn't answer right away, I look up at him in curiosity to find him looking right back at me.

"My business isn't finished," he finally answers.

"It's not revenge on Pan, is it?" I question.


"What is it then?"

"You'll just have to wait and see."

A smirk makes it's way onto his face as I roll my eyes, knowing that I won't be able to get it out of him unless he wanted me to.


When I brought Felix back to the loft, everyone was shocked to see him. The first thing David did was apologize for locking Felix up when we first got back to Storybrooke. After Felix forgave him, I told him that David and Snow were my biological parents and that Emma was my younger sister. I found it funny that he's the first person who doesn't give me a weird look when I say that. Then again, he was on Neverland for a very long time. When Henry walked in a moment after that, Felix quickly apologized for everything that happened on Neverland and, Henry being Henry, forgave him without hesitation. I was finally able to introduce Felix to Katherine and she loves him.

After that, we all find ourselves gathered in the library, waiting for Emma and Killian to come in. While we wait, I help Regina write some strange letters on the elevator as Henry, Sam, Katherine, Austin, and Felix are sitting to the side, waiting for instruction. When Emma and Killian finally walk in, Emma immediately gives Snow a hug.

"Is everything okay?" Snow asks.

"Yeah," Emma answers, "it's just good to see you."

"When you're done hugging it out, Emma," Regina says, "we can use a little help here."

"So this is what you've been working on all night?" Killian asks, "this is our new plan defeat Hades and go home...a bunch of squiggly lines?"

"Hades put one heck of a protection spell on this elevator," I tell Killian as I shoot him a dirty look.

"And these 'squiggly lines' are the only way to crack it open," Regina adds.

"Then hopefully that elevator will take us straight to him," Snow says.

"Maybe with surprise on our side," David states, "we can get a shot at him."

"That's a lot of 'maybes and 'hopefullys," Killian grunts.

"It's all we have right now," Emma tells him as I shoot him another glare.

When Emma and Regina begin to use their magic on the elevator, I make my way back over to my group. Felix puts his arm around me when I stand next to him and I look up at him to see a skeptical look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"This is too easy," he responds before we watch as the elevator opens to reveal a brick wall.

"So much for the element of surprise," I hear Sam chuckle as I get an idea and go over to Austin.

"Do you know what was on those pages?" I ask him.

"Not that I know of," he answers, "my father kind of kept to himself. He never told me anything."

At his response, I nod before I look back to the adults and see them having an intense conversation before they all exit.

"Looks like they came up with a plan and left us out of the loop," Katherine says, "again."

We share a sigh before Austin walks in front of us with a small smile on his face.

"How about we just go for a walk?" he suggests, "get to know each other a little more?"

"Why?" I ask.

"Because the only time we talk is when we're about to die."

"Not wrong," Sam says.

"Let's go."

Austin then turns and walks out the door before Sam and Katherine exchange looks before following him out, leaving me with Felix. I'm about to follow them out when he grabs my wrist and makes me face him, only to see a concerned look is plastered on his face.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I place a hand on his cheek.

"I need you to promise me something," he tells me.


"If you have a way to get out of the Underworld, promise me you'll go. With or without me."

"Living without you has been like walking through an abyss. I don't think I can make that promise."

"Please, Sunshine. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you stayed because of me."


"I need you to leave me behind if you have to. Please. Promise me that."

I stare into his eyes and see nothing but determination, causing me to sigh and fight back the tears that threaten to come out.


"I promise."

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