Day 10: Wednesday

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"Shush, you're being too loud!"

"Don't shush me, shush your feet! You want to be stomping all over the place! This ain't stomp the yard!"

"Bitch if we get caught it'll be because I slapped the shit out of you and the slap was loud." I threaten. Tee cane to visit me early this morning with the brilliant idea to sneak me out for a few hours of freedom. I loved the idea except for the fact that as were trying sneak out, nurses are beginning to flitter in. Tee falls in front of me, her foot catching in her own ankle. I cover my mouth to hold back my laughter. She scrambles for a second before standing. She dusts herself off before glaring at my shaking shoulders.

That shit was funny.

She rolls her eyes at me and in a final stretch, we rush out the front door, turning right and sprinting down the street. Today it is sunny; the sun is warm against my skin, casting a glow on my melanin. A soft breeze flows past me, raising the hair on my arms. It's every bit of 70 degrees right now. No doubt, it'll get hotter as the day goes on.

I toss my head back and laugh as we skid to a stop in front of Tee's car. I open the passenger seat door and slide in, closing the door behind me. I look over at tee and find her grinning at me, her eyes full of excitement. "Where are we going?" I ask, out of breath.



I jump high before doing a front flip into the ball pit. The balls are soft as I land on them. I quickly sink to the bottom of them. My arms whip around as I try my hardest to surface he wave of balls. Pause. I snort at my own thoughts before someone else jumping into the pit knocks me to the side.

"Stephanie, help! I'm drowning!" Tee shouts in my ear. My left hand flies out and I mush her face, effectively shutting her up. "Bitch you can't drown in balls unless a dick is in yo' throat so shut up." I begin moving forward, knowing that the wall I jumped off had to be somewhere near me. My hand grazes a plastic wall and I reach up and grip the edge, pulling myself up. "Bitch help me up." Tee says, gripping the waistband of my pants, pulling them down more as the seconds pass.

"Telara you pulling my pants down, move stupid!" I shout, laughing at the situation. "Well help me up then!" She screeches. "For real, my hydrophobia is kicking in!"

"We aren't in water!"

"It feels like it though!" She counters. I laugh and continue to pull myself over the ledge while keeping my pants up. She decided that we should jump into my day of freedom by jumping around. So she brought me to Skyzone which is the most childish, yet fun, place that I've ever been. Its literally trampolines everywhere! They're on the floor, on the walls, just everywhere.

"You know what bitch?" Tee begins, sounding out of breath. I turn around and face her to find her with a single leg on the ledge, having the hardest time of her life. "I've come to the conclusion that you are absolutely no help. And I hate you." I roll my eyes and chuckle before walking over to her and grabbing her arm, dragging her out of the pit.

"That will be the first and last time you drag me." She comments. "Keep running ya mouth, I'll drag you again." I taunt playfully. She stands up, her hands on her hips as she breathes heavily. "If I wasn't so out of breath, I would put you on yo neck." She threatens.

"Do something then!"

"Let me find my inhaler first."

"You not finna do shit--" her phone rings cutting me off. She reaches into her pocket, how its still in her pocket, i don't know, and pulls it out. Her smile disappears from her face as she reads the caller ID.  She sighs and tilts the phone towards me so I can see the name; its Dawson.

"Just don't answer it." I say. She shakes her head, "and have him put out an APB on me? No thank you. I like a drug dealer, I don't need him having trust issues." She replies before answering the call. "Hello Dawson... Yes, she's with me... She's fine... I'll bring her back when she's ready... I don't give a fuck about their policy, I'm the one that had her admitted so I should have the right to take her out whenever she wants!" Tee's face drops a bit before annoyance spreads across it. "Fine. She'll be back in a half hour. That is low Dawson, even for you." She spits before ending the call. "Come on, I gotta get you back."

"What happened?" I ask as I follow her towards the shoe stand. She snatches her shoes and slips them on, "they are threatening to revoke my visitation privileges."

"What?! Dawson wouldn't let them do that!"

"Dawson believes that I am interfering with your recovery, so yes, yes he would." She shakes her head, "they better not touch my visitation rights."

"They're not gonna touch shit because I will raise hell if they do."


"Telara, I don't know who the hell you think you are! You can't just be taking her out of the program!"

"Hold up," I intercede, "don't come out ya' mouth at her like that. She didn't take me anywhere I didn't want to go."

"I didn't take her out of the program, I just took her out of the building." Tee chimes. "It doesnt matter! She wasn't supposed to leave!"

"What is this? Prison?" Tee snaps.

Dawson sighs in frustration, rubbing his forehead. "I had to negotiate your visitation abilities in order to save your ass. You can't visit her for a week." Tee throws her head back and laughs, "man get the fuck out of here, imma see her when I motherfucking please and any bitch that get in my way can surely get smacked dead in her face." She declares.

"This is ridiculous! I was only gone for 4 fucking hours!"

"And that's 4 hours longer than you were supposed to be out! It doesn't matter, what's done is done. Tee, you have to leave before they change their minds and ban you completely. Stephanie, go to your meeting with Darren."

"Who out you in charge of me?" I sass. "I did as soon as tee showed that she wasn't mature enough to make sure that your recovery comes first." He says, casting a glare at her. "Its miss Telara to you, detective. And by the way, I am mature, and her recovery is always going to come first. But I also know that if you keep someone in a hospital long enough, they'll come out with something else wrong with them." Her voice is even but the glint in her eyes is full of anger.  She looks over at me and gives me a tight smile, "I guess I'll see you next week."

I suck my teeth and hold my arms out to give her a hug, "this is some bullshit." I whisper. "I know." She replies. After a minute, our arms drop and tee grabs her purse and stomps out the door. "She is childish as hell." Dawson comments. I twirl around to face him with quickness. "I don't know if you thought that I was going to let you say that shit and get away with it but I'm not. Don't fucking disrespect her and don't get a head of yourself. You aren't in charge of nothing. And as long as my best friend isn't allowed to visit me, you won't be allowed to either. So get the fuck out." I order before turning and climbing onto my bed. Seconds later the sound of my door opening and closing greets my ears.

Goal: 35 votes!
You guys I start college at the end of the month, which makes me curious, where are y'all at in life? Are y'all in middle school or high school? And if so what grade? And if you're in college, whats your major?

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