Day 15: Monday

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Somehow wattpad didn't save the edited version of this chapter so I had to hurry up and fix the typos for you guys.

It's ironic really. The state is looking at his death as a murder but to me? It's still a suicide and that's what's Ironic. When I was ready to kill myself, he begged me not to but it's okay for him to allow those men to kill him. Daniel was a big man, he could've easily fought back ad got a guard's attention, saved himself. But no. He allowed them to kill him. "Are you mad?" His voice causes chills to ride my spine like a rollercoaster.

"Don't I seem angry? I reply.

"You actually seem rather calm. I would think you would be yelling at me right about now."

"You're dead." I say bluntly, "to yell at you means to yell at me and I'm not trying to get sedated because a nurse believes that I'm breaking down." "Now you believe what people say?" "Now we hold double standards?" I question. "Since when is it okay for you to kill yourself?"

"I didn't kill myself--"

"Even after you die, you're still lying!?" I snap. "You let those men string you up, hang, and kill you! You could've fought back but you didn't! And because of you, I'm here! You destroyed me! Was It worth it?!" I ask, standing and facing his sitting figure. He was sitting beside me on the bed. "Are you happy wherever you are?! Are you in heaven?! Are you in hell?! Because I'm surely in hell! Every day, I wake up to hell! You wanna know why I'm in hell?! Because you aren't here!" Daniel drops his head and I reach out to raise it out of reflex but fail as my hand goes straight through him. I snatch my hand back, holding it to my chest as I begin to cry. "You left me! willingly, you left me! You told me all those years ago to never leave you, but it was you who left me!"

"You did leave me! You ran from me and you tried to shoot me!" He counters, his ghastly face turning red. Or maybe that was my imagination. "You put your hands on me! And after Christopher, I promised myself that I would never allow someone to hurt me in the name of love! So I'm sorry if I had to leave to keep myself safe! And shooting you?! I would never have pulled that trigger because no matter how much I thought I hated you, I never wanted to lose you!" My voice is hoarse as I stare at him. I want nothing more than to reach out and hold him but he's not there and it makes things so much worse. "I was pregnant Daniel!" He looks at me in shock, his eyes wide. "They told me you were gone and I ended up miscarrying, Daniel. I literally lost my last piece of you, because you chose to be selfish!"

"I didn't know."

"I know, but you knew that your death would affect me."

"I thought you would be happy that I was gone."

"And I thought you knew me better than that... I still loved you, even when I lied to myself and said that I hated you, I loved you. I could see myself marrying you. I could see myself in that house of yours with a few babies, living a happy life. And now all I see is myself being stuck in this room for the rest of my life because I can't seem to catch a break. I can't find peace of mind long enough to fix myself." Daniel shakes his head and slowly begins to fade away, "No, don't you dare leave me again!" I shout, "Look at what the hell you've done! Look at your damage!" I scream, reaching out to grab his face again but my hand finds my empty bed. I fall to my knees, my head on my bed as I cry. My door opens and I hear a small gasp, "Stephanie!" Tee calls. I hear her drop to her knees beside me before she wraps her arms around me.

"No, let me go," I command, "I don't deserve you! Just let me rot here forever, go live your life." "No, Stephanie, you're my best friend, I will never give up on you because I know that if you were in my shoes, you wouldn't give up on me." Her words cause my heart to skip a beat, taking my breath away. After a few moments, she allows me to lean away from her, wiping away the remnants of my tears. "Here," she says before reaching in her purse. Slowly she pulls out an all-black urn and my hands fly to my mouth before I slowly take it from her. "Andrew told me to give it to you before he got arrested." My eyes fly from the urn to her, "Oh my god, is he okay? How did it go?" I ask.

Tee sighs before bursting into tears, "I pulled up to the house, and parked. He turned to me, loading his gun and he said to forget about him." She pauses to sob and I place the urn down, grabbing her hands. "He said he could get 10 years in prison, minimum, depending on how many people he kills and that he isn't worth waiting 10 years for. And then he kissed me, slipping this key," she points to the key that's on a chain around her neck, "in my back pocket. He said it's the key to his heart. And then he snatched away from me and got out the truck, a gun in both hands. And then he walked across the street, never looking back-- I wish he would've looked back, because I swear I would've stopped him." I wipe her tears away, "But I knew he had to do it... to at least put himself at ease. I watched him kick the door in and then I heard the gunshots. I cried as watched as naked women ran out of the house and it wasn't long before Andrew walked out, blood on his shirt, a gunshot on his shoulder. He tossed the guns to the side and dropped to his knees and waited for the police to show up. He didn't notice that I was still there until the police put the cuffs on him. And then he mouthed for me to drive and at that exact moment, a detective began turning around and I floored it. I should have convinced him to not do it, shouldn't I have?" She questions.

I shake my head, bringing her in for a hug, "No, he would have done it anyway. There is no convincing him to not do something that he is focused on. Believe me."


"How am I supposed to forget him? Tee asks, turning towards me in the bed. After her story, we both laid down and took a little nap, waking up not too long ago. "I mean; this man has impacted me. He's cared for me more than any other man that I have met. When I got in that car accident, he made it to the accident before the ambulance and was tending to me before the ambulance could. He-- he has loved me better than anyone, other than you, ever has. And to hear that he may go to jail for 10 years... it hurts. Because I only just really met and gotten to know him, but I'm already attached to him. Is that weird?" She asks. I shake my head again, smiling, "Not at all. A good month after I met Daniel, I was in love with him. Some people... just have an open connection that only you can hone in on and once you do, you're stuck. And it sounds like you guys have connected." She sighs, "If it was Daniel that went to jail for 10 years... Would you--"

"Would I wait for him? I most definitely would. I would wait because during those 10 years, he's fed, has somewhere to sleep, he's almost safe from his enemies that's out here, and over everything, he's alive. Daniel would be worth waiting for."

"Do you think I should wait?"

"I don't know, it's your life. 10 years is a long time to wait but if you feel like he's worth it, then you should. But be sure before you let those 10 years begin--" She slides off the bed and runs to my bathroom, sounds of her throwing up meeting my ears.

Uh oh.

After a few minutes she comes out the bathroom, holding her stomach. A nurse opens my door, sticking her head in, "Visitation is over in 2 minutes' lady's!" She says in a cheery tone. We nod at her and she closes the door. I look at my window and notice that its dark outside, we must've slept the day away. "I don't know why I'm so sick." Tee says, walking over to her shoes and putting them on. I chuckle, "I have an idea. Did you and Andrew do the deed?" I ask, teasingly. Tee jaw drops, "You don't think--"

"Go home and take that test, sis."

Announcement! Tee will be having her own story at one point... So what do yall think it'll be about?!

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