Yongguk's Route - Chapter 4

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You: "Yongguk! Please don't die! You can't leave me alone! Wake up!"

YJ: "Calm down (y/n)-ah. We don't have time for this."

DH: "Woah! This bite is really deep! I've never seen such a wound before."

YJ: "Yah Daehyun-ah! Think what we can do about this."

You: "Oh my god it's so deep!"

You look at Yongguk, he was in a lot of pain. You've never seen him like this before. It made you tear up. You caress his face softly while holding his hand.

You: "Yongguk Oppa please look at me."

He couldn't open his eyes. He whispers something.

YG: "Take her back home. She doesn't belong here."

DH: "Why? Is she not tasty to you?"

Yongguk groans. The pain getting worse.

YJ: "What are you talking about if we don't do anything you will die."

DH: "Are you suggesting that he should have some of (y/n)'s blood?"

YJ: "I didn't say that, but that could be a good solution."

You: "Can I save him with my blood?"

YJ: "Yes you can, but it's risky. Yongguk hyung is very weak, he won't be able to stop drinking your blood when he starts to. He might kill you in the process."

You frown at Youngjae's words. Will you really risk your own life to save Yongguk? You weren't really sure.

YG: "I want to die. Leave me alone."

Those words made you cry even more.

You: "No! You're not going to die!"

YG: "I am not going to drink your blood if it's that risky."

DH: "What about those animal blood you always take?"

YG: "Then find me an animal."

DH: "We can use those dead wolves right?"

YJ: "No animal blood is not enough for his wound. It's a matter of life and dead now."

Just hearing Yongguk pleas for his death and Youngjae's words. You made the decision to save him. You're not going to let him die. You think about your family and friends, but you still want to save him.

You: "I will offer myself to save him. Tell me what I should do."

YJ: "Yongguk hyung needs to make a bonding with you by taking your blood. However, he is too weak to take it. You will have to give him blood."

You: "Okay I know what to do."

You made a small cut and pressed on your finger. You used the blood and traced a line on your neck. You lean into Yongguk. The smell of your blood made his vampire instinct come back. His hand with long nails grabs the back of your neck and your shoulder. He opens his mouth. Just before he bites you, he stops himself. He pushes you away.

YG: "I would rather die than to drink your blood."

You: "Why are you so stubborn?! Why can't you just take it."

YG: "I'm not going to take the risk of killing you with my own hands."

Yongguk groans his wounds have gotten worse. The pain is killing him.

YG: "Daehyun and Youngjae please put me in the sun."

HC: "Nobody is going to die.

Himchan came back with Jongup and Zelo. Himchan has found some blood samples from the hospital.

HC: "I've found some human blood on the way back."

DH: "Woah hyung! Did you killed anybody for that?"

HC: "No my friend kept some human blood for me in case of emergencies. Perfect for situations like this."

YG: "Why do you want to keep me alive?"

HC: "Because we're family."

Yongguk fell silent. Himchan was right. No matter how bad he felt, the other vampires always got his back. They loved him more than his family did.

Himchan hugged him tenderly.

HC: "Bbang thinks about us. We love you, we can't miss you in our family."

DH: "Himchannie hyung is right. Please drink this."

You could see everyone trying to convince him.

You: "Please don't give up on life. I know how hard life can be, but no matter what you always have other people around you that really care about you from the bottom of their heart. Please think of them and drink this."

You offered him the bottle with blood. Yongguk stares at you. In his eyes, you could see a sparkle of hope. After having to choose between his dilemma he made up his mind. He nodded weakly knowing that he doesn't have a lot of time. You carefully place the bottle on his lips. Slowly feeding him. Yongguk flinch at his first try. He never knew how human blood tasted. It was like drinking a very sweet and delicious drink. In a second he finished the whole bottle. He licks his lips slowly. The effect was impressive, his wounds were healing in a few minutes. Wounds that were deep enough to cost his life were all gone. You hugged Yongguk tightly.

You: "Omg you're healing!! I'm so happy!"

Except for the fact he refused your blood several times. You were glad that he was normal again. The other vampires were relieved to see Yongguk healing.

YJ: "Himchannie hyung do you have some bottles left for the rest of us?"

HC: "Nope only some animal blood tablets."

YJ: "Aww man. That's a shame."

DH: "Eww gross! Not that again!"

HC: "Did I hear someone complaining?"

DH: "Haha no... that was a joke."

JU: "That was a complaint!"

HC: "Maybe that person wants to get burnt by the sun tomorrow morning."

Zelo: "Hyung animal blood is really disgusting, I don't like it either."

HC: "Junhong-ah you know that hyung always cares about you right? If I did have human blood, I would share it with everyone."

JU: "We have human blood here."

Jongup points at you. Everyone stared at you like you were something very delicious. Yongguk was staring daggers at everyone, telling them to get away quickly or he will kill them all. You laugh at Jongup's reaction. These guys even when they are dangerous vampires, something made you trust them. The loyalty between them would protect you. However, you can't forget the fact that Yongguk rejected you several times. But one day you will make him want you more than anything else.

The End of Yongguk's Route chapter 4!


Hi everyone,

Sorry for the long wait. I was kind of lost in what I want to do with my life. I have never thought that life could get harder than all those exams and essays. I never imagined myself to miss my days as a careless child... Anyway, I still enjoy writing and watching B.A.P. These guys never give up on anything no matter how hard it is. They really are my role model. 

Hope you guys will enjoy this chapter~ Please vote or comment on this chapter too~

Thank you all for supporting me!


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