•Chapter 12: Red•

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After walking around Underbrooke for only five minutes, we receive an urgent call from Snow before we rush to the loft. As soon as we enter the loft, surprise fills my body when I see Ruby was here, and alive.

"Is she okay?" Sam asks.

"We don't know," David responds.

"Why is she down here?" Katherine questions.

"We don't know," Killian answers.

"How long do you think she'll be out?" I say.

"I don't know," Regina tells us, "we hit her with some pretty strong stuff."

"Do you mean-"

"Magic," Emma interrupts me, "we hit her with magic."

"Where has she been since she left Storybrooke?" Katherine asks.

"I don't know," Snow replies, "she went to find her pack."

"Unless they're dead," Regina sighs, "I'd say she's sniffing the wrong place."

"Any explanation for what she's doing here?" Austin questions.

"Just this," Emma answers as she hands me a torn piece of blue plaid cloth that looks oddly familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.


After a while, Ruby wakes with a gasp and looks at us with confusion, causing everyone to make their way over to her.

"Where am I?" she asks.

"The Underworld," Snow tells her.

"The Underworld? I don't understand. I used a tracking spell so the cyclone would bring me to Zelena."

"Ruby," Emma says, "she's down here, too."

"Wait, love, you came here looking for Zelena?" Killian asks.

"Why am I not surprised?" Regina sighs, "what did my sister do now?"

"It's my friend, Dorothy," Ruby responds, "Zelena wanted her magic slippers so that she could get back to her baby."

"I knew that cloth looked familiar," I mumble so that only Henry could hear.

"Ruby," Snow says, "what did Zelena do to your friend?"

"That's why I'm here," Ruby answers, "I don't know. Dorothy went to face her and just disappeared. Mulan and I looked everywhere, but we couldn't find her."

"Wait!" Katherine exclaims, "you know Mulan?!"

"Not the time, Kat," Sam tells her as she begins to go silent.

Felix and I stifle our laughs before everyone's attention goes back to Ruby.

"Snow, this is all my fault," Ruby continues, "none of this would have happened if I hadn't shown up in Oz. It's just one more life that I have destroyed because of what I am."

"That is not true, and you know it, Ruby," Snow responds, "we'll find out what happened to Dorothy. I promise."

As soon as the last two words register in my head, I tune out the world around me and look to Felix, thinking about how I may have just made a promise I'm not prepared to keep.


At the sound of my nickname, I break out of my trance to see Felix staring back at me with worry in his eyes.

"What?" I ask as I look around the room, "where is everyone?"

"Emma, Snow, Ruby, and Regina went to go talk to Zelena," he answers, "and Henry, Hook, David, Austin, Sam, and Katherine went to the haunted phone."

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