Jongup's Route - Chapter 5

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Jongup was not there when you woke up. You wonder where he went, but your hangover made you feel sick. Why did you drink so much? You regret it right now. He was not in the room so you walk around the castle. The first person you met was Youngjae.

You: "Ah Youngjae! Have you seen Jongup somewhere?

YJ: "I think that he went to Himchannie hyung's room."

You: "Okay thanks!"

YJ: "Yah! Be careful where you walk!"

You: "Yes I will!"

When you turn your face you bumped into Daehyun's chest. He was smirking at your reaction.

You: "I'm sorry..."

DH: "I didn't expect you to jump into my arms on this beautiful day. Did you miss my hugs?"

You: "No!"

You do have to admit that Daehyun was handsome and sexy too, but you're going to stay loyal to Jongup. You made the choice to be with him. You shake your head to clear up your mind.

You: "Did you see Jongup somewhere?"

DH: "Maybe I did maybe I did not. How about giving me a hug and I tell you which way he went."

In a split second, he got hit on the back of his head by Yongguk.

DH: "AAAH!! It hurts!! Why did you hit me?"

YG: "It's forbidden to hit on the partner of Jongup. You cannot do that."

DH: "I did not hit on her! I was just playing around!"

YG: "Whatever. Don't do it anymore."

DH: "Yes Yongguk hyung."

Youngjae was laughing loudly in the background. He whispered idiot to Daehyun.

DH: "Yah! You don't have the right to call me an idiot! Do you want to pick a fight!"

YJ: "Nope, because I will always win from you."

DH: "I'm stronger than you think I am! I've been training every day to beat you one day."

YJ: "I don't want the spill my time on idiots like you."

DH: "What?!"

When Daehyun and Youngjae kept arguing Yongguk spoke to you.

YG: "Jongup went to Himchan's room to get his advice. I'm not sure what happened between the two of you, but I do know that he truly cares about you. Go find him now, I think they finished talking to each other."

You: "Ah okay thank you so much!"

You rushed into Himchan's room but got distracted in the meanwhile you saw Zelo jumping out the window going somewhere. If you didn't know they were vampires you would scream your lungs out. It's scary how someone can jump from the fifth floor so easily. Suddenly Jongup was standing in front of you. His hand scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

JU: "Hi, how are you today?"

You: "I have a hangover, but after seeing you I feel slightly better."

You lied but the next moment you felt like vomiting.

JU: "Woah! Don't puke in front of Himchannie hyung's room!"

Jongup tried to cover your mouth. He pulls you in his arms and run in super speed back to his room and kicks the bathroom door open. Just in time, you vomitted in the toilet.

JU: "Phew... I'm glad that I made it on time. The next time you should stay in our room."

You: "I'm sorry..."

After you were done Jongup cleaned the bathroom while you were lying on his bed feeling worse than before.

JU: "Next time we're going to prevent you from drinking. Why did you drink so much?"

You: "When I'm having a good time it's hard to stop myself from drinking. Hehe..."

Jongup came closer and gently pats your head. He was giving you his angelic smile that made your heart skip a beat. You look into his eyes and they look beautiful.

JU: "Are you shy?"

You: "Eh! No why do you think that?"

JU: "I thought that you were blushing."

You: "No I'm not!"

Jongup giggles and pulls you in for a hug.

You: "No I stink..."

You weakly protested, but he didn't mind at all. He keeps smiling and hugging you softly like a child hugging his teddy bear.

JU: "I'm sorry that I did things you didn't like. I won't force you to like me or love me. We will take it slow. If our relationship will bloom I would be happy. If not we will stay partners and good friends okay. Pinky promise?"

You: "Pinky promise!"

You were delighted that he didn't force you into anything. Now you can take your time to analyze your own feelings.

JU: "We are friends right?"

You: "Yes! We're friends! We never know in the future, but for now we're good friends."

JU: "My good friend do you feel hungry? I can make you a hangover soup."

You: "Really? I thought that you can only make hamburgers."

JU: "I know more than you think. Himchannie Hyung taught me today."

You: "Wow you are more considerate than I imagined."

JU: "Of course!"

You: "If I'm feeling better I will provide you good blood!"

JU: "You better do my friend. Haha"

You smiled back at him. He is very different compared to Daehyun. Maybe you can fall in love with him in the future, but being with him now makes you feel relaxed and happy.

The End of Jongup's Route - Chapter 5


Hi everyone,

Sorry for the slow updates, I will do my best to update more often. The good news is that I'm almost done with the next chapter. Woohoo~ 

Thank you guys for all the votes and comments! 

Please stay safe and healthy everyone! 

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