Day 16: Tuesday

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If you ever get tired of running from your demons, just turn around and face them.


I stare at my reflection, observing every inch of my face. My face is thinner, I have dark circles around my eyes, my lips are pale, and my eyebrows look tragic. My left hand goes up and touches my hair; its dry and brittle, harsh to touch. I bite my lip before licking them. I don't look like myself. I turn and walk out my bathroom and straight to my bed room door. I swing the door open, surprising the nurse that was passing by. She quickly covers her look of surprise with a friendly smile, "Is there something I can get you Ms. McCray?" She asks nicely. I nod, "Yeah, do y'all have some scissors?" Alert begins to flood my head and I quickly shake my head, letting go of my door as I raise my hands, "No, no, no, it's for my hair." She looks at me in doubt, hesitation written across her face. "I swear it's for my hair, you can even sit and watch me." I bargain.

After a second, she breaks and nods, telling me that she'll be back in a minute and that she will be sitting with me while I cut my hair. I smile at her and say thank you before rushing to my bathroom. I turn on my shower, setting the water to a tolerable temperature before sliding my head under it. I always believed that if something was beyond repair, you must get rid of it. I cannot repair my hair while I'm in here.

Someone knocks on my door at the exact moment that I begin wrapping a towel around my hair. I rush out the bathroom and find that the nurse has returned with safety scissors. "It's the best that I can do for you." She explains. I nod, grateful that she even got me scissors. I slowly take the scissor from her and point my thumb towards the bathroom. Together we walk into the bathroom and stare at me in the mirror. I begin parting my hair down the middle, making two sections. My hair is rough even though its slightly wet. I sigh and nod to myself, picking the scissors back up and grabbing the hair that rests on my left shoulder.

I place the scissors and close my eyes, the sound of hair cutting greeting my ears. I open my eyes, finding my hair falling into the sink.

 I open my eyes, finding my hair falling into the sink

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I exhale and smile, my smile turning into a grin. And then tears begin filling my eyes. "Why are you crying?" The nurse asks, her voice soft and gentle. I shrug, putting my hands on the sink for a second. "I can't explain it. I honestly don't know. But I have this feeling in me and its overwhelming and I just want to cry." I admit.

"Let me go Christopher!" I scream, my voice muffle by my severely swollen lips. "You want to take a break?!" Screams Christopher, "Ill beak something alright!" He lets go of my arm, which he had been using to drag me through my hall and grabs my neck, pulling me up and against the wall beside me. He lets go of my neck quickly and grabs my hair in the middle of me crashing back to the floor. A loud rip sounds in my right ear and I scream, my head pound as I put my hands up to the back of my head. I feel my scalp.

I blink away my tears and grab the other section of hair and roughly begin cutting it, watching as the spirals of curls fall from my head. "What the hell?! Stephanie!" Tee's voice shouts and I ignore her, tears steadily falling as I cut my hair. I stare into my own eyes, just looking for something.

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