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Hi guys! Welcome back. I'm back with book 2 The Beast Has Been Released. Its been a while and I know you all are excited to read book 2 of my book. There you guys go and one more thing before we leave. If you have any time at all please reread the first book to refresh you all's memories. Oh and one more thing THIS BOOK IS RESERVED!!!!

All rights are reserved so do not steal my story I will get very mad. If you didn't know it's very rude to steal. Look it up and learn it. Also read at your own risk this story will contain very bad language, extreme violence, dark sexual content and many more! (Some parts are a little jumpy and skipped around and some parts are also kinda clingy so if you don't like those types of books than this is not a book for you!)

All I ask for is not extreme hateful comments I do not mind any corrections to my little mistakes or any ideas to put in my book but if I see any hateful mean comments I will report you or delete the comment.

I can care less if you stop reading but you don't need to say it. If you have a problem we can handle it through private messaging and we can fix it.

Don't say I didn't warn you. This is not a love story even though I put it in Romance cause I didn't think this through. The female character will have some affection for the male, but it will never be love.

I do have a Facebook page set up. Still Grimmy_Black. It should look like the picture above. Please friend me and follow me if can. There will be dates on when I post and many more!

This is complete!


There are two of the first book called The Monster Wants Me one is rewritten and the other is Original. So don't read this before you read the first book or you will be really confused about what is going.  

To clear things up on the age, Artemis is 19 when Reyes took her and Reyes was 21. It has been a year when he had her so she was 20 and he turned 22 (they didn't celebrate their b-days). Two years since the kidnapping Artemis is now free and Reyes was in jail for good. She had her baby in two years. Artemis's age is now 22 her baby is 2 years old and Reyes is 24. 

Please, please, please check out my Facebook and friend me and follow it if you can. It looks like the picture above so it won't be hard to find. (HONESTLY, I DONT REALLY USE IT SO YOU DONT NEED TO) 

Make sure to follow, share, comment, and vote

Have a good day or night


Luv ya

Peace out.

Here's the sequel again to refresh your memories.

I watched as Reyes stands over felicity's little crib, sleeping away.
"Who's baby is this?" Reyes said in a whisper.

I didn't answer him and he clenched his fist. "Who's. Baby. Is. This. Kitten?" He asked again.

"Its-its my baby." He turns around with fire in his eyes. "P-please don't hurt her." I studdered.

"Who's the father? Is he a fuck boy with blond hair and blue eyes, perfect smile and everything?" He raised an eyebrow down at me.

"I-Its-" I stopped when he rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. He comes up to me and leans down and whispers in my ears. "Tell me, kitten." He growled.

The Beast Has Been Released (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now