Day 7: Sunday

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THE BOOK HAS HIT 2K READS! JUST 2 WEEKS AGO IT WAS HITTING 1K! Oh lawd, I love you guys so, so, so, so much yo! None of this wouldn't have happened without you guys

"Well this is a surprise." I comment as I open my bedroom door. Tee chuckles, "it's Sunday, Dawson had church." I roll my eyes, "church, ewww." I comment. Tee laughs, "Don't say that! Not too long ago you were in the back of a church looking for some words of wisdom."

I nod, "yeah, but it's different now."

"How so?"

"My beliefs has changed."

Tee shakes her head, "don't let a few tragic things make you stop believing in god."

"It's not a few things, Tee. Its multiple things, back to back! The things that happened to me-- why would a loving god allow that to happen? Why would a caring god allow me to lose my child? Why?"

"I can't answer those questions but it's nice that he stays close to God. Someone has to." I side eye her, "what you got a crush on the fed?" I question. She smirks and shakes her head, "no, I am more into Andrew than anything."

"Oh really?"

Tee blushes and nods, "I like him and he likes me too... It's just he's having a hard time right now." I nod, understanding, "you just got to give him time. One thing I can tell you is that he's as loyal as a rescue dog for his girlfriends."

"Whoa, did you suddenly forgive Andrew?"

I shake my head, sitting on my bed, "not at all. It's just a fact."

"Yeah, whatever, you're getting soft Stephanie. It's good to see you being a bit soft instead of the hard up bitch that will smack anybody."

I scoff, "it must be in the air because you're changing too. I mean look at you," I wave at her outfit, "I mean, your skirt goes a bit last your knees, you are showing less cleavage, your hair isn't a bunch of different colors; you're maturing."

She laughs, "I've always been mature. I just was trying to pretend that I was still a teenager. I mean honestly, Steph, we're almost 30. You're 27, I'm 28, it's around the time that we begin looking presentable. I know for a fact that I want to be someone's wife one day." She looks at me for a second before shrugging out of her jacket, "enough about me, let's talk about you. How'd you like ya' first week at rehab?"

"It has been a week now hasn't it? I almost didn't notice. I feel like I've been here for ages. Maybe its because of all of the crying that I've been doing. I've never cried so much in my life. I really need to work on that."

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