•Chapter 5: Herc and Meg•

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When I get to Granny's after my meeting with Pan, I explain everything to them and how Mr. Mysterious wants to meet in two days.

"So, this Austin guy, he just going to help?" Fletcher asks, "nothing in return?"

"Not that I know of," I tell them.

"How do you know we can trust him?" Vincent questions.

"I don't," I answer, "that's why I'm not going alone."

After discussing a plan for meeting Austin in the next few days, we leave fake Granny's and make our way to the loft. As soon as I open the door to the loft and we enter, Mary Margaret leaves with determination on her face. Once she's out of sight, we turn our attention to Emma and see a girl with brown hair sitting on the couch with fear in her eyes before Emma looks to us to see our confused faces.

"This is Megara," Emma tells us, "she's helping us find Hook. Meg this is my sister, Everly, and her friends, Sam, Katherine, Fletcher, Vincent, and Harry."

After the introduction, we sent the quiet girl a smile but we don't get a chance to respond before the atmosphere begins to change in the room.

"Regina?" David calls from upstairs.

"What is it?" Regina questions, "did Mary Margaret talk Muscles into giving it another go?"

"I don't think so."

As soon as the words leave his mouth, the room begins to shake and the roof starts to cave in, causing us all to duck for cover. Once the shaking stops and we comprehend the situation at hand, we all sprint out the door and down the stairs.

"Let me guess!" Emma shouts over the noise, "the Cerberus?!"

"The what?!" I question as we continue to run.

When we hear a crash from behind us, we all look to see a black, three-headed dog with red eyes staring back at us. As soon as the image of the demon dog sets into my brain, I follow everyone before we fend off the three-headed beast as long as we can while Megara runs down the street. Once we fend off the demon-dog as long as we can, we follow Megara before meeting up with Mary Margaret and a really good looking boy.

"Are you okay?" Mary Margaret asks us, "what happened?"

"Cerberus," David explains, "he found us."

"Where's the prisoner?"

"She ran when the hellhound attacked," Emma tells her, "we gave her a head start but there was only so long we could hold it off."

My attention is turned to Sam when he taps me on the shoulder before I look at him to see a small smile on his face.

"Mary Margaret's friend has been staring at you since we got here," he whispers.

At his comment, I look over to the boy to see that Sam was right. He doesn't even look away when he notices I'm staring right back at him. Before I can even think as to why this boy is staring at me like that, he then walks over to me as everyone continues their conversation.

"Sorry for staring," he apologizes, "my names Hercules. You can call me Herc."

"Hercules? As in the demigod? Son of Zeus?" Sam questions as Hercules nods, "woah."

Sam's reaction causes the demigod to smile before he looks back to me.

"Does your name happen to be Every?" he asks before my eyes widen then I slowly nod.

"Woah," I hear Vincent say.

"A demigod knows you!" Harry exclaims.

"That's so cool!" Fletcher laughs.

𝐀𝐁𝐘𝐒𝐒 ★ 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 ⁶Where stories live. Discover now