•Chapter 9: The Pirates•

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After hearing what Killian's former crew had to say about Liam, Killian looks to his brother, only to find guilt plastered onto his face, unable to meet Killian's gaze.

"Liam," Killian whispers, "please tell me there's another explanation for this."

"I'm sorry, Killian!" Liam shouts, "but I didn't have any other choice! I had to do what I could to save us!"

"You lied to me."

"And know all three of you will pay," the man says, "men!"

I watch as the men come forward and place sacks over Liam and Killian's heads. Before I could react, the leader grabs my wrist and places a cuff on it.

"We've heard of you, Purest Heart," he tells me, "got this little trinket from Peter Pan."

"Why am I not surprised that demon is involved," I mumble.

"Let's go!"

The next thing I know, a man from behind puts a sack over my head before he begins to pull me along with them to a place unknown.


After blindly being forced along by the man behind me for what felt like forever, we come to a sudden stop before the bag is lifted off my head to reveal the place that decides if you go to the better place or the worse place.

"Why did you bring her?" Killian questions before turning his attention away from me to the man in charge, "she has nothing to do with this!"

"She was in the wrong place at the wrong time," the leader chuckles, "now, it's time to walk the plank."

"I'll gladly walk it," Liam tells him, "just spare Killian and the girl, please. They have nothing to do with this."

"As I said, the girl was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Killian should've gone down with the ship like the rest of us. And now he finally will."

As I continue to struggle against the man holding me back, I find myself glancing back at him for a second before having to take a double-take.

"Al?" I whisper, causing him to looks at me in confusion before realization hits him.

"Everly?" he quietly questions, "what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Liam's deal made me lose my brother. He's the reason I ended up on Neverland. Your turn."

"Killian's the man who raised me."

Once my words hit him, his eyes widen then looks to his crew before his attention comes back to me.

"I protected you once and I'll protect you again," he tells me, "trust me."

As soon as he says those two words, I nod then look back to Killian and Liam to see them having a conversation I can't hear.

"No more talking!" the man yells, "time to face justice, boys."

"What are you going to do to her?" Killian asks.

"Just have her watch her family fall to their demise before turning her over to Hades. I'm sure he'd love to have the Purest Heart in his hands."

Killian's eyes widen then he looks to me with worry in his eyes before a circle of blue fire appears and, when it vanishes, Hades appears.

"Did someone decide to have a party and not invite me?" he questions, causing the leader to slowly turns to face Hades as the Jones brothers stare at him in shock.

"Lord...Lord Hades," the leader stutters before Hades laughs and, with a wave of his hand, sends the leader into the pit of fire.

"And now for the Brothers Jones and their little sidekick," Hades announces, "one of them kept up his end of the bargain and gets to live, while the other escaped my dungeon, and for that, he has to pay. At last, we'll see the end of Captain Hook and, this time, you won't be able to protect him."

"Al," I whisper, "you need to get this cuff off of me."

"Don't do it, Al," Hades turns in our direction, "I have a fun plan for their little sidekick."

"And that is?"

"I'm sure Peter Pan would love to see you with that little cuff on. And Al, if you remove the cuff, you'll be joining Hook."

"No!" Liam shouts, drawing everyone's attention back to him, "I won't let you hurt Killian or his daughter, no matter what kind of deal we made."

When I look up at Al, he nods before I feel the cuff being taken off my wrist but it's too late. With a wave of Hades' wrist, Liam is thrown over Killian and into the fire.

"No!" Killian shouts as Hades turns to Al and me.

"I see you removed the cuff," he says, "I warned you."

The next thing anyone knew, Al faces the same fate as Liam. My instincts quickly take over me as I rush over to the edge where he went over to see him barely hanging onto the edge. I quickly grab his hand as I look over to see Killian doing the same for Liam.


"I won't let you fall," I tell Al, "trust me."

"Liam!" I hear Killian shout, causing me to look over and see Liam falling into the fire.

Out of nowhere, a bright white light appears before I quickly pull Al up with the help of some of his crew members as Hades vanishes. When the light fades, we see water with a boat in the distance and Liam being raised up from the fire on a rowboat. Killian stands up and stares at the scene in shock.

"I suppose this is the sacrifice I should have made long ago," Liam tells Killian as the boat moves closer to the rock, "and now I can finally depart."

"Then go," Killian says, "all of you," he turns to the crew, "now that you finally know the truth, your unfinished business is complete as well. Get on board men."

As his crew begins to board the boat to take them to the better place, Al looks to me with doubt in his eyes.

"I heard about Felix. He was always showed kindness to me," he tells me, "do you want me to stay and help find him?"

"You've been down here long enough," I answer, "go and be with your brother."

A smile appears on his face before he pulls me in for a hug then follows the crew onto the boat.

"What about you, brother?" Liam asks Killian as he comes to stand next to me.

"My unfinished business isn't done yet," Killian tells him, "not until Emma and I have defeated Hades."

"Tell her I'm sorry, and I was wrong. She does want what's best for you. And don't worry about reaching that bar anymore, Killian. You've become a true hero in a way I never could," he then holds out his hand to him, "goodbye."

Killian takes his hand and smiles.

"Goodbye, brother."

Liam then holds his hand out to me and I take it with a smile.

"Stay out of trouble," he tells me.

"Easier said than done," I joke before Killian and I watch as the boat moves and vanishes into the light.

When we go back to the mansion after our little adventure, Killian goes to talk to Emma while I find my group and tell them exactly what happened.

"So Al moved on?" Sam asks.

"Yeah," I answer.

"Good," Harry says, "he deserved to."

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