Chapter 7 - Zelo (Choi Junhong)

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Zelo was watching you sleep. He considered if he should bring you to your room or just let you stay here. He chooses the second option. He puts his elbows on the table and rests his head on his hands. When will she wake up again? He pouted. Should I wake her? I want to have my time with her too. He saw you moving your nose slightly. Some dust went into your nose and it itches.


You sneezed. You open your eyes and saw a very happy Zelo staring at you like a puppy.

Zelo: "Hello (y/n) it's me Zelo. It's my turn to take care of you. Jongup hyung has left already. Nice to meet you."

You: "Hello Zelo."

He blinks his eyes a few times. He seems to be shy in front of you. You could see that he really is the youngest vampire of the group as everyone is concerned about him and the way he introduces himself.

You: "Tell me something about yourself. I don't know you yet."

Zelo: "Ah sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Zelo and I'm 210 years old. I was born as a pureblood vampire like Himchannie hyung and Daehyun hyung."

You: "So you're a pureblood vampire too. But what does pureblood vampire actually mean?"

Zelo: "Pureblood vampires are vampires from the highest class. They can turn humans into vampires if they want to."

You: "Wait a second. Does that mean that you and Himchan oppa can turn me into a vampire if you wanted it to?"

Zelo: "Yes we can. Only Youngjae, Yongguk and Jongup can't do that as they were humans who turned into a vampire."

You: "Hmm three pureblood vampires living with three human vampires, that sounds interesting. Zelo-ah would you ever turn me into a vampire?"

Zelo: "No I won't."

You: "Why?"

Zelo: "Because I don't want you to be like Yongguk hyung."

You: "What's the difference if I can provide your meals or if I'm a vampire?"

Zelo: "There is a huge difference. If you choose me as your partner you will provide me with my meals, not on daily basis. I will give you the freedom you want and you can still live your life like you did before. However, if you turn into a vampire. You will never be able to be in the sun again. You must live in the darkness forever. And you will never be able to eat normal food again. You will need to drink blood from other humans or you can live from animal-based or fake blood."

You: "Hmm I guess you're right. I would choose the first option. I prefer giving my blood to a vampire instead of turning into a vampire who lives on animal-based or fake blood. At least I can still enjoy the food I do now."

Zelo: "Good choice. I would really be happy if you would choose me. But I can see that the hyungs might have stole a place in your heart.

You: "I don't think they did. I see you all equally at this moment. I guess I will have to choose carefully before I regret anything."

Zelo: "It sounds like you have made up your mind."

You: "If I can't escape the future that awaits me. I will have to face it strongly."

Zelo: "I like your spirit. Fighting!"

You smiled at Zelo. He seems to be someone honest and true to himself, but you have to get to know him more before you could judge him.

Zelo: "You seem to be really tired. Should I bring you to your room where you can rest for a while?"

You: "No thank you. I think that I've rested enough. I want to get to know you better."

Zelo blushed at your words and blinked twice with his eyes. His reaction is so adorable.

Zelo: "I like to skateboard and I like to dance."

You: "Can I see how you dance?"

Zelo took his phone out and put on Zayn's Pillowtalk song. He performs a very sexy dance and in front of you and suddenly you couldn't see his as a little brother anymore. The way he grinds his hips to the ground made you blush. You were holding your breath till he finishes his dance.  You didn't know what to think about this.

You: "I eh... y-you're really good. My compliments for your dancing."

Zelo laughed at your reaction. He knows that he made you feel shy this time as your cheeks were red as tomatoes and you were fanning yourself.

Zelo: "(y/n)-ah should I teach you how to dance?"

You: "Oh really? That actually sounds good to me. Yes, I would like to learn how to dance, but no hip thrusts, please. Those moves were a little bit too sexy for me."

Zelo smiles at your honest response.

Zelo: "Then I will skip the hip thrusts. Let us do a couple hip-hop dance."

He turns on the music and shows you the dance he wants you to learn. You were amazed at how good he was in dancing. You applauded for him when he finishes the dance.

You: "Amazing! Zelo-ah! You're so good! Now I'm worried that I won't be able to learn it that quickly. Please have patience with me."

Zelo: "I will teach it to step by step. Don't worry."

He starts his dance lesson with you in his practice room with a very big mirror. You feel ashamed of how you look like. Your hair was a messy bun and you were sweating like crazy with extremely red cheeks. You had a hard time learning this dance. Luckily Zelo had a lot of patience with you. Finally, in two hours you managed to dance it with music. There were some parts of the dance where you had to touch his shoulder or where he was holding your waist while you were striking a sexy pose. At first, you would get shy at his touches. Later you could dance it with confidence because Zelo was supporting you and telling you did a great job. He motivated you. In the end, you performed a perfect dance all thanks to Zelo. You enjoyed it and had a great time with him.

You: "This is the first time in my life that I've danced a hip hop couple dance with a handsome guy."

Zelo: "And I've never danced it with a girl before. I only imagined myself dancing with a female partner. I must admit that I think that you are sexy when you're dancing with confidence."

He bit his lip and waited for your reaction. You stared at him for a moment feeling a sexual tension between the two of you. Then you broke eye contact. It's not the right moment to feel this way. The speaker goes off.

HC: "Junhong-ah! It's time to gather all together! (Y/n) must choose her partner now. Bring her to the living room!"

Zelo: "Ah.. is it already that late. I didn't notice the time as it passed so quickly. It's a shame, but I hope that you can make the choice following your heart."

You: "Thanks, Zelo I will."

Zelo: "I wish you good luck."

The End of Chapter 7!


Hello everyone,

I wrote a very short chapter this time. Maybe I can make some Zelo fans a little bit shy. If you know what I'm actually hinting at (Zelo's solo performance - Pillowtalk) hehe. Watch the video if you're curious about Zelo's performance.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this Zelo chapter. Please comment or vote if you liked it~


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